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not going home yet

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

thursday was the meeting at the rehab place for sd13...BIG waste of time! it is voluntary, they wont even accept her unless she is 100% committed to change. and sd is NOT. i hadnt seen sd in weeks until thursday and when i did i wanted to smack her! she looked high!

anyways, there is a place that is lock-down, no screening, they just take her. not voluntary. bf is calling monday morning. apparently friday evening sd ran away from home and wasnt found till 1am. the cops did nothing. according to bf, he was begging them to take her cause running away is against probation...but the cops found a loophole for her.

janeyc's picture

She is 13 and acting like this? I really feel for you both, this is an absolute nightmare, I really hope you can get sd into this place and I hope they can get through to her, where does BM fit into this?