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some chit chat with the Kid

joanie's picture

so even though I'm evil and dislike children, I do actually talk to the Kid on the phone at times. I don't hate him in particular and sometimes we've had some funny moments

today, he asks me if (a friend of nine's kid that he met) has ever been to my house.
"no, Kiddo. I hate kids. you're all right but I don't let any other kids hang out at my house."
the Kid, gleefully: "serious?"
me, totally honest: "yep. you're the only kid I can stand."
he turns to the mister with his hand over the phone and says "joanne doesn't like kids, but she says I'M all right. hahaha"

he plays WoW with this other kid and I guess after that he was online. the mister texts me "the Kid is telling his friend how awesome your house is, and that it's too bad kids aren't allowed there, because he had fun visiting and hiking around it"

I prefer to be honest,I'm not mean to the Kid but I'm not going to lie to him. I don't like kids, really, and he IS the only one I put up with he seems ok with that.