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I am sick of getting calls from ss's school

mlmt1128's picture

DH and I are just lost here. SS came to live with us just over a year ago. Prior to that, he was bounced around from school to school by his bm, as well as home to home. Obviously he was never taught that school mattered and that as a 14 year old school is his fricking JOB. He does NOTHING. He is failing 3 classes. We have been to the school so many times I can not even count to work out these issues. Every plan that gets put in place so that we KNOW what his assignments are, the kid figures out how to work around. Basically it endds up making us look like shitty parents when we are doing everything we can to fix things. He is now in a stable home, he is in therapy every other week. We check his homework site every day and he shows us papers, but apparently they are not ever getting handed in. The thing that really po's both of us is that he is getting a's and b's in classes he has an interest in. If he has no interest, he just thinks it is unimportant and doesn't have to do jack. The kid is JUST like his mother, which of course annoys me even more.

If any of you have a kid/step kid that has this school is bs attitude PLEASE tell me how you handle. I told dh today that I would be willing to get him a tutor every day for a couple of hours and make him spend even more time working...provided the pos that calls herself his mother actually start to give us some freaking money for CS. And not claim on her taxes when she hasn't paid a cent to support him.


oneoffour's picture

Start taking away his privileges.

Each D or F gets 4 hrs off TV or 2 hrs of C-Span (I am a firm believer that C-Span is an excellent punishment for kids).

If he has a cell phone and video games these get removed until grades are improved.

No access to the internet.

Get tough.

forestfairy's picture

Yep, I agree with the others. Go to school with him. Accompany him to every class, lunch, wait outside of the bathroom with him. He is be horrified. Tell if you don't see significant improvement in grades every single week, you will go with him every day.

Jsmom's picture

We have the same issue with SS12 not turning in stuff. Doing the work but leaving it in the backpack. He could care less about school. DH is up his butt every day checking his work and looking at the grades online. As soon as something is missed, he loses his XBOX for the day. It kills the kid. Now his last report card was all B's and one C. If this kid gave half the effort it would be straight A's. But for now, we are thrilled with it.

He used to get paid for grades, but DH stopped when he realized BM was overdoing it and why should he give him money too. Now since he got a C, it stops the whole thing anyway based on the criteria that he had.

Just take whatever he loves the most away at the first thing not turned in. Freak the kid out...

My kid gets all A's but he got mouthy a few months ago so I took the chip out of his receiver in his room. Funny how nice he got and how immaculate his room was within an hour.