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Ugh... FIL just arrived....

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

and the first damn thing he asks is if we have beer waiting for him... Hell no!!! DH doesnt drink much and Im pregnant so we do not keep beer in the house and I am not spending $30 or more on a case of beer that you will drink all but maybe 2 of b/c ur a friggin alcoholic!!! Gah I am not happy about this visit... but what can I say?? He is family. However, he will not be leaving his damn beer bottles all over my damn house again this trip. I will say something!!! The last thing I need is for his completely unsupportive self to be stressing me out this weekend. Grrr... Oh well. Had to get it out. I hope he is at least nice to me this trip and doesnt ignore me the whole damn time he is here....