You should all know something....
Shopaholic is my son's crazy stalker step mom.
She tracked me down on this site long ago when I was using my real legal name.
She originally began bashing me anonymously and then signed up for our group under the name "Jisselle".
At that time I told everyone who she was and everyone began either ignoring her posts or telling her to get lost.
Jennifer (my son's sm) continued to lurk around and post anonymously until about 8 weeks ago when she signed on again under the user name "Shopaholic".
Her ISP (Internet Service Provider) have traced the user name "shopaholic" to Jennifer's PC. I have built a case against Jennifer and am filing orders againt her.
I have been told by the police that I should urge all of you to ignore Shopaholic's postings in the hopes that she will go away.
Here are some of the most recent examples of "Shopaholic's" posts where she talks speifically about issues contained in e-mails between her DH (my son's dad) and I.
Please see Shopaholic's recent post titled: "Boys and Guns"
Here is the e-mail that my son's dad sent to me regarding this 'issue'.
Jayden informed me that you are allowing him to use BB guns over at your place. He also stated that he was shooting beer bottles as well as little birds. this level of responsibility you have with jayden involving guns, has me very upset. Did you tell him that killing birds is illegal????? He also stated that you were at work that whole time and he was unsupervised by an adult during this bird killing spree.
Here is my response:
I refuse to play games with you and will not dignify your hateful words with a response.
You cannot simply lie about what goes on in my home in an attempt to even the score now that there is indisputable evidence that Jennifer is stalking and harassing me as well as making disparaging statements regarding our son.
Please see Shopaholic's post titled
"Stop this rollercoaster I want to get off!"
Here is an e-mail from my son's dad:
Jayden has informed me that you did not have him attend school on friday because you had to work....... Calling him in sick because you have to work is unacceptable and you need to fix this problem right away.. If you care about Jayden attending these after school programs, then I expect his attendence to be flawless. Like I have stated before, his schooling is my first and highest priority. If you are unable to commit to this due to your new schedule then perhaps he should stay with me through the week to ensure his attendance at school. I do not want a phone call on this matter, and I will assume my concerns with this matter will be your concern as well.
Here is my response:
Jayden was telling you the truth, I did keep him home on Friday.
Friday was a half day at Jayden's school. I picked up Jayden's homework (for the following week) and cleared the absence with Mr. Yadon on Thursday. Jayden nearly completed the homework assignments on Friday while he was home.
This scheduling issue arose late Thrusday afternoon and due to the time restraints that you have placed on our contact, I was able to communicate this issue to you. I would have sent you an e-mail however you have informed me that you rarely check your email which is also supported by the fact that you rarely respond to the messages that I do send to you (if you respond at all).
My work schedule has since been reconfigured to allow me to take Thursdays and Fridays off therefore this problem will not come up again; however I will point out that the issue could also be resolved if Jayden were to attend school full-time in my district as we live 2 blocks from the school.
Additionally, I find it interesting that although you contend that Jayden's schooling is "my first and highest priority" you did not attend cirruclum night (last Thrusday or last year for that matter).
I have also noted that you seem unwilling to cooperate in the easy system that I have set in place(noted in an earlier e-mail) for the both of us to keep involved and well informed. I never received a response to the e-mail however the system includes a school information folder as well as a calendar in which the both of us can utilize in order to share school information.
I have noted that you have not once checked the information folder and therefore paperwork from the first week of school still remains unreviewed by youself. Additionally, I have marked the calendar with upcomming school events for your convience.
Further yet, Jayden tells me that the reason his work does not get done when he is in your care is because he is too busy taking care of his brother.
My point in stating the above is that we both have concerns and instead of pointing fingers and attacking one another we should be working together to resolve these issues.
There are many more examples that prove that Shopaholic is Jennifer, with all of this proof I was able to have her ISP traced and it has been proven to be Jennifer. I am pressing charges.
I would like to urge all of you to simply ignore Shopaholic.
Thank you all so much.
I was wondering about this
I was wondering about this long ago...too many similarities in your situations (kids ages, school, issues, etc) and knowing she was on here again after one of your posts, I figured Shopaholic was probably her.
A lot of you....
A lot of you figured it out (sent private messages to me) stating that they thought it was her. I didn't want to let it be known until she sunk herself enough for charges to be brought forth against her.... sure enough, she kept getting more and more detailed and spefically quoting e-mails between her dh and I.
