5yr old neighbor & BM obviously wrecking his brain...what to do?
There is a little 5yr old kid who is our neighbor...he lives w/dad and dad's parents...BM has visitation...He comes to play w/our kiddo alot and even eats dinner w/us sometimes. We know his grandparents and they are very sweet people and respectable...here's what happened...
The other day my kiddo and him were eating at the table and being silly. Just saying spongebob lines and laughing...all of a sudden little boy says "kiddo (my son) likes to sleep with women!" WTH? I almost had a heart attack! He is 5!!! He had just returned from visitation whis BM...
I have no idea what to do! At first I thought about telling his grandmother, but I don't want them to think I don't like the boy...or to think I am trying to gossip or cause trouble...but I have seen how these BMs start w/PAS and their hate and I don't want this poor little one to be messed up because of a crazy BM...what would you do?
I feel so bad for the boy...even if my son is running around he'll come by to talk to me...I am now making him talk to me outside my apt in our balcony as I don't want any problems w/the kid saying something and people thinking it was me!
- herewegoagain's blog
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This may not be what you're
This may not be what you're looking for, but I'm not sure if that comment alone is enough to say anything, especially as someone who isn't his parent (or stepparent). He may just be parroting something he heard on TV or heard BM say on the phone. It's definitely a strange comment for 5 year old to say but I'm not sure he even understood what he was saying. -shrug-
Do you know anything else about his BM? Or is what you're worried about stemming from that comment and maybe a little projection based on some of the BMs we on ST deal with? I really hope that doesn't come off harshly,
I think it's wonderful you care about this little boy's well-being. I just think that comment alone isn't really anything to get very worked up about. It isn't uncommon for kids to repeat things they've heard said elsewhere without having any understanding of it.
What I would suggest is keeping an eye on things and if more strange things come up, try to appraoch it casually with the grandparents (or father, I guess whoever you're closest to). In the meantime, it could very well be an overreaction and I would hate to see the relationship with neighbours you seem close with go bad.
Best of luck!
Thanks to both of you...I
Thanks to both of you...I think that my concerns aré a bit of both...I have my cousin's kids and another fiiend who has a little boy, as well as nephews and I have never heard anything innapropiate from any of them...the only kids that I have heard such things from aré a couple of brothers about the same age when I worked at a daycare, everyone there knew mom was a loose woman and the kids said many things, another a little girl at the same daycare and COS got involved because there was weird stuff also going on with her mom, my two cousins who lived with their BM and they would tell me that they saw mom and boyfriend in bed together at night having sex (they were between 5-8 at the time) a d knew way too much about sex, DHs daughter who'd wake up crying and shaking in the middle of the night and would sit next to DH and try to rub on his chest (and I know they lived w/in-laws all in one bedroom and know BM is another sl...t, that's where truant learned it from)...so although I might be putting a bit of my experiences into this, I also know that all the kids I have met that do or say "sexual" type stuff have crazy BMs and parents aré divorced...never heard it from kids in a good two parent household or a GOOD single mom household...
I think I will try to wait a bit, and hope nothing again is said...and that if something is going on I don't later regret acting quicker...sigh...
I appreciate all comments but
I appreciate all comments but your "mind your own business" really amazes me...Ms "poor kids of divorce, the little innocent victims" and yet your attitude if BM might be doing this is "mind your own business? Gotta love it...
I honestly still don't understand what you aré here to prove...if we say something bad about skids, it's our fault...but if a BM is the loser, then we need to butt out?
Anyway, I do appreciate both sides except yours...
I think you are wise in
I think you are wise in waiting to observe and then speak up if you notice anything else.
I am glad you don't have the, "Not my business attitude" because when it comes to children and the possibilty of anything wrong that could be serious, then YES it is our business to protect ALL children.