A new day and a new hope....
I know it sounds sappy and a little like a Star Wars movie quote but it's how I feel.
Two days ago I just felt so beat down and I was just exhausted. BM and DH had a great talk that night and came to an agreement about the extra curricular activity conflict (long dramtic filled story I'm just not in the mood to rehash). DH then extended a "let's start over from here" to BM's boyfriend (who everybody is an uproar over because BM took him back for the upteenth time). Her restraining order against the boyfriend was vacated in the whole process and she just can't understand why everyone is so upset?!? I'm just so tired of DH trying to convince BM that this relationship is not only toxic to her but to ALL of her family - her children, her mom, her sister, even DH and I suffer. I'm just burnt out pointing out the obvious and I'm not going to let it upset me. Not only that BM and the boyfriend are going to counseling which I think will help matters. DH and I decided to just let it all go instead of harboring any resentment.
Anyways a couple weeks ago BM stated to DH that she "doesn't hate Colorado Girl anymore". I'm not sure if this is an accurate statement but at least she has taken responsiblitiy for her feelings. She's bipolar and has Borderline Personality Disorder so that is a big step for her. I'm sure she still blames me for there being no reconciliation of her nuclear family but at least she's forgiven me for it. Progress, I think. Her not hating me anymore, whether or not it was ever actually justified, was a HUGE step in the route to resolution.
It has taken me two weeks to process this internally and I came to this conclusion. I'm glad BM has forgiven me. I think I am quite guilty of a lot of the turmoil that has ever conspired between DH and her. Who gives a shit if she has the Dr.'s office bill DH instead of paying the copay? Does WWIII need to take place over a $25 bill? Or the clash of the titans because BM lost a shirt that I had bought for SD10 or SD5 ruined a brand new pair of tennis shoes? No, it doesn't. I need to back off and let them hash out their own crap and quit being so damned involved. I have faith in my husband and a promise from him that he will listen whenever I feel uncomfortable about something. (Like too many phone calls to DH for advice about her BF, that sort of thing)
So after all this internalizing and analyzing and talking with my counselor, I picked up the phone and made the call to BM. It began with a "I heard a rumor that you don't hate me anymore"... and I told her that all I want is to forge a truce, get over the past and just move forward. I promised never to stick my nose in where it didn't belong again and I apologized for all the times I had in the past. I also expressed to her that for the rest of our lives, I never want to discuss DH, parenting plans, child support, her boyfriend, her mom, or anything of the sort and she promised to never suck me in again and even admitted her fault in engaging in these conversations only to tell me later to mind my own business. She then proceeded to tell me that a lot of her anger and resentment came from just being so hurt. At one point she even stated that DH and I must love each other very much after what we ALL have been through. Thank you for that, BM.
I am so emotional today. I have such a sense of hope that it is almost overwhelming. I have been so angry for so long and I really am just broken. I concede. BM is who she is and when DH and BM's mom are done taking care of her because she can no longer use the girls as leverage, her daughters will have to take care of her. It's a fact that I accept and I'm willing to move past. I can't force her to change and just can't be upset about her unwillingness to do so. I found my peace and my place and I will do whatever it takes to maintain it. I love my family and I refuse to give up.
So like my blog title it's a new day and I have a new hope.....
- Colorado Girl's blog
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It sounds like you're all in
It sounds like you're all in a much better place! Here's hoping you stay there. (((HUGS!)))
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
Thank you...
very much.
"Here's hoping you stay there."
Are you drinking already? That sounded like a toast!
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Drinking already?! That
Drinking already?! That implies I ever stop!
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
This is
extremely generous of you. I cringe at the thought of any conversation with our BM. I hope it continues to go smoothly, and everyone can just move on!!
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
I like cabernet too along with a steak cooked just right,
and a baked potato, and my BM's head on a stake. OOPs sorry about the stake part. Man, if I would have talked to my MB like that she would somehow turn it around and make it sound as if I was condensending her something. That is what bipolar is though UP the downs.
CG, enjoy the ups !! Did you record the conversation, just for a little reminder.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Good for you!
I'm so glad to hear that for now you are both on the same page. Your thoughts sounded alot like my own about 6 months ago. I can no longer be so involved either...it's extremely exhausting. I can't say that BM and I have had or will ever have the conversation that you had with your BM BUT we never had an extremely volatile relationship either. I dislike her and think she's a terrible mother but I don't let SD12 know that or even hear me speak ill of her mother. When I see BM and SD12 is standing near...I'm very cordial to her and her to I but we aren't friends by any stretch of the imagination. We can't have a conversation like you had with the bi-polar BM because she's an idiot.
At any rate, I no longer get myself involved when I shouldn't. If BM is late for the meet time...okay...I don't go anymore so I don't feel that she's interrupting my life. I no longer get pissed about clothes not coming back because DH has to deal with SD12 when she says "I don't have any clothes" (and we've spent several hundred dollars on very nice clothes) because I refuse to deal with it. When SD12 is acting up and not behaving or minding...once again it's DH....not me.
I know she's a terrible mother as does DH but I've come to the realization that I can't make her mother the way I do. I can't make her love her child the way I do. I can't make her be involved with her child like I am. I CAN however make DH deal with the drama from it.
I'm sorry....I didn't mean to go off on your post.
I'm just feeling like that right now.
You and I....
...are on the exact same page. I think I have lost all the fight in me. I just can't take the constant arguing and conflict in my life. I'm headed to life in an asylum otherwise. So I'll be the one to raise the white flag, so to speak.
I am not going to engage whatsoever anymore. No matter how mad I get, I'm done. It's funny because I felt so defeated...but after telling her that I was no longer going to ever talk to her again about ANYTHING, I have such a sense of triumph as well. Go figure.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
I am so Happy for You
Colorado Girl,
I am happy for you. To be able to come to terms with issues ... to have some relief, to let go of anger and negativity ... all that stuff lets you grow as a person. Could you imagine being all that garbage for the remains of your days?
You would turn into one of those grumpy old ladies who sits in a cafe or airport and says, "ugh, I hate the weather" or "you people make my rear end itch" ... You know the ones where you think "wow that lady had a hard life"
So yeah, it's good to move on
"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln
I already am...
one of those grumpy old ladies.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
you have reached a better place
you stopped playing the game and once you take your ball away there is nothing left to play with.
fights and arguements are two sided right, if we dont respond they are left fighting nothing.
I read somewhere if you have anger and resentment in your life you will draw that to yourself. Now that you have moved past that all that good energy will come to you!!
ok are we meeting at Steves for Dinner???
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
Anger and resentment...
I think all they are good for are wrinkles.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
and grey hairs
amen, lawd knows I dont need no more stinking wrinkles!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”