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BM must have a "Playing the Victim" coach!

SteppingUp's picture

I've blogged before about SS3's behavior. He's great for us, as we give him boundaries, explain things to him (we can't pull the dog's tail because that hurts him, we clip our nails so they don't scratch our friends and get dirty, we have to leave gymnastics because they are going to turn off all the lights and leave...etc!). He usually tests our boundaries in the first hour we have him and then seems to remember we don't put up with stuff and then he's great.

BM has openly talked to us about how he doesn't listen to her, he pees on her floor though he's potty trained, slaps her and kicks her, he won't dress himself at all, he won't go to bed...the list goes on. After a conversation the other night with my fiance, BM suddenly no longer seeks advice for these issues, and she has a new excuse for SS3's behavior.

"Haven't you ever heard of kids that just don't listen to their moms? They are angels around everyone else but they are mean to their mom? It's pretty common."

Where the heck is she getting that from? Her 'playing the victim' coach?


SteppingUp's picture

Thanks for the info, I do appreciate it. I can see that theory in effect in some other households for sure! Not sure it applies to this either...we have the kids 50/50, either 3 days a week or 4 days a week alternating.

Pantera's picture

Well someone should bring it to BM's attention that the child is only 3 and his behavior should be nipped right now. Children don't teach themselves!!!