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such BS.. these BM need there heads examined!

buterfly_2011's picture

We have been trying to contact BOTH BM's since Monday regarding our TIME this weekend. It is our weekend for BOTH sets of kids. We didn't hear back from BM #1 until today. She just can't AFFORD the gas to drive half way because of and extensive party she has planned for SS11's upcoming birthday AND because of the very expensive present she bought SS14 for 8th grade graduation and because she gets SO LITTLE in CS (1000 a month) she just can't afford the gas to bring the kids half way. She moved 6 hours away 2 years ago and the deal was that they would meet half way on OUR scheduled days. Of course this has NEVER been the case. There is ALWAYS an excuse. Several times we have gone half way and she calls, "Oh I can't make it all the way can you drive an extra 50 miles to meet me"!!!! I can't recall ONE time where she has fully driven to the half way mark to deliver skids to us.

SO texted back and said I do not have an extra 200 for gas to do the entire 6 hour drive. And he isn't lying. We don't have it. Sadly we don't. To me this is rather simple. SHE chose to spend an assnine amount on a birthday party for SS11. And she CHOSE to buy an assnine present for an 8th grade graduation. It is her MISMANAGEMENT of money that puts her in the spot that she is in 24-7. And my SO has to pay the price of NOT seeing his kids...... For us it's a choice. Gas or food for a week. That is our reality. We are both currently looking for second jobs. And until we have one this is how we have to live. HER reality is her BF buying them the house, the cars and her going back to school because she lies about her financial status. Granted this isn't our business but it CHAPS my ASS that she has the BALLS to say nasty things to SO regarding if we can afford it or not? I wish he would just block her from texting. I'm exhausted.

BM #2 still has NOT responded. This will be going on two weeks she refuses to respond to his texts. I want so badly to take her phone number and do it myself. What is wrong with these women? WE are talking about a man who wants to spend time with his kids. Pays them every two weeks and is trying to be a part of their lives. There are thousands of women out there who want half of that and get nothing.

I told my SO today that he can either take measures to change this bullshit or he can continue to let them walk all over him. But this is something he needs to decide and soon. And if he continues to let them walk on him then he can no longer get mad or cry on my shoulder. Because I can't feel badly for him much longer if he doesn't take measures to ENFORCE his custody agreement with these crazy bitches. AND he needs to stop explaining to BM #1 where his money goes. It's not her business. HE owes her no explanations. UGH!

I am spent. I want to disengage from all this craziness I just don't know how to. Because I know he will ROLL OVER and take their shit until he dies.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

BM 1 sounds a lot like my GUBM. Even when we lived 10 minutes away from her, it was always some stupid issue that prevented her from doing her fair share of the driving. It was less annoying then, but, the further away we got from her, the more obnoxious it became. Sadly, it has come down to my SO just telling her that she needs to explain to SD why she can't come visit us if she won't share the driving. I say sadly for two reasons. One, because it deprives SO of time with his daughter - which he deserves to have. And two, because it took almost 3 years for SO to grow the spine needed to put his foot down. Part of me is grateful for all the money we will not have to shell out to accommodate GUBM's asshat needs anymore.

Good for you for telling your SO that he either needs to do something about it or stop whining to you about it - that's huge. I did that myself back in March or April, whenever I got uber fed up with hearing about all the griping because SO was doing NOTHING to change his situation. That's a huge peeve of mine - either do something to change it or you can only gripe to me when I'm willing to hear it, which might not be ever.