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Whew!! That was Close!! I Almost Engaged!

LaLaLaaa's picture

So I open e-mail to check if any new msges this morning, and DHs e-mail opens...there are Two msges from BM from yesterday...I have his pasword anyways so I open them to see what she is about a course SD was suppose to attend yesterday during the day and other BM asking to take SD last night (its Out weekend) I thought oops DH never checked his e-mail yesterday and never saw there SD missed both things...which is no big deal as its OUR weekend and BM knows Not to ask things at the Last minute. So for a split second I think to myself "Oh maybe I'll send her a msge saying to also send any e-mails to my e mail I check it more often and will get it before he than SD won't miss things like activities, events etc!...But then another voice pops in my head "are you NUTS!?!" Lol...Why on Earth should I start communicating w her Now when I have never answered to any of her crap and nasty e-mails she trired to send to me ...I musta been temporarily crazy to even think that! They made the kid, they can deal w each other! Not.My.Problem! I don't C.A.R.E! She can get all pissed and upset at him cuz he forgot lol...I couldn't care less! That's what she lives for anyways, any kind of drama! I'll just sit back and enjoy the show! Whew! So glad I gaind my sanity Fast! Lol


LaLaLaaa's picture

It was! Lol itwas a scary moment of twmporary Insanity! Glad I stepped back and realized how Crazy it was lol