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I tried

Sia's picture

I tried to stick to the "be positive" challenge by caribgirl, but I failed miserably. SD16 started with her holier than thou act and shot her mouth off one too many times, and I lost it. I did not hold anything back this time. I have had enough, enough, enough.....;enough. You know what I mean? I am soooo very tired of dealing with her and her crappy attitude and DHs inability to correct it. It makes me sick. Of course, DH blames me for losing my temper.....yeah well, get over it. DH says I am the "adult" and should not have behaved that way. Probably not, but I am so tired of keeping my mouth shut just because I am the adult! It seems ridiculous to me that she can pop off at the mouth and I'm not suppose to say/do anything to her???? What is that? I think this is why kids today are so rotten, nobody stands up to them because we are all so afraid we might hurt "their fragile ego's". Let me say that if I had talked to my parents that way, I would have been knocked into another dimension and there is nothing wrong with me today. In fact, I think I am better for it.... I know how to respect people and have compassion for others, something these teenagers lack today! OK enough of my soapbox.....anyway, sorry caribgirl, I really did try! Smile


debiamia's picture

Nothing worse than a mouthy 16 year old step daughter.