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Completely O/T: but I got some incredibly good news tonight!!

AndSoItIs's picture

I have been working my butt off at this new job that I got pretty recently after graduating with my masters in December. Because I have zero experience in management, and because I am 25, I have been the ADON of a behavioral health facility. Well...beginning May 1, guess who is now interim DON until our DON "officially" retires in August. Meaning she will be training me "officially" (to me the ADON position has been unofficial training) from May 1-August 30, and then I take over. I am SO proud of myself, and while right now I am a little overwhelmed, I am happy I got the call on a night that I had off, and BM had skids per CO bc SDs bday is tmrw, so I was at my best friends house celebrating a night off with her and her sweet baby. I love MY life right now. I am lying here in bed now with my DH enjoying American Idol from earlier tonight, and relishing in my new accomplishment. MINE. For ME. Not DH, not SKIDs, I started this journey before I ever knew DH. This has been my "goal" (maybe not THIS, but succeeding in my career) in life. One of my life goals checked off. Something I have done and always have done for ME. And I DID IT!!' I am completely overwhelmed with emotion!!


AndSoItIs's picture

Thank you guys so much!! I was completely beside myself when I got the phone call, I am going in for an "official" meeting about it this morning and I am just so excited!! Thank you guys so much!!

overworkedmom's picture

That is so awesome!! Congrats on finishing grad school too! I really have to get that going myself Smile

AndSoItIs's picture

I can say from experience it is the most rewarding feeling to finish. It's something you do for you and it's so empowering! You go girl!!! It's a great feeling!

AndSoItIs's picture

Thank you so much!! DON= director of nursing and ADON= assistant director of nursing! I have worked in this facility for 6 years and started as just a nurse aide while I was in my bachelors program, the i worked there as an RN through my masters program. I finished my masters and I happened to be incredibly close with our DON and we had only had an acting ADON at the time because of some things that were going on. I applied for the official position and I got it, and have only been mentored by an amazing DON who has been there for/with me since I even had my RN. So I had a couple of years as a nurse under my belt, I had worked as a nursing assistant through school, I know my facility, I know my patients (yes they change but I make it a point to "get to know" every patient that comes through our doors, even if it's only for a 72 hour hold), and I LOVE my job. So to me, while I am quite shocked it's so soon, this has been my "plan" all along. My DON decided to take her retirement plan this year, and this came on sort of suddenly because she made the decision after her daughter (who oddly enough is only 3 years older than I am) suffered a stillborn child in February, and has subsequently she's been diagnosed with uterine cancer and she and her husband (obviously) are going through a terrible time. She decided it was best to retire earlier than originally planned and be with her family. While my heart breaks for the circumstances this has come about, I am so thankful that she feels enough trust in me to take her place. I have a meeting at 11 to discuss the details and while I know it's going to be incredibly hard work and I have a lot to learn in these next few months, I accept the challenge with open arms!

AndSoItIs's picture

Thank you everyone soooo much!! I had an awesome meeting this morning and ironed out all the details, and wow I am so excited!!! BM attempted to steal my joy by pulling some bs with the skids...but I'll worry about that at another time. I'm too happy with MY life to not even be bothered by that right now...haha.