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SD8.5..the know it all

StepOnMe101's picture

Recently SD8.5 has been correcting me on things. Saying things like "That's not how you do that" or "No that's not true" Really SD because last I checked I AM THE ADULT you are the CHILD. It annoys the crap out of me. If she is like this now I can only imagine. It's almost like I have TWO DH's to deal with when SD is around. She takes after her Father and Grandma..almost OCD about the way things should be done. Everything from folding socks to doing the dishes. SD thinks she is an adult too. Last night we had breakfast for dinner..I made bacon for her and DH. She seemed to think she should get an equal amount as her Dad. I'm sorry but children and adults are NOT equal. If this kid thinks she is going to boss me around her whole life she has another thing coming.


VioletsareBlue's picture

My answer when kids would say this to me is, "Here you go. Knock yourself out." and then leave and let them do it. When they bitched because I dared to do this I just told them to get it done. SD16 does this once in a while now and she gets the evil eye and a lecture.

DH did this once or twice and I would say, "woudl you like to do it?" Of course he did not so I told him to back off.

Auteur's picture

Awesomeson went through this stage when he was around 11. Peg would put him in his place by saying "don't you ever get tired of being wrong?"

He would always counter anything I said by saying "Actually. . ."

My response would be: "prove it!"

Throw the ball back in their court if the "I'm the adult" thing isn't having much success.

Siferra's picture

My SS6 tried this recently with a computer. I work at a freaking IT helpdesk, and a 6 year old is trying to tell me how to use a computer.

It wasn't exporting video to the monitor and he said "It's broken." I said "No it isn't, we just need to change some settings." When the first thing I tried didn't work he said with a snide attitude "See, I told you it's broken."

I said "No, it isn't, but with an attitude like that I'm not going to help you with it. Go play in your room."