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Do anyone have any experience of ODD or is dealing with it?

mom2boys's picture

We highly suspect SD has ODD. Finally drs and etc are listening. still however we have to wait time to get a diagnosis's. How do you deal with ODD? I am at odds and it is tearing my family apart. we are doing the extra counselling, extra everything... and nothing works. I havent spoke to her all week ( mainly cause im at work) and cause of that and she knows i aint there to see her do the things she spose to do..there is at LEAST 3 pairs of pajamas pants in her room soaked with PISS and not down in the laundry room to be washed as she KNOWS she is suppose to do it. UGH. I pisses me off cause the floor is going to smell like piss..the room smells like piss. my HOUSE smells like piss. i dont even have anyone over cause i am so embarrassed. with that being that, i don't let her have anyone over too. UGH.... what can i do!!! I have to be on her back every second of the day... if i don't, she does this behavior..and even when i do..she throw tantrums..... what to do...either way im at a loss...

Crazy_in_Ohio's picture

I don't have any experience with my child having ODD, but I do have some experience with a friends' son having it. I'm sure it is a very trying experience for you and I wish you the best of luck.

The child with the ODD is in my cub scout den and I have to say, sometimes it takes every ounce of energy I have not to send him into a wall. (I know I shouldn't say that, but it's true and sometimes the other 7 boys in our den suffer because of his antics) My son, however, is a God send because somehow he's the soother for this boy and he gets him to chill out, focus and center - at least for a little while.

Good luck!

mom2boys's picture

we suspect adhd too but we are just trying to get any kind of diagonises...cause we know things aint right with her in her head.. i am so frustrated.. i called DH while i was at work , to have him talk to her about the pissy pants and i said about next time the PJ's will be going in the garbage and he said well you can't do that now,,,, im like watch me! my house SMELLS and shes making it worse by even adding to it even MORE. i feel like he never even said anything to her about it ....and im just spose to sit back and watch.... i actually thought about leaving tonight.. i can't handle this anymore...