I even spoke to her dh about it and offered to settle this issue outside of court.... Heres the email I sent him:
As I have told you many times, Jennifer has been stalking me online. I have had your ISP traced and the numerical fingerprint that applies when one signs online traces back to your home PC. I have told you many times that Jennifer is stalking and harassing me, and now I have proof. I have been advised by the police to move forward with pressing charges for the ongoing harassment and to immediately file for a protection order in family court. Obviously this will affect you as well, not to mention that the PC is likely under both of your names and the police see the harassment as comming from the both of you. I know it has not been from you and I told that to the police however it is negligence on your part because if you didn't know; you should have and you should have put a stop to it.
Nonetheless, I don't want to go back to court, and I don't want to fight with you, however I will if I have to. What I do want is simple:
I want all of this to stop once and for all. I want to be able to communicate with you regarding Jayden. I can assure you that have no desire to speak with you about any topic other than what is affecting Jayden, and this should be allowed to take place in a mutually respectable manner.
I want Jennifer to stop stiring the pot. I want our son to be treated with respect. I want Jayden to be left alone to choose what he wants to wear (meaning clothes and shoes). I want us all to act like civilized human beings toward one another when we do have to interact however for the most part we should all just leave each other alone.
If the above is too much to ask then please let me know. I would like a response as soon as possible.
Thank you,
BUT, he doesn't want to confront Jennifer and he won't put a stop to it... so I had to move forward on my own. I really don't feel badly either because she did this to herself and now shes going to be in a heap of legal trouble.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
You and me both Rae, I read
You and me both Rae, I read all of jisselle's posts, and shop's and the similarities were too close to be coincidences. Choc, I feel really bad for your son, if you go back and read shop's posts, it is obvious she resents him. In several of the posts, she is willing to do for her son, but not for yours. One thing I can't stand in the home is favoritism.No child in a home of mine will ever be treated that way! My Mom divorced my Stepdad for showing favoritism, and having resentment towards her bk. I know how much it hurts as a child, when you pick up on that resentment, and you see the favoritism, it is no way for a kid to grow up. I hope that you can get this monkey off your back once and for all.
Good Luck:)
I don't get it
I don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm dense sometimes. But how is "shop" stalking and harrassing you by being on this site? Does she refer to you, use your name, make threatening remarks towards you when she's on the site? Or does she just flat out lie about things like the "boys and guns" most recent post? I'll respect your request, but I guess I need more explanation about how her presence as a member is stalking and harrassing you. Thanks for taking the time to explain more.
But I was hoping that she was over acting like a f*cking moron on this site!!! Too bad for her, she has wasted a great deal of time being vindictive and hateful. Why your ex puts up with her shit is an enigma. Oh wait, no-he's gutless. Hope all goes well with pressing charges. She seriously needs help, LIKE SHOCK THERAPY!!!
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."- Buddha
Response to Riley...
No, she isn't using my name or threatening me... She knows that if she threatened me a whole new gamet of charges would apply.
The fact is that Jennifer found this site by stalking me... she signed onto this site to harass me... not to give advice, or seek advice, just to harass me by responding to e-mail or conversations between my son's dad and I... making degrading comments, etc.
This is just one avenue that Jennifer has used to stalk and harass me along with sending faxes to my employers trying to get me fired, showing up at my work, keying me car, sending harassing letters, sending harassing e-mail, and telephonically harassing me.
Comming here to StepTalk is just her newest avenue.
I have tried to get her to leave me alone to no avail... I ignored Jennifer when she signed on as Shopaholic and simply gathered evidence... I had taken her to court when she was signing on under the name Jisselle however I have never been able to PROVE that Jennifer was doing all of the things mentioned above... until she started stating specifics on this site.... based on the specific details she was providing I was able to convince the police that it was Jennifer, then her ISP was traced to PROVE that it was her....
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
Your wish is my command
What is her problem? I don't understand why people do that... Choc girlfriend I'll help your cause and ignore the stalker. Once again I have to these people not have enough going on in their lives that they feel the need to stir up shit in someone else's??? I'm completely shocked. Doesn't she realize that if you wanted the ex he wouldn't be an ex?? Doesn't she realize that ship has sailed?
These types of women amaze me...they are unbelievably unhappy and they want everyone around them to be unhappy too...
Good Luck Chocoholic and let me know how it all turns out for ya.
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!
I'm sorry, but....
I don't give a rats a$$ if you like me or not, but personally, I think BOTH of you stir up the pot soo much to EACH other...
