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Just a rambling vent........Does it ever change??

Eagle Eye's picture

The past couple of weeks have been really rough on me!! My mother lives alone in a 2 story house. She broke her ankle and just had surgery this past Friday. I stayed with her all weekend leaving DH and kids at home.

I've been driving back & forth to her house after work then back home to make dinner etc DH knows I've been stressed! I guess knowing and trying to help out are two different things.

He and kids came to my mothers for dinner which I made Saturday and Sunday. They basically ate and left. I cleaned the kitchen, ran upstairs and downstairs to care for my mom. She is extremely demanding on top of everything!

I get home last night to find our bedroom a mess, laundry piled high, kitchen messy with trash overflowing. DH was to make the kids clean their rooms which he says he did but they looked like a tornado hit!!

Nothing gets done if I'm not there to "supervise" and I find that ridiculous!! I think my family assumes I am the maid of the house! I'm so angry but the thing of it is nothing will change!

I recently have been started on anti-depressants and DH knows this! I'm so overwhelmed! Sad


stronggirl's picture

What would happen if you just stopped doing things at your house...I know that it might drive you crazy? but think of it as an experiment...just try it for a little while. What happens when you are sick?

Eagle Eye's picture

I've thought about doing this but I don't enjoy living in a messy house! I can ignore the kids room for awhile but everything else drives me crazy! I realize that is my problem not anyone elses!

My DH knows I've been having a rough time lately and I'm just surprised by the lack of effort on his part! I'm pretty sure he sat in front of the computer the entire time I was gone! He took the kids out to eat for breakfast and lunch because no one is capable of making food. :jawdrop:

Unfreakingreal's picture

You can always try, dumping everyones shit. I did that quite a few times. Anything that was out of place went to the garbage. It didn't take long before everyone was picking up after themselves.

Unfreakingreal's picture

EagleEye, I just got over it. I too am the maid, cook, cleaning lady, CFO & baby sitter of my house. I work full time, commute 35 miles each way to work 5 days a week. I'm actually on automatic pilot now and just do it. YES, my kids clean up their rooms, my SS18 washes the bathroom, takes out the garbage. My DH prepares the meat and sometimes even starts dinner for me, but for the most part? I'm the one in charge. I've stopped bitching about it. Every once in a while I'll call a cleaning lady to come and do a real deep cleaning, but I just don't even complain about it anymore. I like a clean house, so I have to do it for my own sanity. This morning I even cleaned the oven before I left for work! I had it self clean yesterday and I knew that if I didn't wipe out the ashes someone would throw in a pizza and then the oven would be filthy again, so as my morning coffee brewed I just cleaned the oven. It is what it is. Try and take a deep breath and take it easy.

Eagle Eye's picture

I'm doing my best to get over it and just accept things! I've complained so much in the past and it doesn't do a bit of good! I too clean in the morning before work! I have mentioned getting a cleaning lady as well and DH of course doesn't want to spend the money. When I find someone I can afford, you bet I will hire them!

If my husband was ever overwhelmed with something I could help with I would do it in a flash! He wouldn't even have to ask!

I've had the kids help with chores but they do a half ass job! I can get BD to redo and do it right but SS is another story! He is the reason kids don't help out more!

LaMareOssa's picture

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Thats hard, I know. and it's Not fair to you. Your DH needs to step up. He knows how stretched you are right now. You should stop doing everything. No more laundry getting done(except yours, of course) stop cleaning the kids rooms. Stop it all and DH will eventually get tired of looking at the mess. He will have to clean it and wash it and when he does, he will see what you go through. He will eventually blow his top when he can't even walk through the kids' rooms and he will make them clean their mess. If your DH still doesn't do anything the I would have a serious talk with him about his laziness. Biggrin

I hope everything gets better for you!

Eagle Eye's picture

Thank you!! Luckily my mom will be better soon! She can't drive until July but at least there is a light!! Smile

DH will never notice the mess! He is as bad as the kids! I actually might go home today after work to stick my laundry in the wash before he even gets home! The only reason I will make dinner is so there are leftovers for DH to take to work. I can't let him go without a good lunch because I know he works hard!

The kids do their own rooms. My BD does a decent job but SS is horrible and DH doesn't notice. Last time I mentioned SS room DH said I was "picking" on SS. :?

skylarksms's picture

NN screwed up my cleaning ambition towards him. He yelled at me because the house wasn't as clean as he thought it should be. After that, I would clean like a mad woman (I was younger and stupider then! HA!).

Until he yelled at me because I was cleaning so much and not spending enough time with him. Then I gave up.

And now I am leaving. }:)