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May we have your attention----Train crash coming

godess-clueless's picture

Some men get it . Some men don't. When a wife says " You are being set up again, you are getting used. remember last time this
happened but you did not believe me? Remember?" THAT IS BITCHING!!

To the wife it is not. It is just the 15th time of yelling "TRAIN CRASH TRAIN CRASH " as the speeding train approaches the car PARKED on the tracks. For some reason hubby keeps going on to the tracks , parking the car, and thinking this time the results will be different. " Remember the last 15 times you did this?"


DaizyDuke's picture

The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
- Albert Einstein

I repeat this to my husband every time he wants to bitch about the same old same old. Dude, if you want this nonsense to stop YOU have to do something about it! Stop doing the same old thing, stop falling into the same old traps, STOP! But yeah, doesn't work in my house either.

young_step_mom's picture

Yeah, but it's the same for us. How many times is DH going to fall for the same thing and how many times are we going to try to warn them? I definitely feel like i am going insane :?

Jsmom's picture

Same thing for DH. When he finally realized that he kept believing BM and she was lying to his face it was great. It was him and SS comparing notes on what she was telling each of them for him to finally stop the insanity and call her out on it. He told her he will no longer believe anything she says since all she does is tell the person she is talking to what they want to hear and then do the opposite. Now they have no conversations at all. An occasional text is it now. He was done. All conversations are through the attorneys.

herewegoagain's picture

And then one day they get it...and you just have to smile... lol

I remember saying such things to DH so many times...about his crazy ex and was all in my mind...nope...not this time... lol After 12 years, it's funny to see how his life was continuously turned upside down because he didn't believe me...

purpledaisies's picture

I remember saying all those things to my dh for the first few years too! We fought and fought about it all the time. It wasn't til I disengaged and he wanted to know why. I told him b/c 1. we fight about the kids and his guilty parenting and the way that he lets bm do what she wants. He would give her money and change the schedule and pick them up at her house any time said so.

I also told him that if he couldn't go by the CO then I was gone b/c I can't be his wife and he have someone else that he is treating like one too.

He slowly started to say no to her and he started seeing her for what she is. Once these guys start to say no they start to see how ridiculous the bm's requests are at least it did for my dh.

iwishyouwould's picture

Take a deep breath. Run a bath and pour bubbles in it. Do what you do to relax. You will be less stressed if you say to yourself " i know there is a train wreck coming. I am going to prepare myself by getting all documentation prepared, bank accounts squared, and taking care of and pampering myself . Hubby doesn't believe me. It's going to really suck for him when this blows up because he isnt prepared like i am. Men are so oblivious." while sipping some wine, reading a book, and soaking in the tub. Rather than : "believe me goddamnit! why arent you listenign to me?! im trying to tell you whats happening here you oblivious man!!" and getting yourself all worked up : ) < 3 Hugs. Take that bubble bath.