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Didn't get my moms day wish

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Well it was supposed to be a ss free weekend, right? evidently BM just couldnt keep him longer than one night. Ugh- this woman did not even want her son on mothers day. Sent him back Saturday afternoon. We did let him stay with a friend sat nite so I really only had to spend Sunday with him.

First of all we get to hear about all things BM. You would think that there wouldn't be much to say in 24 hours but I guess so. She took him to someplace that stays open all night and you play video games . He had like 130 that bms grandparents and aunts and uncles and such always give him for his bday he spent 50 at the video game place buying freaking energy drinks. He had about 7 of the he estimates and bought a few more for his family members. He seems perfectly understanding that he couldn't stay more than one night. After all a lot of people live there like her bro and his friend. So no room for ss.

Sunday morning he was an ass. All I wanted from my kiddos was for them to clean up the house for me. Ss refuses. In fact turns on the tv while he is supposed to be cleaning and makes himself comfortable. Then gets up and calls his BM to wish her happy mom's day. All while he is being defiant with me. Finally I screamed at him two different times in like 10 minutes. I have not raised my voice at this kid in over 5 years. So yeah I was pissed. Then dh came in and yelled at him. He seemed to settle down some. We went to lunch with my side of the family.

And then later that night we all went to a movie. Never once did he acknowledge me on moms day. There is no doubt I do more for him than his mom- that's not hard when she only spends 24 hours with him every 3-4 months and pays no cs. I did get to finally tell him where his social security money went though. He started asking about it- thought it went in the same acct as always witl his and mils name on it. No, buddy it comes in my name and goes in my account so u better be nice to me! He mumbled something in response.

The day ended ok- but times like this are why I don't go out of my way for the kid and will not and will keep my distance. He is old enough at 14 to acknowledge me. He lives here. He spent the day here. He calls me mom for goodness sake!