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I'm amazed. How come so many BM's manage to jerk around more than one man in their lives?

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

They WANT the divorce then live to make the one they divorce miserable for the rest of their lives? They live out of the family court system,( a complete joke for dads ) waiting for their ex to make another 50.00 bucks a month or so to jump on it and take it away? I don't "get it" I guess, I moved on quickly after my late. I think I was already "gone" in many ways already. Why do some "types" just seem to live for pity , charity and playing the " victim" role until they have destroyed everyone in their wake? It seems that one should have a bit of dignity and try to make something of their own lives for once instead of living off of man to man or woman to woman?!

Has anybody else seen these patterns and what causes them, really?

Sorry but looking at some of these exes, I can't even begin to phathom as to how they manage to sink their claws into multiple men, all at the same time.

Ego boost anyone? I think so.

rsimmons's picture

They do it for the power over the men they were married to. They like to think they are still in control of them and realy they are not.

Totalybogus's picture

I don't necessarily think they actually want these men. They just can't believe that the man doesn't want them.

stillwater87's picture


skylarksms's picture

Too bad you couldn't forward those types of texts to BM's current guy!!

Anyway, I think that there are men (like many of us women) who think we can "fix" the problems and be the "saviors" of the "victims."

Mariana79's picture

OMG! You just described my BM!!!!!! I thought I was the only one going through this. The woman never really worked and always wants more money from DH. I'd be EMBARRASSED if I were her. And she is such a victim!!!! It makes me want to whack her over the head!

ddakan's picture

It's called the uterus trap...guaranteed 18 years of free money for whores.

Young boys are caught in this trap. I make damn sure to teach my boys about these money grubbing whores.

I divorced after 15 years and 3 kids. We did 50/50 and no one got child support but he agreed to keep insurance.

Now I'm married to a man who's ex is a damn uterus trapper and we pay her 1200 a month. She won't even send the damn skid to school!

I hope she dies in a freak check cashing incident....TODAY!

Mariana79's picture

See? When I got divorced (of course I don't have kids, so it is a different scenario but) I just wanted the fair 50/50 share even though I could have asked for more (I could have proven his affair).
During that divorce I NEVER asked anyone for money, even when my parents wanted to GIVE me money and I surely needed it. I just figure that after a certain age, you just don't do that!
Notice also that I was all alone in this country and at the time, was very poor!
That's why when I look at the BM scenario, I don't feel sorry for her at all and think she is worse than a real prostitute. She is married to someone else and has another kid (a shotgun wedding - don't they know how to trap man?) but still feels entitled to ask DH for more money, and she was the one that left DH for yet another guy! The woman never worked in her life!!!!
A prostitute at least leaves good memories.

lasfranka's picture

Sounds like my issue. I swear BM had my 2 SD just so her lazy butt could get paid. She is a terrible person all together. She is a liar, a cheat, VERY dirty and is one of the most unattractive people I have ever met. I am honestly embarressed by her. She never has any money, the kids never get new things and her life is in a state. We have to keep pay raises a secret and always buy the kids new clothes, shoes, extra, etc. One of them actually wants to move here with us and the BM stated that they are her children and they are to live with her. I guess my husband just foots the bill. She is honestly the first person I have really grown to despise.