I'm going to defend Jennifer for a moment, but seriously, both of you put waaaayyyyyy tooo much energy at this cat fight. It is extremely obvious that BOTH of you are too consumed by the OTHER person in your life. This has NOTHING to do with your step/bio SS... this is an all out immature, she said/she said, top that, battle of witts.
First of all, I have to tell you, not EVERY single anonymous post to you has been Jennifer, have you ever consider that? That maybe there are people out there trying to point out the obvious to you that you just don't want to hear?!??! And doing so anonymously allows for the identity of a person to not be construed so as not to hurt your feelings? Yes, I admit, I have made some posts to you in an attempt to suggest you think of an alternative. But many of you jump on the 'It's Jennifer' band wagon so fast, instead of looking at the point. I for one get sick of the whining, the all out cat fights... it's immature.
Second of all, the only person that I see 'calling someone out' is you by blatantly using her first name online... 'this is Jennifer, you all! Everybody watch out.' etc. It's your own damn fault that you posted under your real name in the first place for her to FIND you!!!! Guess what, she knows you're going to be here, regardless of what you use for an ID- she knows your here- IT'S TOO LATE. You're going to have to deal with it, and ignore her, or move on. So to me, I don't see either one of you as 'right'. This to me, is just blatant bitterness on both of your ends. With that, I'm done with this charade.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Stepmom, first off let me
Stepmom, first off let me say that it was one of your earlier posts that led me to this site, so for that I thank you . However, I must disagree with your post. Chocoholic has known for weeks that this person was indeed Jennifer, but yet she kept her mouth shut. She approached her ex trying to get him to put a stop to the harrassment,before she posted anything here. That doesn't fit in with the stir the pot mentality. There were details being posted here directly taken from correspondences and conversations choc was having with her ex.
As for the theory that because you choose to post on a site with your real name, it gives someone the right to harass you, that is just bullshit. Reverse the situation what if the BM in your case found this site, and came here with the sole purpose of berating you. How would you feel? I won't be self righteous and pretend that I wouldn't have reacted the same way. Choc I think you handled this admirably, so don't sweat it.
Posting anon isn't going to improve your chances of someone heeding your advice at all. That is what I love about Cruella and Catch22, you won't find anyone on here who just lay it out there,like those two. They say what the feel, even if it isn't what posters always want to hear.
Thanks Chelle
Step mom, you are entitled to your opinion, I don't agree with it, but you are entitled to it.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
You know how I feel about using names ... I use them. I'm not afraid of what I post, nor do I care if Andrea sees what I post. There is a difference btween stalking you by reading what you post (as I know Ian does on my MySpace), and slaming you for what you do. I don't think you were wrong for using your real name earlier ... I woudl have used mine if I had known my UserName was going to be what appeared by each message. While I support you and understand what you are saying, and I don't agree wiht StepMom, I do have to say ... if you post something on the Internet (annymously (SP?)) or not ... it becomes public record. The reality is that Jennifer is a step mom too ... while I know she IS stalking you, and the other things she's done to you, this may not apply in ever situation. Heck, for all I know Andrea is out there because she IS kind of a step-mom too (to Ian's kids). But she isn't slamming me on my posts or degrading me either ... I think that's where the difference is ... being on this site to post for advice and support ... keep us posted on how things go.
~ Katrina
In addition...
I don't know if you caught on Step Mom.... Jennifer's ISP has traced her to the username Shopaholic.... there is no question anymore... it has been proven to be Jennifer.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
Um... huh?
When did I say Shop wasn't Jenn? I don't care. I just think 'calling her out' was immature...
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I think calling her out
I think calling her out protects the integrity of this site. Any one of us could probably figure out if the other party was posting on this site, even if real names weren't used.
~ Katrina
I had no idea there was any correlation until Choco pointed it out. Not that I don't care but I really don't spend very much time reading every single post and comparing it to others' situations to see similarities. I'm sure some people do but I can't imagine that it would be very many.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Same here...
i had no idea with all of the similarities in posts - we are all married to the same man and his evil ex wife!
