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Baby shower for sd17

mommy_of_4's picture

I need advice...good or bad. SD17 is having a baby shower...well MIL is having it. Now originally I was suppose to do it but then SD17 decided gma would do it because I told her that I didn't want MIL there. I never said I wasn't going to invite her, I just didn't want her there cause she runs her mouth and doesn't know how to shut up! So it was taken off my hands, which i was in fact greatful for. Now they have given me an invitation and I don't want to go. I don't like SD17 or HD's family and do not wish to sit and pretend in a room full of them. I am afraid though that DH may disagree and we could be on our way to Divorce court!! Maybe thats not all that bad...NO MORE can that be a bad thing


mommy_of_4's picture

I agree with you and we did get a gift. We got the stroller/car seat combo. The big problem I am having is with the husband...he thinks i should have to i think my marriage is over!!

marissamae88's picture

I agree leahmcc if I were 17 and got pregnant let me tell you the last thing on my moms mind would be oh lets throw her a baby yea thats a no. I would not be able to support the decision to have unprotected sex at that age I think thats ridiculous.

mommy_of_4's picture

I completely agree with u. But SD17 sat and lied straight to her dads face when she found out. She said the condom must have broke. BS..they weren't using one. And even better, when she was 15 she got an STD from some nasty guy and didn't use protection. But no matter what she does she is daddys perfect precious have NO IDEA!! I am so ready to rip my dam hair out and VOMIT!!

no1smaid's picture

Just an idea. Take it or leave it. Explain you wish to spend time with her one on one instead of in a large group. Your one on one time, you sit at home with her and hand her a large box as a gift.

Your gift? Practical items. Grab a box and from now up until the child is born every week you go grocery shopping buy one practical item for the baby. Small things that are needed and everyone forgets about during the 'excitement' of a new baby. Wrap each item up and place in the box, then wrap the box.

1 package of newborn diapers
1 large bottle of diaper wipes
diaper pail (with a box of liners)
A&D ointment (or Desytin)
Nasal asperator
infant tylenol
cool mist humidifier
burp clothes
laundry soap for washing all those clothes everyone else is buying her.
Baby oil
Light socket protectors
cabinet and door locks
toilet lock
You get the idea... practical items that you need for a baby, that you don't think of needing... until you need it "now".

I have done this for several friends, who at the time looked at the present oddly, until the baby got home and they realized that they needed something they didn't have... and then they remembered 'the box' and what they needed was in there, when they needed it.

Additionally, presents of such a practical nature might point out to your SD that a baby is a responsibility, not a toy. A lot of work goes into one, and god knows they are expensive.

Ex4life's picture

Love this idea. I may just have to steal it. I have 2 baby showers coming up in a couple of monthes. These are also things many younger mom's won't want to spend their money one. They are needed but not FUN items.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

Sorry, I don't agree with rewarding these girls with baby showers. I didn't go to SD's baby shower (I think she was 21) because 1) the baby was a plan to get a check 2) she had no income, no insurance, no future. I just could not see jumping on the band wagon to reward her for her personal irresponsibility. Not necessarily old fashioned, just tired of it all.

mommy_of_4's picture

I feel the exact same way. But not only the above mentioned but we can't stand each other. And yet i should be obligated to go? It don't matter though cause I'm not going and well my marriage is about to end...we will know for sure when the night is through!! I hate that it has come to this but I am not obliged to anyone! Especially not to a 17 yr old manipulating liar who got herself knocked up to keep her bf

oneoffour's picture

My daughter got pregnant at 18 straight out of H/School. She moved in (over my lifeless corpse)with the BD and his parents. The Other Grandma threw this freaking shower and I was invited. Oh Yay!
Let's celebrate my daughter's stupidity and NOT enocurage her to return to her home country where all the medical care is free and stay here where she is running up bills for $1000s on pre and post natal care. We are talking first class lower mortality rate than the USA country. Not to mention all the goofy people ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over the 'cute' outifts and how they will all come around and dress the baby up. WTF?

I sat back and was nearly in tears. Her best friends mother (the only other person there I knew)held my hannd and said "You kow it won't last. In a few years it will all be over." And she was absolutely right.

Baby Showers are not for babys. They are for the mother be she 15 or 50. 17 yr old do not get a celebratory party of gifts because she got up the duff. Hells Bells, any goofball can get pregnant and more than enough do!

unbelieveable's picture

I too agree - children having children do not get baby showers. Yes - let's make it easy for them let's get them tons of gifts and cute baby clothes and Juicy Couture diaper bags! This makes me so sick. I say right after they have a kid send them out to get a full-time job to take care of the kid. Statistics say that like 66% or something like that of pregnant teens within 2 years have a second child....and where I live - it's true. And all of these girls turn into bottom feeder single mom's who think they don't have to atleast.

