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when you breed...

joanie's picture

you knew what you were getting into.

having to always make proper arrangements for supervision, discipline, and financial support. having to take into consideration the feelings of anyone your kid encounters, in public or private. making sure you don't mess th kid up by raising them wrong.

you bred em signed up for it.

if you're a parent who wants to date keep this in mind. YOU made a kid. YOU signed up for that.

nobody else. not even your future partner. only you.

steps don't sign up for what you signed up for; we don't know what we are getting into. YOU did.


the repetition of these phrases ia completely backwards. re PARENT signed up for parenthood.

bottom line...


joanie's picture

what I'm getting into? a kid in my home eow. that I don't have to pay for or discipline or be responsible for. im signing up to cope with a kid's presence in my partners life eow.

that's it.

the Kid's parents signed up for everything else, and they are welcome to it.