I gotta say
I find this whole situation crazy myself. But I also have to agree with Step Mom here. I don't see how anyone should have the right to identify people personally here, let alone request that we ignore someones post. If you don't like a person's post...don't read the damn thing. I don't understand why you chocholic would even bother especially if you know who it is posting. You are setting yourself up for aggrivation. This site is for venting, and it seems that shopoholic is doing just that. You can never know if our posts are truthful, but you have the choice to read them, respond or ignore them. As far as harassment goes...i don't see how she is harassing you here, I don't see her posting your name, that is what you are doing. I am with Step Mom on this, and will probably make to choice to skip reading both posts if you are only here to get digs into eachother. I think we all have enough baby mama drama on our own plates let alone play around with yours, and it seems to me you are both playing the game.
All 3 Are VERY Immature
First of all, I would stop the emails with the ex husband. Your allowing him and his wife into your life and business. Do not respond to his stupid rants about the child missing a day. When the child is in your care, it is not the other households business what goes on as long as the child is taken care of properly. If he is missing too many days the school will let you BOTH know. Its clearly all 3 in each others business, using the child as a excuse. Now she is going to court over nothing hoping to score a point. My best advice, take care of your child and ignore your ex and his wife. They have their own time with your child so leave them alone and change emails. In turn do not allow any feedback about your way of parenting and vice versa. Totally freeze them out, and maybe you should stop posting on public message boards if you don't want her to read them. My advice is to move on from your ex and his wife, they are renting space in your head.
Thats fine...
I have been a member here for over a year now (originally joined under a different name). Jennifer came here for the sole purpose of using this site as another avenue to stalk and harass me.
I can understand everyone being a bit annoyed with the whole situation as it was a drama fest when Jennifer joined as "Jisselle" and now again when Jennifer has been traced to the name "Shopaholic".
Jennifer is not here for advice or to vent.... she is here to harass me. If you can't see that, or don't care and if you wish to further converse with this sick person then that is your choice.
I hope if you are ever in this position, people are more supportive to you.
I am not a victim... I have never been a victim... To the contrary, I am calling Jennifer out again and taking my power back again...
I am taking a stand and drawing a line in the sand and saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH... if anyone here wants to support a vindictive stalker than so be it, there is nothing I can do about it.
It seems to me that this is not what this site is about.... I joined this group as a SM... it just so happens that my own son's SM followed me here.... and the fact that she has Fraudulently joined our group under false pretense for the purpose of further harassing a member should be appauling to all of you.
I was advised by the police to tell you all who she is and ask that you ignore her posts....
What you choose to do is your choice.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
You go girl! ~ Katrina
You go girl!
~ Katrina
If the police told you to
If the police told you to warn everyone, why didn't they contact the admin of the site and have a broadcast done? I just don't get this. And I don't get how you can have a trace done on an ISP, because that is privileged information. :?
My opinion on all of this is pretty much on par with everyone else's here. I didn't know that Shopaholic and you were connected. But I would have to say that I have read some of your posts and I do think that there is some immaturity in both situations that you both clearly don't want to recognize on your behalf. I don't think that this is really drawing a line in the sand, I think this is a break down of emotions.
You know, this to me is like walking into the grocery store and bumping into my sk's BM on occasion. She doesn't say anything to me, I don't to her, but the mere irritation of her being in the same store is frustrating... but it's hardly stalking. She didn't follow me, I didn't follow her, and it's clearly a public place. This forum is the same concept. What happens outside of this forum is diffidently one thing and we don't know just what goes on, but what I can see is that there are no direct links, and I never knew there were any before you posted this.
Still Don't Get It
I tend to agree with StepMom because in reading the posts from "shop" I'm just reading venting and posts that sound like are genuine issues to her. I haven't read attacks on you personally, e.g., she's not using your real name. Granted you both post about similar issues, but they're each from the member's viewpoint, which is what this site is for. Heck for all I know the BM of my skids is on this site.
I'm of the mindset that this site is for any step-parent to use. Granted there are guidelines, but wouldn't it be up to the site administrator to determine if someone should be banned, ignored, or omitted from the site?
With that said, I guess the way she could be stalking/harrassing you is by responding to YOUR posts with bad advise or name-calling or something like that...or like what you did to her post, stating that she's lying.
It just looks like to me, as an objective observer, that both have a right to use this site; that one was here first doesn't seem like cause to claim the other is stalking/harrassing. The internet is a big place and if mutual respect is in practice why can't BOTH use this site? Perhaps in this case the site administrator could put the boundary on that neither of you can respond to the other's posts?
To give one carte blanche over the other is a little unfair. I mean put yourself in the other person's shoes. Are you 100% sure that "shop" is stalking you? Maybe she's simply on here to get advise because it sounds like your and her situation is pretty hateful and tumultuous in equal measure.
