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may be going back home in the next 2 weeks....

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

bd5 and i have been at my parent's house since the 28th of april. major culture shock for the both of us! of course there are pro's and cons to every situation:

pro: no drama at my parents house. they are pretty set in their routines and schedules and i really appreciate them fitting us into that. we are totally welcome here.

con: my mother has never been involved with bd5---could have something to do with the fact that my 2 siblings have overused the grandma-card and bd5 has been an actual grandchild. i never dumped my child off on my mother. babysitting has always been rare and far between. i just always beleived that the parents raise and deal with their much of a break at all and the first few nights i held in my tears until bd5 was fast asleep because god forbid i can mourn what i have been going through.

now, on to the 'homecoming' has yet again gotten herself lost in the drug pit. bm had her a few days ago and let her go to a friends house, in which sd, her 2 friends, all took a bunch of muscle relaxers and smoked bud and spice. they took her to the ER again and her P.O. decided NOT to violate her probation...but to try and fast track her to inpatient rehab. there is a meeting this upcoming thursday to 'discuss' shit, not sure what, but if all goes well she will be placed at this institution for 6mo-yr, it includes virtual school, detox, therapies, ect. hope she gets in.

if she does, bd5 and i will be moving back home. bf has his first therapy appointment for monday morning, and will be signing up for parenting classes as well. CPS never got involved, thankfully. i am hoping that with him in therapy and us taking parenting classes, we can make this work. i am also hoping that this rehab thing happens and works and helps sd13 become the type of person she should be, versus the person she is right now.

janeyc's picture

What a terrible situation, only 13, just a child but thinks she's grown up I expect, I want to wrap her up in cotten wool, your sd is lucky that you care about her, I to hope she gets into that institution, how did bm react to this and will bm need parenting classes as well?

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

thank you, but she isnt too lucky as i have washed my hands of her. she needs to be held accountable for her actions. she will be 14 soon, so i feel the coddling and pity parties need to end.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

im moving back in a few days after sd gets in rehab. if she doesnt get it, then plan B is to stay at my parents house until he finds another placement for her...if he ever does. since leaving i have felt better about making i had no problem telling him i am done being there when sd is if this is the person she is and wont change....not only for the drugs but how she treats us and bd5 as well. he of course doesnt like this but oh freakin well.

bf and i are ok. we have talked alot since my leaving, the typical "cant live without u" stuff but he also knows its whats best for bd right now. promises for change blah blah blah i called him obama lol i do love bf so very much but everyone here is right i need to look out for my daughter.

bd5 is ok as well. she misses seeing bf everyday but we keep busy and she has seen him cause he has come over alot (without sd). she thrives on routine and a schedule so she is in a new one finally. plus we are at grandma and grandpa's so its a familiar setting.

Disneyfan's picture

Glad to hear that you and your daughter are in a good place.

I hope your SD is able to turn her life around. If she does, I hope her loser parents don't try to take credit for it.

Can't believe that neither parent is trying to do anything to help their child. If she gets into rehab, it will be because of the efforts of her PO and not her parents.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

i agree with u, the only thing bf did was mention it to the PO.

i hope she turns her life around as well, but i also hope that in the event she does, everyone involved will understand when i dont do cartwheels....too much damage has been done.