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i love my step kids, but hate their annoying mother.

Addy2772's picture

Sad the bm does whatever she pleases, doesn't follow court order, calls the house alot knowing that my husband's mother will answer and always gives him the phone (my mother in law loves the bm and hates me). Bm is friends with my husbands sister, my sd10 always comes to tell me what has been said about me when sister in law and bm are together, learned how to ignore and keep my cool. bm lives with her parents in a small dirty room with the kids sleeping on the floor, her boyfriend comes every wensday to sleep over since he works at a swapmeet near her parents house since he lives out of town he sleeps over. My sd10 and my ss6 tells me that they always see them have sex at night not knowing they are not asleep is this wrong? bm has sent her brother, father and mother to try to pick up the kids she gets mad at my husband we had police called on her and her family because her brother tryied hitting me infront of the kids. bm has came into the house trying to hit me infront of my skids. my husband hates to fight and stand up for me and lets her do what she pleases should i fight for our love or leave him and the drama that comes with him? please let me know what you think about all this?


Addy2772's picture

Very true. i need him to stand up for me because i'm going insane with this drama! i'm about to walk!!!

HaveHadIt's picture

This sounds like the Jerry Springer Show! I would have been out of there yesterday!

JMHO Smile

Rags's picture

"bm has came into the house trying to hit me infront of my skids" :jawdrop:

Ummmmm!! why did'nt you put a bullet between her eyes?

Home invasion with assault. I would have put her out or my family's misery.

End of problem.

Next time, don't let such a golden opportunity slip away.

I really am NOT kidding.

Best regards.

beachstepmom's picture

Hell to the yeah RAGS!!!! If BioMom was ever crazy enought to enter my home swinging it would be her last attempt. I would have no choice other than to protect myself and my children by putting one in her, maybe not the head but she would lay it down for sure. I like the way you think!!!!!!

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Those poor kids… they’re going to have a totally twisted view of life from growing up around that irresponsible, abusive woman. I think you and your husband need some documented proof of this hot mess and a good lawyer that will limit the kids contact with her and her crazy family. (Like… supervised visitation!)

The physical violence… the “relations” with the kids in the room… makes you shake your head when you hear about people like these. I’m so sorry you’re subject to this… I’d have gone “Rags” all over their asses by now!

beachstepmom's picture

Moon step child Mom and Rags are my new heroes!!!!! We need more people in the world that think realistically like these 2! Love it!! Smile

Addy2772's picture

Ok so i didn't tell you guys the whole story of what i did to BM i knocked the lights out of her she fell straight to the floor, i know my rights and bm was in MY HOUSE trying to hit ME. I didn't let that fly i gave her a bet down she will never forget. I had cops called on her and had a police report on my behalf. Best day ever because before that i was dreaming of kicking her ass and my dream came true lol. Smile