Second guessing my advice to DH... helpl
Before responding, PLEASE consider that YEARS of court battles and a LOT of money has already gone into this situation and to no avail and we are trying to make the best of a bad situation...
ss15 called last night and says he wants to move in with us. Long story short, he lives with his Grandparents, down the street from his bipolar mother, in another state. I am getting tired of how irrational and out of control this whole situation is. ss15 will often avoid DH completely for weeks and then out of the blue he will want to move in with us. Then out of the blue, after DH has made considerable effort to start the legal process, he will avoid DH altogether again because he's getting along with BM again. There's a definite pattern to BM's behavior also. She will periodically insist she doesn't want ss15, DH tries to get him and then she changes her story completely and we are back to square one again.
DH has called his attorney about getting custody and was asked "How much do you want to spend?" His attorney is very familiar with the case and he's a reputable attorney. He is asking for 10k up front, saying it will probably cost that and more and in the end ss15 (who is almost 16) can still change his mind and end up back with BM.
I told DH last night that BM and ss15's grandparents are playing games, it's been going on for far too long and it's getting ridiculous. There's constant drama and they are constantly dragging DH into it. I don't see that it's healthy for ss15 in any way and every few months it makes a complete circus out of our lives. I told DH that when ss15 says he wants to move in with us, instead of DH running to his attorney every time he should tell ss15 to have his Grandparents/BM draw up the court papers, sign them and DH will sign them and take him. DH feels guilty. He feels he should go to the attorney and fight for his son. I feel it's more complicated than that. I feel that teenagers can be moody and change their minds too much and that BM enjoys putting DH through this constant drama. I strongly feel boundaries need to be drawn and the ridiculous circus act BM and the grandparents play with everyone's lives needs to be stopped.
I could really use some advice - especially if this is something anybody else has been through before. I have been pretty adament with DH that this has got to stop and we have got to find a better way to handle things. I don't want to be giving the wrong advice and regret that later.
I think you're right here -
I think you're right here - drop Another 10K for the kid to turn around and probably change his mind again, I don't think so. Has your DH asked SS Why he wants to move in with you? Because for my DH and I not getting along with mom isn't a good enough reason and that sounds like what it's been. It also sounds like SS has used the threat of "I'm gonna go live with Dad!" as a threat to his mother and his grandparents to probably get them to do what he wants them to do.
Honestly, "fighting" for a kid at this age is pretty pointless, judges take Hugely into account where the child wants to be and if SS has changed his mind before, then what's different this time?
DH needs to tell SS - You've burned me before, I no longer have the finances for a wild goose chase - I love you, I want you and if you want to be here, I'm happy to have you. Your mom and grandparents need to get the new custody papers drawn up and signed and you can come live here anytime when that happens, but I simply do not have the money to go to court again and be burned again.
The kid is taking advantage of your husband's guilt and using it for control over his other living situation and you're right - it Has to stop.