I just know that if the BM of my steps were on this site, it would bother me, but at the same time if I approached it with maturity and an open mind, I might even be able to have a better understanding of her. I think "choc" could apply that method to this situation rather than looking like a bully, encouraging other members to ignore another member's right to post. "Shop" isn't doing that; not even responding to this post, which she would have the right to do to defend herself, yet she's taking a higher road and simply sticking to posts about issues of step-parenting that are of concern to her.
I don't see me honoring your request. It's not of disrespect to "choc", but until I learn more or witness it on my own, I'm going to treat all posts as valid member posts.
Good luck to you with your issues. I hope you find some peace with them.
I absolutely agree with this...
I feel the same way... this is an open public forum.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
That's enough girls
I haven't heard Shopoholics response to any of this but if she is indeed "Jennifer" and you two are the counterparts in eachother's lives, then I think the two of you need to come out from behind the curtain and talk to eachother. You are not going to solve your problems here. It doesn't help any of us for you two to have an "on-line" war. We are all struggling in our own ways with the drama in our lives, so here we vent. I'm so confused by this situation with the two of you.
S and C do yourselves a favor. Go out and buy the book "step-wives" and try out what they say.
You two are obviously very angry with each other. It is not healthy to live one's life that way. It's time to get help, and maybe you two need to sit down with a third party and hash it out.
You both have a right to vent on this site. I actually found a post where Shopoholic gave a supportive remark to Chocoholic. I'm confused. Please look at each other. You are mirroring each others feelings and frustrations. Maybe you aren't that far apart, just really seriously misunderstanding each other.
I'm sorry for your suffering, but it is time to stop this banter and do something about it. I don't want to mediate on this site and I get the feeling that neither do others. You are both women with hearts, hopes and dreams who are cross with each other.
Perhaps with time, compassion and a little help you can work this out for the kids sake if nothing else.
Good Luck. Really.
I agree with Kathleen
I can understand that you're hurt and upset and fed up with the situation...but honey I really think you kind of lashed out on this one.
As a victim (and it's really not a bad thing to call yourself a victim if it's the truth) of years of stalking and harassment, I can say that what Shop has done on this site doesn't really strike me as stalking in nature. Under her current username, she hasn't said anything personally demeaning about your username, your real name, or responded in a harassing way to any of your posts or comments (unless I'm missing something). Yes, she can read your posts but honestly if you didn't want her to read them, you shouldn't post them on a public forum. Knowing that my SS's BM could be reading everything that I post isn't cause for me to go running to the courthouse to file papers for contempt of the restraining order. Now if she starts to call me out, use my real name on a site that she knows that I use, or post harassing comments to or about me, that would be a different story.
Personally what I think happened is that this woman found you at first and stuck around to be mean, but then she realized that this site was pretty cool and tried to use it under a different username for HER benefit in HER situation. You've pointed out that she's not contacted you on this site in a negative way since the username change. So why make a big deal out of it?
I understand how it feels to be harassed, and I'm not trying to minimize your feelings. I just don't see the current situation as harassing, and more like the wounded dog that snaps when it shouldn't. In the past she has harassed you, so now if she's hear that must mean that she's doing it to get to you, right? No, it's not right.
Every time my SS's BM has found me somewhere online, she has registered so that she could post with a name that I recognized as one of her alter-egos, and would flame post about me until she eventually either got banned from the site or got so pissed with the reaction she got from everyone and the fact that I didn't play into her games. She has never once registered at a site that I use for her own personal benefit and tried to hide it from me, to exist separately on the site in peace so that we can both reap the benefits. Or at least if she has, I haven't payed enough attention or cared enough to look.
Choc, I love ya, you're a great woman and you're so intelligent and loving...but I do think you kind of jumped the gun on this one. I can understand that her being on this site might have been unsettling, but honestly as long as she's not pointing YOU "chocoholic" out as the person she's in war with, then as of right now I think she's not doing anything except being another person using this site for its intended purpose.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Posting Anon/chocoholic/shopaholic
I realize that I am posting anon right now but have been a member for some time. I too have felt that my postings have been discovered by individuals that would use my vents against me in one way or another (that's why I'm posting anon now). I visit this site often and "lurk around" reading posts and gaining knowledge on how others deal with their issues and the advice given. There are a few that I have contact with through the private messages and with all of your help I have been able to get through a great deal of issues and am very thankful this site is available. That being said, I truly hate to see what is going on here in this situation, it's no good for anyone. I have read both sides of this and I feel that shopaholic has just as much right to be here and have her opinion as anyone else. I don't agree however that anyone has the right to harass anyone else here and I don't believe Dawn would put up with it for one minute if this is the type of thing that was going on. I emplore both of you ladies to find a common ground and get beyond these issues for yourself and your children, they are after all why we are all here.
