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Jealous SD.....uuugggghhhh!!!!!!!

crystalyzed's picture

So today is my BD's 10th birthday. And for EVERYONEs bday I always make choc chip pancakes and put candle in it and we allsing happy birthday. And for EVERYONEs bday SD10 is jealous but the worst when it is my bkids bdays. So this morning the little brat of course sat there with an evil stare **** did not sing ****while the rest of us sang. My SD6 and SS7 sang but quietly and like they were forced to do it no smile nothing actually SS7 sat there with his head resting on his hand rolling his eyes. Ok and this is just in the morning. Of course my husband is not home and won't be home until 4:30-5 tonight(like every saturday). So I called my lovely SD10 out on her behavior.......I said oh what's the matter, can't sing because you're too jealous as USUAL!!!!! She said "NO!" with her usual eye rolling and attitude. I said and oh yeah just so you know, stop giving me your fake sarcastic comments like "your so pretty" because I KNOW what you have been saying behind my back to your mother, and i'm tired of you pretending to like me in front of your father and then going back to your mother and laughing about the things you do!!!!! Well she just turned her head and didn't say a word because she talks sooooo nasty about me to her mother and comes her and pretends to be all nice and says nice things but in a totally fake way, overly nice you know. And her sister and brother (my other 2 skids) do the same thing!!!!! I'm tired of this shit they treat me and my kids like garbage, my kids actually are very nice to them and it's sad to see my kids putting up with their stuff and still trying to be friendly and get along with them! That is how I raise my kids to be kind!!! So now I have been out in my back yard all day with my bkids while the skids are in the house (screaming yelling and raising hell-as usual) I just don't care any more i'm SICK of it. All these years of feeling sorry for these kids and trying so hard to help them and they still treat me like shit. I can't keep only blaming their BM, this is them too, especially the bull shit they are coming up with, they are such EVIL little children just like their mother. I can't believe that kids this young can be so DEVIOUS!!!!!!!!GOD please help me get through this......I love my husband so much but I know that this probably is NOT going to work between us.......and that is probably exactly what the skids BM wants, but I can't take being so unhappy any more, and I can't take my bkids being treated this way!!!!!!!!!


crystalyzed's picture

I have been trying to disengage just recently though and I actually feel better. It's tough dealing with these skids. It is hard to ignore their out of control behavior. But i have learned to just keep my kids away form it and IGNORE it.

imjustthemaid's picture

Wow can you come to my house and say the exact same thing to my SD15...please!! I will be going thru the exact same thing in December with my BD turning 10. This year I am gonna take pictures of SD15's face while we are singing and while presents are being opened so DH can see it with his own eyes because he never pays attention.

crystalyzed's picture

LOL that is so funny.....the picture thing....I have TONS of pictures of my SD's miserable evil stare and I make sure that I show it to my husband. I have a 5 years worth of them!!!!! And I always tell my SD wow why do you look so angry, it's a bday party? LOL

imjustthemaid's picture

Talking about pictures the funniest thing happened the other day. SD15 comes home from school and says I need a picture of myself for school. Ok so we start to look thru the family photo albums and oops no pictures of you evil SD. I actually felt bad for a minute but eventually we found one. I never ever take pictures of her and when I videotape I make sure she's not in the video. Who wants to look at that miserable face!!

crystalyzed's picture

I wish I could do that i'm always trying to be fair...... and look where that has gotten me. That is a good idea. At least you will only have HAPPY memories, when I look at the pics and see her miserable evil stares and ugly faces it just makes me remember the bullshit I dealt with on those days!!!!!!

paul_in_utah's picture

Say it with me folks: Disengage, Disengage, Disengage!!!!!!

It has done wonders for my marriage.

oneoffour's picture

Well I think your kids birthdays should be super duper special days just for you and them without their nasty party pooper stepsiblings around. No, they don't need to be there. They can stay at their mothers/grandmothers/whatever idiot will put up with them all day. And Daddy can pick them up on the way home. After all, they don't want to be there in the first place. And you can do fun stuff and outings etc with the kids.

This way you get YOUR house and they don't have to hang out with you all. Also it will reduce the amount of face time you have with SD10 and her crappy attitude. And less ammunition she can take back to her mother which will annoy both of them seeing this is what drives them.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

That's horrible. I would've smacked her. All of the stepbrats.

How do I disengage. Examples please... Idk how to do this esp since I am the one that picks up SS 3 days a week, watches him all night then all day Saturday while DH works. I cant not get him bc dds love him and CS courtdate soon and us having him so much will work wonders in court....