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What's she playing at???????

tyra's picture

So recently BM has been really nice to my DH. She sent him an email saying she would die if anything ever happened to him or SD. That was just part of the email but she threw that in there. Been really nice to him. We are heading to court soon so I am not sure what she is playing at. Is she trying to get to me? or is she trying to hang onto the time she has with her daugther (DH wants more) or the Spousal support he pays her. She did tell him a few months ago if it goes to court she will make it ugly.

It has almost been 5 years since their marriage ended..she had an affair. He has so moved on but she still has no one in her life..acting like she is in her twenties (almost 40 now)

I just can't figure this woman out.


BuggiesMom's picture

I trust our BB as far as I can throw an elephant. She's like "Sybil"...sweet as pie one minute and would run him over with a bus the next. The court date makes me wonder if she's trying to butter him up. Men are oblivious to this stuff and he probably thinks she's turning over a new leaf and giving her the benefit of the doubt. (At least that's the way it is for us)..Tell him she's up to no good. Even if he doesn't believe it, you're planting the seed...Be JUST like her...

Chocoholic's picture

She IS up to something.... these women are selfcentered and I can guarentee that she is trying to butter him up for the fast approaching court date.... Don't trust her for one moment...

not the momma's picture

My DH's ex knew that she had a snowballs chance in hell, when he was taking her to court for custody of the kids. All of a sudden she only wanted half of the child support and agreed to joint custody. One week with us one week with her.( Which I for the life of me couldn't understand, if we have them for the exact amount of time, why should anyone pay any custody??) Anyways I told him not to meet with her and her attorney and just proceed to go to court, but did he listen??? Hell NO! He compromised and agreed to what she said. Did that make it any better for us??? Hell NO!!! She continued to harass the hell out of us and continued to get a check for doing nothing ( we always had to buy them everything... Clothes, Underwear, shoes, Coats, schools supplies, sport dues, ect. ect.and they spent majority of their time at our house!) So Please take my advice, Recognize a RAT when you see it!!! You my dear are dealing with a Big Fat Rat!

Chocoholic's picture

Your story sounds familiar 'not the momma'.

happy mom's picture

I would say she is full of crap, that's just an act. Don't trust her no matter what. I've learned that from my own experiences.

-happy mom

tyra's picture

That is exactly what I was feeling. She can't be trusted. I just wasn't sure what her motives were. Were they to try and sweet talk DH into giving her what she wants or was she making a play for him or was she trying to get on my last nerve (which she can do without even trying). But with court coming up I am sure it is her just trying to keep what she has. She loves to play the pity card.

I can't wait for this page to turn...I know there will be another one after that one. Sad

not the momma's picture

She's doing it for all of the above. The bonus is to get on your last nerve in the process.

tyra's picture

yeah probably true...B*&ch!!! Only thing is I won't show her she is getting to me.....that's easy though because I never see her...except on her damn dating sites looking like the tramp that she is....I am so mean!!!

Sebbie's picture

De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
We are on our way back to court as well and bm is pulling the sweet act,(after almost 2 years of denying dh visitation with ss), This is a combination of trying to get at you, trying to butter up dh to see if she can get out of him in a round about way what he has on her, and last but not least she is doing a little CYA....covering your ass!!!(her ass that is)Never trust a woman who has shown her true colors over and over and then shows a 180 degree change when backed agiants a wall...she is preparing for her nastiest fight yet, and attempting to get ammo from you both!

tyra's picture

Good advice.

It is 180 degree turn...2 months ago she said it is going to get ugly and now she would die if anything happened to him (or his money?) I remember her crying on the phone wiht him that if he has his daugther more than she would lose child support (not true) and they would have to move to a crappy part of town (pity party) and DH says he would never let that happen...r u kidding me...he still pays spousal support...with her income, child support and spousal she is a six figure income heart bleeds.

Sebbie's picture

De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
Been there and done that so many friggin times! And yes, its his money, not him, that she is concerned with. I certainly hope dh is not falling for this routine, as that is all it is. Our bm has often used the "dont you love your son? dont you worry about your son? Then if you did you would___________(whatever it is she is wanting)Yes dh care's tremendously about his son, that is why he is always on time with childsupport, calls him almost every friggin day(even though he isnt allowed to see his son) ect.And btw,if our BM cared about her son, she wouldnt deny him the right to be loved by his father! The point I am making is if bm is so concerned that SHE cannot provide adequetly for sd, than dh should counter that with "I would never allow OUR DAUGHTER to live in a crappy part of town, and if that is all the more you can do for her with the income you earn, c.s and alimony, then give our daughter to me so she is well provided for."