This is crazy and I think
This is crazy and I think you both should act like mature adults. Your could be hurting the children
I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth.
Thanks Kathleen....
You're right. I have tried and tried to hash things out with this woman but she prefers to harass me in backhanded ways. I will simply ignore her posts... shes going to be facing enough legal troubles... I have stated this is NOT her only avenue of harassment....
This just further built a case againt her for Stalking.
No, she does not threaten me on this site or use my name... but it is further proof of her stalking.
I wish this issue between us could be worked out and Lord knows how I've tried. I have come to terms with the fact that I can't make her come out from behind the curtain... I can't make her care about my son enough to hash this out... I can't change her.
And so we continue....
I will simply ignore her if she continues on this site and not mention all of this again.
I didn't mean to start a Holy War, just thought that you all deserved to know what a fradulent "member" was up to.
Thank you all for your advice (whether I liked it or not)...
I also agree that I am playing into her games by making an issue of it.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
I Wouldn't Care if BM was Reading My Posts
I would just tell her she was a pain in the ass. HEY BM YOU ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS LOL! I wouldn't get into a pissing contest with her. I wouldn't even acknowledge her existence. I don't talk to her. I don't deal with her. She is just not worth it. The stalking thing I just don't have the time or patience for. I am getting way too old for that nonsense. I am a SM and a BM and believe me I have been on both sides of the fence. I have also been best of friends with the BM of my oldest SD from a previous marriage.
As a SM I do as I wish in my own home. Nobody but nobody tells me how to act in my own home. As a BM the same thing. I don't take orders from anyone. You can't make anyone love your child. I at times have to admit that most of the time I really wish I wasn't a SM. It is a thankless horrible job with no benefits. You guys do not have to even like each other. You will never see eye to eye. So what if she posts things on Step Talk. Don't acknowledge her and don't let her know she got to you. Just more ammunition for her to use against you. Personally, I would let her post away. You will always know what she is thinking and possibly what she is up to. Remember keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer.
Just love your child and be the best mom you can be to him and don't worry about Jennifer. I found with my skids BM the best way to handle her is to not acknowledge her....period. That gets to her faster than anything. When BM called CPS with her lies, we didn't once say anything to her about it. That rendered her powerless since CPS clearly saw nothing wrong in our home. The more she knows she can bother us with the more she will do.
I also agree with Cruella
My SS's BM has started 3 Myspace accounts that I know of. I never knew she had them until she contacted me. The only reason that she made them was to try to be my "friend" so that she could read my private posts and keep tabs on my life. But she always identified herself in one way or another and I never let her in. However, she did continue to use the site for her own purposes. And I know that she's posting about me. And I can even read some of her posts (if I want). But from what I have seen, she doesn't use my name, BF's name, her son's name, or even HER name...and yeah some of the things that she says may hurt, but it's her right to post them. And besides, what Cruella said is 100% right - keep your enemies closer. Why would I try to get her banned from a site when she's practically feeding me what's going on in her life for free? Not that I frequently or even occasionally read her journal, but I know that I could if I wanted to.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Batttle of the Blankaholics
First thing I'm going to say is this: I DON'T CARE ANYMORE.
Next thing I'm going to say is that I'm about to contradict myself, because obviously I care enough to ante up here and put in my two cents...
Assuming Shop is who Choc says she is, then my advice to Choc would be to IGNORE HER. She's not mentioning you by name, as you are her, and I doubt anyone would have identified you as the BM in her posts. At least, not until you volunteered the information that you are, indeed, the BM she's posting about. I also think you should probably not assume an anon poster is really an anon poster, because lots of people from this site have posted as anon and admitted to it, so it stands to reason that there are probably several more who do it and don't admit to it.
Secondly, if you want to respond to her, Choco, then respond to her with intelligent, well-thought out rebuttals as you would any other SM posting here and leave your personalities and relationship out of it. No one should ever be able to know from reading either of your posts that you are connected. If you leave your personalities and your relationship out of it, then people can judge better for themselves what side of the issue they agree with or don't. But don't expect others to "pick" you over her just because of what you says she's doing to you. We don't know either of you personally. How can you expect us to take sides in what is YOUR personal battle?
