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Yep, THATS the way to teach her not to whine...

thefunmommy's picture

DH just left for the store. He went to the gas station, for a soda and some snacks for the kids. SD5 started out asking for things as soon as he said he was going. She then decided she wanted to go with. DH said no, he'd only be gone for 5 minutes. No exaggeration, the gas station is literally a 30 second drive away. She starts whining, increases to tantrum. Does he just leave?


10, maybe 15 minutes later he's still here, waiting for her to get shoes, socks, and a coat on, because she won't do these things in the 2 minutes it takes most kids. DH is obviously not happy, and will probably be in a bad mood for another hour or so, just because that's how he gets sometimes.

So what did we teach SD5? Not to whine? That whining won't get you anything. NOPE. She was just shown that if you whine enough, Daddy will do what you want. AWESOME.


Shaman29's picture

That is awesome. Don't you just want to applaud these guys sometimes??

DH gave his kid some money to go shopping for her winter formal. He didn't tell her but his plan was to tally the receipts and the change and then give her what was left over.

We go to meet her and her friend at the mall. She still needed to buy shoes, so DH asked her how much she had left. She said I have X left over. Then she proceeded to tell us how much each item cost. When she got done I said, then you mean you have Y dollars left, not X. She said, no...I only have X (assuming that DH and I are incapable of simple addition).

DH looked at her and said you bought the dress for A, the accessories for B and you bought dinner for you and your friend. That totals to Y, where's the rest of it? DH was pissed that she was obviously lying to him. Later they sat down with the receipts and change. Did DH keep the change to teach her a lesson?? Oh hell no.

She went home with some pocket money the next day. Good lesson to teach your kid there DH, that you'll reward her for trying to lie to you. AWESOME parenting job.

sonja's picture

UGH!! Know what you mean on that!! We still go through that! And SD is now 4 and she throws a fit, even if he is about to walk to the mailbox or heaven-forbid, go outside on the patio (LOOK THROUGH THE GLASS!) to get the grill going she will cry! If I hear any whining/crying I say no your staying inside, often FDH doesnt have time to chime in. I will not have our BS1 acting like that!

It is so important to have independent children and the dads just think its because they miss them.. uh no! they must live attached to bm's ass!