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Helpless0987's picture

Doesn't this kid ever want to sleep?? No bed time means up all not and not even an hour of relaxation before bed for me.... No wonder I want to snap all the time.... I feel suffocated by their constant taking over everything.... Can't even watch a television show without them taking things over. I just want to cry out of frustration. I just want some sort of downtime without them on the weekends. They are just to much to be around all the time. I can't even get up out of my seat because as soon as I do they take that over to.... His kids are ruining our relationship. The entire time they are here I Am tense moody and we fight. He doesn't seem to understand that because they are so demanding and hard to handle we need a break from them at some point at the end of the night to wind down and relax.... But no let them take tha over to.... Every second of the entire weekend every weekend is constant chaos. Few hours of sleep and they are right back in my face the next morning expecting everyone to constantly cater to them. I put up with them because I love my bf but I don't know if I can do it anymore... These kids take so much out of me.... I'm drained. He gets mad at me when I have finally had enough and put my foot down on certain things.... But I'm tired of running myslef ragged for these kids and getting nothing but aggravation in return. It's not fair. I love him but I can't take the stress of these kids they are to spoiled and disrespectful


Helpless0987's picture

I'm beging to agree... He acts more like their friend than a father... He never wants to give them any boundarys. They run the show when they are here... And he gets mad at me and fights with me if I even so much as make a suggestion. I'm just at the end of my rope, ready to explode because I feel like my life revolves around their bad behavior. I don't even want to be home when they are here and I'm the one paying all the bills. I don't want this to be the reason we don't work out but we can't enjoy each other because of them and he allows that to happen.

PrivateTalk's picture

:jawdrop: Read your last post honey they run the show your BF gets mad with you if you suggest something AND your paying all the bills..... WARNING get out now. His attitude toward you will not change when/if you marry and those kids may even treat you worse since now your truly their step mom, I'm telling you, you aren't even married and there's this much crap to deal with just save yourself the divorce costs and leave now Smile

Helpless0987's picture

I love him so much.... Things are perfect when skids aren't here. It just makes for a hard decision... Yet at the same time I don't think there's a solution to the problem. They treat our living room as their bedroom, and time and time again I've asked him to correct this, it's a family room- they have a bedroom for a reason, and he sticks to it one night and then downhill from there Again or argues with me and says he doesn't see what the problem is....