Better yet, just don't respond to her at all. The only power anyone has over us is the power we give them. If she upsets you by posting on this site, it's only because YOU LET HER. Ignore her, don't feed into it, don't give her the reaction she wants, don't provide her with an audience and then she'll just be posting for nothing and wasting her time. Creating all this drama and fighting it out in the public domain is pointless. It only aggravates YOU, because if she is only doing this to get a rise out of you, well, guess what? You gave her exactly what she wanted!
Last thing I'm going to say is that there are always two sides to every story. I've had my fair share of less-than-lovely things to say about my skids' mom on this site, as have all of us. But I think all of us agree that if the BM's had a chance to respond to those comments, they would likely say something entirely different. Remember Steve and Lisa? We heard both sides of their story and they were both very different. How do WE know who is right and who is wrong? Now we are hearing both sides of the Chocoholic/Shopoholic story and yes, those are also different. You can't really give one side the right to post and not give the other side the right to also post. And if you could, stricttly speaking, if you had to choose who belongs here and who doesn't, you can't say that the SM doesn't belong. It is STEPTALK, where STEPPARENTS come to vent. Choco's a SM, too, so she has a right to be here as a SM, but with regards to this particular issue, she's the BM. If both are going to stay here, then they should avoid responding to each other directly and they should probably not bother to opine on one another's posts, because if you're going to engage in internet catfights, really, how can anyone take any of this seriously?
Okay, gotta get back to packing.
~ Anne ~
Oh, yeah, one more thing... considering the "_____oholic" login, maybe you both need a good twelve-step program.
Please join the Campaign to Save Madison!
How IS that packing going!?!
Hope it's going well!!!!

Oh Geeze
Choc, I have a question for you. Let's say you NEVER responded to Shop's posts, would we have EVER known it was YOU she was talking about? As far as that goes, listen to what Anne said, respond with intelligent, thought out reponses. As the BM, you could have given her advice that could have helped the realtionship. Another thing you have to think about is the very real fact that the 2 of you are 2 different people and therefore will see the situation from different perspectives. In her eyes, your a first class b**ch, in yours, she is a liar and starts s**t. I'm sure the BM in my case think I am a royale pain in the a** and I think she's a sorry excuse for a maother, so you see, choc, everyone is entitles to their opinion, including Shop.
I think its wierd how her login name is almost the same
That is freaky
I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth, I'd be a millionare. HA HA
I've done a lot of thinking....
I did a lot of thinking and a lot of soul searching last night....
I realized that I need to apologize to ALL of you for dragging you into this drama.
I understand that what I should have done was just handled this issue outside of StepTalk.
I ignored Shop/Jennifer's posts for over 8 weeks and never told you all who she was and I should have just left it that way.
I apologize for my part in the drama surrounding this situation and I apologize for dragging you all into it.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
Okay, I'm tired of reading,
Okay, I'm tired of reading, but ... I just want to say that by not supporting Choco ... I think we might lose a good contributor to this site. Legitimately Jennifer is a step-mom ... but I understand Choco's concerns. I agree with a lot of what those of you who disagree with Choco's initial post have said, but I'm sorry ... I kind of expected more support for Choco from this site.
~ Katrina
I'm not going to support her no-questions-asked just based on the fact that she's a long-standing contributing member of this site. That won't change how I feel about the situation, nor will it change what I say. That, to me, seems fake and I don't appreciate fake friends. I don't want people to change what they say to me in hopes that I won't get upset and leave, nor do I want them to sugarcoat things so that they might be easier for me to deal with. I want the truth and I think Choco deserves the same.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
WHAT A.......
WHAT A BITCH!!! Sorry, but the real word I wanted to use is even WORSE then that. But she is. A bitch. I don't want anything to do with her, and I don't think anyone else should. What a pice of work. Evil Harpi Bitches.
Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
-William Ellery Channing
I thought...
we were going to all be grown ups around here? Let's refrain from the name calling. I know you have a hard time with that and at first I thought it was funny, but really.
I'm all about getting frustrated to the point of nicknames but seriously. Show a little respect.
Here Fn Here!!! I totally agree!
