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Silly question of the day!

whatwhat79's picture

Is it normal for a parent to hand feed their 5yr old? I do not have children myself & about to be an aunt for the first time so I had no clue. I just thought to myself, wow, I do not remember my parents ever doing this with me or my sibling. I do remember them saying you will sit at the table & have X amount of bites of everything before you are allowed to get up (I was a picky eater). Granted that it is NOT every meal SO feeds his very spoiled 5yr old. Just a few times a week & typically when the kid does not want to eat (picky eater). Still thought it was a bit much, but I may be wrong?

JustAnotherSM's picture

This is not normal. The only 5 year old that I know who was hand fed by his parent... was the child of a divorced man that my mom dated several years ago. The man was a "guilty daddy" who did whatever his little boy wanted. I believe this is detrimental to the child.

Gia's picture

NO, it is absolutely not "normal" unless the child has developmental issues, brain damage or something like that. A normal child should not be handfed. I don't even feed my two year old, and he wouldn't let me anyway.

Sometimes when SD5 is acting up while eating, (for example taking two hours to eat a very small portion of whatever is given to her) we might baby feed her and then ask her if she liked it, if she likes to be a baby, and how her school friends would probably call her a "baby". She doesn't like the idea of being a "baby" and laughed at, and she resumes eating.



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"

Gia's picture

I meant to say "i don't even handfeed my two year old" because I DO FEED MY 2 year old, LOL



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"

stepmom008's picture

I don't believe that this is normal. My 2 1/2 year old nephew feeds himself. Kids need to learn how to be self-sufficient...

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

misfit's picture

Yeah, lazy, like steperg said, might play into it. Guilty, wanting the 5 y/o to remain a "baby" as long as they can..ugh..all possible.

I don't think it's normal. My SS is 5 and we butter his toast and cut his food into smaller pieces. The kid doesn't use a fork or knife because he usually eats finger food (even more sad, actually) but he will use a spoon..for ice cream! lol

I'm all about teaching as much independence, as early as possible. Not pushing or forcing the child, but at least allowing and encouraging them to do things on their own first before having to ask for help. It ain't rocket science.

StepChicka's picture

Someone on here said that to combat a picky eater let them help you cook the meals.

No this is not normal but not unheard of either.

whatwhat79's picture

I was hoping I was not wrong on this one (and no he has no development issues). Thanks for reconfirming I AM not crazy (well at least today)!