Court Today...BM demands of alone visitation with DH WAS REFUSED AND MORE - results from the mud slinging I got
Just out of mediation....
So...extortion was what I said the petition stunk of so thanks Doubletakx3....hehehe....
Only thing that my husband got CO to do was visitation changes Are now down from 3 days a week, to 1 day and week and THE BITCH AINT GETTING ANY MORE MONEY!!!! HAHAHAHA Thank goodness....this way we aint stuck with them all weekend
In the answer to the petition....[she alleged I was some dope smoken alcoholic emotionally abusing her children and that my kids are scum...usual crap] I accused bm of negatively influencing the childrens mind to not accept their fathers family, me and my kids and Pas that the bitch is not allowed to say any further negative things about us or a cease and disest letter will be served....I WANT IT SERVED NOW...AND MAY JUST DO THAT - nothing written in court order...but mediator did say to her that she needs to be counselled on accepting me and dh marriage and be assisting the children to do so....;)
court also said that if the spawns dont wanna come over to our boring place where there are rules and they have to eat vegetables and home cooked meals and not allowed to play xbox all day....then they dont have to.....but there is no visitation CO saying My DH has to have the spawns alone. Basically they have been told ...they either put up or shut up...!!!!
the ex slag bm must be froffing at the mouth like a skanky dog with rabies....LOVE IT...
A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HELPED ME WITH THIS ONE....YOU ALL GAVE ME CONFIDENCE TO SPEAK WITH MY DH AND MAKE HIM REALISE THAT HE CAN STOP THE GUILTY DAD NOW AS THIS IS WHATS GOING ON HERE.....I wasnt allowed to enter mediation room but DH said the ex slag bm looked shocked like she had just had her legs cut from under her....she didnt think for a moment we would throw the PAS stuff on her....or the defame my family bit....not to mention the final straw....EXTORTION!!! LUV IT!!!
Congratulations I glad it
I glad it all went well!
I really cannot tell you how
I really cannot tell you how excited for you I am!!! I have a male friend that is being drawn and quartered all the time. His ex gets WHATEVER she wants and the judge even told him that HE would be serving a 30 jail sentence because his 20 yr old son wrote something negative about his mother on his Facebook page. :jawdrop: Said that he should have controlled his son :jawdrop: Horrible situation! BM has admitted to stealing my friends stuff, breaking in, not letting him see his daughter for 3 yrs (NO contact and this was the same judge that ordered her to let him see his daughter!) making up lies about him, no contact with their son, etc.... Just amazing!!! SOOOOOOO......I am so glad that your situation is completely different!!!!!

Yaayyyyy!!! I LOVE it when
Yaayyyyy!!! I LOVE it when the good guys win. Thank goodness you & your DH stood up to the hag and put her in her place. I'm SOOO glad the mediator saw through her b.s.
And it's a relief to know that extortion is still not permitted! Whew.
yeah....hey but guess what
yeah....hey but guess what the turd golden child ss16 wrote on his facebook status after hearing him and his fat fugly brother didnt get their way.
Im so glad my uncle xxxx is now dead and doesnt have to see how horrible this family has become....
so this refers to my DH sister....(my sister in law who I love to death) her husband died 6 years ago...left her with little kids....
anyone have any ideas how to handle this?
DH seems to be doing the head in the bucket of sand....I WANNA REPORT THE LITTLE PRICK AND TRY TO PUT HIM AND HIS MAD MOTHER IN JAIL FOR 20 YEARS....HMMMM how do we do that?
Hey Ripley....thats wonderful
Hey Ripley....thats wonderful advice...thank you....
I didnt facebook creep on the little turd....I blocked him ages ago when he sent me a horrible email saying he was going to smack my face and other threatening stuff if I married his father....
My sister in law txt me yesterday - she was in tears....couldnt understand how anyone could be so mean...Im having lunch with her today....I as the turds step mother, feel I should offer some ideas on how to deal with him....
her son (whose father was found drowned in a boating accident and who is the cousin of this horror) had friended him on fb and thats how this status update was found.....its shocking...
I dont want to ever see this kid ever again...nor want him around my children....his unpredictable behaviour really does make me think he is a criminal in the making....