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Selfish moment.... getting it off my chest.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

SD I understand you are only 2 and have some *minor* speach delays but dear buddha child, must you WHINE about EVERY.LITTLE.FRIGGIN.THING?? Sister shows you toy? Whine. Baby sister standing in your walkway? Don't walk around! Whine. Something on your hand?? Don't wipe it off...whine!!! Gah its like nails on a damn chalkboard!!!

One of the things that really attracted me to SO was his love for his child (only OSD at the time... didn't know BM was preg with YSD) and the fact that he made every effort to be a good father and took care of hiis responsibilities. He paid CS without a CO, made sure she had what she needed, saw her whenever BM would let him etc. Somedays I wish he would just stop. Not really, I'm just tired of the incessent whining. *shiver* and there it goes again.

They make bark collars for dogs, why not whine collars for toddlers?? Jk jk... or am I?? }:)


Ommy's picture

we face SD3 in the corner when she wines/cries, when she uses her words she comes out of it. It has helped a TON. I couldnt take it either, socks itch (scream), dont like the food (cry and kick), now the moment she stars up it is straight in the corner.

When it is something legit, like a scraped knee, pinched finger she doesnt get sent in the corner but when it is whining to whine she does.

smomof2's picture

I'm gonna try this on ss4. He recently went back to whining and crying about everything! Most times we just ignore him and walk out of the room but maybe facing him the corner might help....Although now that I'm thinking about it, it might be confusing since we face him in the corner of his room for timeouts. I don't want him to think that he'll get timeouts anytime he cries.

Willow2010's picture

They make bark collars for dogs, why not whine collars for toddlers?? Jk jk... or am I??

Well you are a child abuser! LOL. And I am just kidding. I do not think for one hot second that you are a child abuser!

Anywho...they grow out of it. MY son was actually a whiner. It was awful!

Jsmom's picture

As soon as my son would start, I put him in his room every time...He stopped, when he realized it was having no effect....

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

I think her big problem is she has a speach delay. She cannot communicate very welland gets frustrated and I think she whines because its easier. I am tring so damn hard to be patient but holy shitballs batman. I can only encourage her to use "her big girl words" so many times before wanting to stab myself in the ear canal with an ice pick. And then she uses her words, I can't understand what she is saying, and she egts angry and frustrated cause I don't understand and once again whines. Argh. Vicious circle.

StepX2's picture

Your SD sounds like what my daughter went through with my grandson. My grandson will be 3 in August and about 6 months ago, my daughter insisted on getting his speech evaluated after she was concerned that he was not making much progress with talking. He too seemed to whine ALL.THE.TIME. After the evaluation it was discovered that he was very bright but actually was incapable of making the correct sounds. This is what caused the whining because he knows what he wants to say but the words just couldn't come out. He has made progress in just the few months he has been getting help, which is M-F for 1 hour at their home and 2 days a week he is taken to the speech center for 2 hours. He and my daughter are being taught some sign language to help through this and the best part is that the whining has pretty much stopped and he is much happier as he takes his time to try to get the words out and at the least is able to communicate more than he was able to before.
Check with your local public school district to have your SD evaluated or if you have good insurance, go through your physician.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Might work if I knew sign language... she does see a speach therapist though and it is helping a lot

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

I'm sure its just a stage... and the fact I am PMSing hardcore with a bit of a headache just broughtit to a head. Wish it was a pimple head so I could pop it and be done with it already.

Ugh sorry on a roll today. Can't waittill daddy gets homme and I can escape into dishes/cooking/laundry whatever to get some alone time...

herewegoagain's picture

She's only 2 and has a speech delay. Poor thing.

On the other hand, your DH was not even aware his ex was pregnant when he was already with you? That means that it wasn't long after he left that you two got together?

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

They never lived together as husband and wife. Seperated very shortly after getting married. He went back home one weekend on leave to visit his daughter and they had a one night thing. She was seeing at least one other guy at the time and he requested a paternity test to determine if the child was my SOs or the other guys. Turns out it was SOs. She had tols him she had a copper implant for bc and he was stupid and drunk enough not to use a condom. For the record, she did this same thing with her current SO and the father of her newest child. We met about 2m after this incident (June-ish) but didn't actually begin a relationship until November. He was honest with me about being married but seperated and having a child. Sh*t happens, ya know.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

He was 20 and in the military... surroundedby other dudes... no female contact... still technically married... she got him drunk... he was thinking about getting his "duck" wet no with his brain...

Not that I condone it but being around all these marines constantly I kind of understand the thinking?? Who knows. He was "young and dumb and full of..." well youbknow the rest. Love the little sh*t tho, even if she was an uh oh.

Btw. He says he thinks she did it so he would stay with her. Idk as I wasn't around then but it wouldn't surprise me lol

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Eh, I hate the b*tch to be honest but its not the kids fault they got such a shitty mom that shows them life as a fucked up whore criminal... anyywho. That's how SO got married... she was knocked up and he wanted to do the right thing for his daughter. Says the minute he said "I do" at the courthouse he KNEW he had made the biggest mistake of his life. Not even 2m later she cheated on him multiple times with multiple marines, including his bff from hs, claimed a false rape charge when he almost caught her cheating (she refused a rape kit, condom was left in the trash can and she would not allow police to take it, wouldn't make a statement... cops said they thought it was bs and a plea for attention) etc etc. Etc. My life would be so so so much easier if he had never mated with the cunt but hey, we all make mistakes!!!

knucklehead's picture

I used to tell my kids that my ears had this "thing" where I couldn't hear whining. }:)

Now, if she's 2 with a speech delay...I think some patience is needed.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Oh tons of patience. I do my "yelling" on here so I can remain patient with her IRL. But it gets hard sometimes...