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O/T MAN PISS Infused with Alcohol (VENT)

thinkthrice's picture

Chef discovered that there was a wax ring leak in the master bath toilet. My house doesn't have a basement; just a crawl space-a downside when it comes to stuff like this.

Up the floorboards came and I had to use "Chef's toilet" WHICH WREAKED of booze infused man piss. Seems drunks can't aim. I have a self cleaning litter box with two cats in there and the man piss smell nearly knocked me out!

I went in there with my trusty steam cleaner and fabuloso! MUCH better!

Does anyone else have this problem? I noticed that OSS and YSS had zero hygiene and would piss all over the seat when they were coming over.


thinkthrice's picture

Yep, ZERO issues with now grown bioson.

I think they are "marking their territory."

I have walked into that utility room after Chef and seen literally a PUDDLE on the floor in front of the toilet!

Tuff Noogies's picture

that's bad.

i refuse to do any toilet cleaning. i'll use a wipe on the seat where MY ASS goes, but that's it. the skids are terrible at aiming, i think they just dont give a shit. i will put shoes on just to go piss. if dh doesnt feel like holding them accountable, then i dont feel like cleaning up somebody else's body fluids. i am on strike.

but puddles?
:sick: :sick: :sick:

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I'm pretty sure mine used to "miss" and blame my son. This was when my boy was younger and much closer to me.

They have since bonded over male oriented hobbies.

I think it's kind of a territory marking behaviour like leaving little stacks of paper all over the house.

He would piss on the floor and bitch about how dirty the house was.

Little divide and conquer attempt there.

learningallthetime's picture

BS7 is usually pretty good but yesterday we were out running errands and stopped at Burger King to eat (no fridge/freezer or stove at new place yet, to BS7's delight!). BS7 needed to pee, so I ordered and off he went. He came back with his shirt and shorts COVERED in pee. I asked what happened (not sure at that point if it was water from the tap) and he yells "MOMMY, MY PENIS WENT CRAZY AND PEED UP IN THE AIR!!!". Luckily the 20 or so people in BK saw the funny side!