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Why is this so irritating?

Helpless0987's picture

Yes I know I'm a little pre-menstrual and currently under some serious financial distress since DH is unemployed now.... But ss10 has been up my ass for fucking days.... I had a long day today, I just want to relax and all he has done for the last few hours is sit right next to me and talk my ear off, interrupt my every conversation, thought and movement. I feel mean but I just want him to get lost for a few hours so I can think and sleep tonight without my mind racing for hours. He's an attention hog always has been but tonight I'm ready to lose it and mentally I'm wishing he would just go into his bedroom and go to bed. Is this so terrible? Its late and snowing like crazy so going out for a drive is out of the question. What makes a step parent need breaks from kids like this?

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

he isnt your child, and it sounds as if u dont care what he has to say...not necissarily a bad thing, u arent a bad person, u just arent interested.

my advice is to be gentle with him, as it sounds he isnt being nasty to you, just wanting attention. use some simple excuses to get some peace and privacy:

1. tell him u need to use the bathroom, take or pretend to take a looong #2 and hopefully he will get tired of waiting and self-entertain.

2. suggest u two each get a book and read on the couch, maybe share a bowl of popcorn or chips. still spending time, lil educational, and he may be quiet!

3. listen to what he has to say briefly, find a break in his story, and then gently explain that his story was cool, but you have some things to finish up or want to do, and suggest u chat later.

4. if u dont have one, make a bedtime ritual where u and him can have a short convo during tuck-in time. set a limit, like 10 minute talk.

sounds like he wants some attention, maybe his daddy isnt doin it for him.

Helpless0987's picture

He gets my attention all the time, and I've given him hours of it today, I'm just ready for a break and guilty daddy refuses a bed time, bed time is when skid wants it to be.... I just really am so stressed that I am only interested in gathering my thoughts which it seems I'm not given the time to do lately.... DH lost his job, has pretty much stopped parenting all together he will hang out but not enforce any structure whatsoever and has done nothing at home. I guess there was an underlying issue and I needed that post to realize what was going on

Thank you disprire I just seen the light at the end of the tunnel I've been struggling to figure out lol i figured out exactly what's really bothering me and Its not the mindless conversation or the skids it's DH !

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

i can see that, having him home and not working and not doing anything else can be frustrating. bf was unemployed for a year (company lay offs due to economy) before he started security and he went into a funk. your dh may be depressed about being unemployed, feeling like he failed u guys. maybe try and talk with him, tho most men wont open up. try to motivate him. if he cant find work right now, which is alot of peoples problem, then maybe he can be the stay-at-home dad and help out at home. men sometimes need to be treated like kids, so direct, motivate, praise, reward good behaviors lol