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8 Year Old with Princess Complex

not_your_m0m's picture

I'm new and uncertain of if a similar issue has been covered.
I married a guy who has a daughter 1.5 years older than my daughter. My husband and I now have 2 new babies (4 girls in total).
The issue is this: his daughter has the "Princess Complex" and it has been fostered fot at least the first 6 years of this girls life- which would be fine except this is not 1) what I tolerate or 2) how I choose to raise my kids.the BM is living through their kid, and my husband tries to compensate to their daughter for the failed marriage. He's in denial of a lot of her mis-deeds and often takes up for her when I confront him about her. She's bossy towards my kid (as she's 8 going on 42), has been groomed to be an adult because the BM didn't have time to raise a child, and I have decided to disassociate myself from her while she's with us visiting. My husband makes me feel like I can't say anything to her because when I do, "its just a correction".
To be fair, there is background info regarding his divorce and how he came to become co-dependant with his kid...but my concern is that he won't care for our 2 kids nearly as strongly because we're in a mostly-funtional marriage.
And with that to start, I absolutely cannot tolerate his kid.
I do appreciate opinions outside of my own for learning purposes, does anyone have any opinions on this "watered-down" vent?

I'm so glad I found this site accidently!

Bettina's picture

I have the same issue at my house although we do not share children together and mine are much older then his. We have my BS 19, BD 15 and SD 9.

You would think by the way both parents behave the sun rose and set by the childs whims. Because they have treated her in this manner the child has no desire to work hard for anything she is involved in. And BM has had her involved in almost every kind of activity you can imagine. They praise her when it is obvious that she is not intrested in an event she is competeing in even when she comes in last. News letters are sent out by BM on how talented she is and has even compared her to world class atheletes and Monet. She is rude to adults as she has been made to feel as if she is on their level. She is rude to other children as she thinks she is their superior. She demands 100% of the attention all the time. If she doesnt get it she pouts and throws fits. When I step back and look at the way she behaves she is just hungry for boundaries and limits. Children really need them and will continue to push until they find them.
Now my DH and I have been arguing back and forth over many of the behaviors of this child and the BM. All of my discussion that I have had, even when I can back them up with research, all come down to me being the bad guy. Me being the one that is to hard on his child. Mind you I have only scoulded this child in an angry moment once. The other times it has been, SD name, that is not appropriate behavior. I have had to completely back away and disengage from all of it. Still no peace as of yet...but I feel in time it will come. When these little "Princess" go through puberty Daddy will have to deal with the aftermath of what they have created. If you must use it as a learning experience with your own children as how not to behave. Reward them with proper behavior and let the "Little Princess" see what positive behavior recieves. This may get to be a little difficult because of jealousy and you do not want her to take it out on them. But stand firm and let your DH know what is going on. He will either get on board or he wont. But at this point you have done what you should in teaching your own kids.

jojo68's picture story is very similiar to Bettina's and yours except she lives with us full time. She has the Princess complex and talks down to everyone...her father, mother, and grandmother (the one's who created her)included. I have never seen a more hateful, spiteful, spoiled, rude, self centered little brat in my life. She's one of these who has to get a present too when it is someone elses birthday...she acts like a 4-5 year old and she is 10. Constant attitude...expects everyone to drop what they are doing to appease her every whim. She absolutely does nothing chore wise and can (won't) do anything for herself...not even get herself a bowl of ice cream or a drink. Absolutely pathetic.

I am a very positive person usually but I find very little positive about this child...her attitude is so bad. She doesn't really like me...she tolerates me. I used to try and be a role model and show her right from wrong but it is a lost cause...she is so self absorbed that nothing else matters. I pretty much co-exist with her...Try as I may..I do not love her. I wish I could but I am not going to lie. I really love my BF..he is a good man but it is a very difficult situation indeed.

Take time for yourself...don't let it get you down or your BKids down or even other Skids that she may affect. Ignore bad behavior and reward good (hard in my case cause she is rewarded for good and bad mostly bad)...I hope you have better luck than me.

I am confused's picture

Holy shit. It's amazing to hear these types of stories OVER and OVER and OVER again (I've read 20 on this site in the last two weeks) and see the kind of damage this permissive parenting causes, and STILL people continue to do it. I just don't get it. The GPS thing ends up screwing the kids later in life.