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
This post shoudl be removed. We don't do that on this site, and, frankly, Jennifer shoudl be removed and bared from the site given this post. Uncalled for, and unacceptable. Even though everyone has their own opinions around here ... until now, I've never seen anyone call another person names like that. Talk about someone who needs to grow up. Gees!!!
~ Katrina
Let's take this from cartoons to a dictionary...
According to Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: har·py
Pronunciation: \ˈhär-pē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural harpies
Etymology: Latin Harpyia, from Greek
Date: 1513
1capitalized : a foul malign creature in Greek mythology that is part woman and part bird
2 a: a predatory person : leech b: a shrewish woman
I'd pay particular attention to 2(b).
~ Anne ~
Please join the Campaign to Save Madison!
I seem to be lucky I only caught on at the 40th post or something because I get to respond after hearing everyones view.
Choco I am 100% with you and I didn't just get on that train to support a long time member or disagree with anyone. I have totally put myself in her shoes and decided I would be a 3 year old, stamp my feet and say "I was here first!!" I do understand what everyone has had to say but this is solely my opinion on how I would feel situation reversed.
This is not about spite for Choco, this about the right to have your own place to fit. Step-talk has always been about venting, advice, helping and who really cares if you are only getting one side of a story. If it helps you make a decision or something someone says makes you feel better or sleep better, then thats what this is here for.
Choco is not annoyed than Shop wants to vent, it's that she is venting in choco's playground & only doing it to be spiteful so Choco will read it, this is where SHE comes to let it all hang out and talk about HER side of the problems. She is obviously now uncomfortable and has to watch every word she writes because someone actually in the situation is reading it all, your inner thoughts you could say.
Yes this site is open for all, yes it can be fun and a great way to sort out your head, but seriously why stalk her in her yard?? If our BM came here doing the same thing, I would freak!! I don't want BM to hear all that I do & think, it is supposed to be anon to let it all hang out, how can you when someone in the situation is listening and taking in all that you say?? We talk about intimate stuff with our DH, we talk about our in-laws, we joke with each other. I want someone who really enjoys this site to tell me how they would feel if they had to share every word written with their BM/SM. I would feel like someone put a spycam in my home and feel violated and you would think if you have been a member somewhere for a long time, you could get the support of those people.
I am Catch22 and I have been here for about 8 months, but if feels like 2 years and if our BM was to start coming here today, I guess I would expect or at least ask you all to support me. If I couldn't get that support I would probably go away. Choco, the only thing you could have done better was perhaps not posted what you felt about who she was, maybe you could have PMed the people who you are close to here and told them that way. But really your privacy and peace here is now gone as far as venting your situation, so you can no longer in an honest and comfortable way (I assume), use this site that way anymore. I understand that and I am sorry it has gone this way for you, but I know Shop didn’t just fall on this site and use it the way we all like to. She had other intentions and they were all to be spiteful to Choco. Whether we knew it was her or not, is not the point. The fact that Choco knows and has to deal with the spiteful remarks and re-postings to her situation is bad enough.
No one can stop this from happening though as it is free space but I think we should all be annoyed that a member has had her space invaded. I don’t come here much anymore, and these are some of the reasons why. I want to trust my little group and when shit like this happens, how can you? I also thing the slandering, name calling is annoying.
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
catch you are so insightful
I've been impressed with so many responses. Wise, intelligent women on this site. And you Catch got me most.
No, I'm not going anywhere....
I'm just going to reserve my posts for topics including my skids and my dh.... Thats why I came here in the first place.... I am not going to bring my bio stuff here anymore....
I can't... my son's sm is here and at a minimum shes watching and reading everything whether or not I like it.
I'd really just like to move on from this.... its clear that we all have differing opinions and really I can appreciate both sides of what has turned into a huge debate...
If I could go back there are a few things I would change.... but I can't go back, so lets just move forward.... no hard feelings toward anyone....
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"
Try This
I don't think your getting it. I would get off the public message boards, and put the ex out of your life. Join something or do something with your child, or get a p/t job at night. The best revenge is being sucessful, you could do that and get ex husband and wife out of your life. When things are better go back to court and get full custody where they only get vistation.Plus sounds like your child is probably suffering going back and fourth and with all the fighting, that would be my main concern.
am i glad i missed this one. choco, i feel for you and who would have thought this would turn into wwIII? there are two sides, but i still think it's pretty annoying that she is here. yes, she probably does get some benefit from venting, but i'm sure she does it mostly to get to you. hope things are better, and to all you who were quick to judge and point the finger, shame.
always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much.