We can say baby showers are for the baby all we want but really - all those gifts are providing a kid with stuff for their kid - since you know darn well most of them haven't spent their hard earned money (most don't have jobs anymore) on a nursery and everything else - they are relying on mom and dad....why make it any easier for them? Seriously.

Back to the subject here - I like the idea of sending practical gifts too. - Like no1smaid mentioned

unbelieveable's picture

yeah...they don't need showers...that's a celebration I think - Yes they need necessities - that's it - no showers.

mommy_of_4's picture

I agree. How can it be so awesome that a 16 yr old got pregnant? If people want to give things to help with the baby then fine. Its all ok though because i expressed my feelings and now we are headed for divource court! My marriage is over and you know what...i just don't care anymore. I know longer have those 2 bitches making my life hell. And if he wants to get that way over his precious gems...he can take them and shove them up his ass.

Milomom's picture

LOL Auteur!!!!!

You have some creative mind! "For a gift, sign them up to be on the Jerry Springer show." LOVE IT!!!

P.S. Some of these "babies having babies" spoiled skids will actually think a gift like this is SOOO COOL!!! They're so dumb, they'd probably actually BRAG about it: "Wow, I'm going to be on national television!!!" IDIOTS!!!!!!!

The dysfunction never ends...

skylarksms's picture

I was guilted (by NN and MIL) into having a shower for SD who was 16 at the time. This was after BM's grande get together at HER place.

SD came (without grandskid even though he was already born) and stayed long enough to open presents. She was on her way GONE when I gave her enough grief for her to inhale a slice of cake before she left.

I was ultimately embarrassed over the whole thing and for my SD's actions.

OH - but I LOVE the idea of giving necessities for gifts. That's what I did with SD.

Milomom's picture

Sorry, but there's no way in HELL I'd be helping to "celebrate" an unwed teenager getting knocked up and potentially ruining the rest of her (not to mention YOUR) life. Nope, sorry, not happening.

I'm embarrassed for people like that. Bad enough that either the parents were too busy being "friends" with her or "Non-Parenting" or that the parents raised her well with good morals & ethics and THIS happens. Such a tragedy.

The only GOOD thing that would come out of this is to give the baby up for adoption to a loving couple who cannot have children and would LOVE to give that baby a good home. So maybe I'd send her some recommendations to adoption agencies for a "gift" (sarcasm). Or better yet, my "gift" would be setting up a meeting with her and other single, young moms whose lives have been nothing but HELL since giving birth to a baby - I'm sure what THEY have to tell her (the reality of it) would be the best gift of all!!

Sorry, no baby showers to "celebrate" this from Milomom. The whole idea is just ridicuous. Go ahead, flame away - fine with me!

mommy_of_4's picture

But is there ANYBODY who can tell me how a 16 yr old is mature when.. they can't even take responsibility for their actions? they CHOOSE not to use protection to trap their bf because cause their relationship sucks? they contract an std because they r too dumb to use a condom with a guy known for sleeping with everyone in town? they always whine and cry on facebook about how awful they feel? And constantly whining and crying because their bf isn't the moldable ass kissing guy she thought he was? Always seeking everybody's pitty? And how on Gods green earth is LYING mature? And the worst part is lying to cover their own ass. Doesn't being mature involve being honest and taking responsibility for their actions no matter what the consequence?? AM I MISSING SOMETHING????

Asher10's picture

I think if you don't go you should send a gift.Not a gift card because heaven knows what she'd spend it on instead of buying practical baby necessities.I don't think a teen pregnancy should be celebrated but if I had a daughter who was pregnant at a young age I would probably realize it's happening whether i want it to or not so I'd try to make the best of it.Unplanned or planned,it is better for the baby to come into a happy environment where they feel loved and wanted.

mommy_of_4's picture

I agree with you. But from the day she found out she was pregnant everybody glorified it. I wanted to puke. I mean seriously? I don't think a shower is necessary for these teenagers, if someone wants to make a contribution to the baby then they can do so without glorifying the event. She is an attention whore and this is only going to make it worse. Wait til the baby comes and she realizes its not all about her anymore

Asher10's picture

well then there's these little twits never stop to think having a baby is going to take all their precious attention away from them once the baby isn't inside them anymore.I say let them have the party because it's the last time that ANYTHING will be about them.

mommy_of_4's picture

Yep...see how much attention they get with a 2 yr old animal that people can't stand to be around because mommy was to self absorbed to take the time to actually raise their kid. "here take this, now go play" or "here take this now shut up". Always finding ways to quiet the kid so they don't have to deal with it. I love how people think that because the teen has grown up around kids, they are going to be a good parent. Really? who you going to give the kid back to when it won't stop crying?? Whose going to get up with the baby when you are too lazy to want to drag your ass out of bed every 3-4 hours to feed them??