That is really only way to describe this mix of emotions... Quick background reminder... DH has Primary Residential, Kids live here full time go to school in our district and its been that way since back in 2019. Kids are now 12 and 10. BM gets kids EOWE and is over 3k behind in arrears.
Last visitation my SD's got in the car and you could smell the filth... SD 12 has been having accidents due to recent issues with constipation we started her on a low dose stool softener and juice rotation it has really helped her but she has to be cared for round the clock so that she does not get constipated or have hard stools again it causes her lots of pain, pediatrician wants her to have plenty of water and 100% juice also.
My SD 10 started crying, I thought oh no shes missing her mother and siblings I told her I was sorry but she would see them again soon... she said its not that mommy, I said whats wrong? she said I'm so hungry. I looked to my husband in the passenger seat and there it was like a flood gate... RAGE my DH asked them when was last time they had eaten they told him Saturday night. I didn't hesitate and drove to nearest pizza joint our 12 year old had 3 slices and 10 year old had 2. it was silence no words until our 10 year old said my belly hurts but it feels so good too, i said are you sure your ok? she said yes momma im not hungry anymore... they then just unloaded on their weekend.. BM stayed locked in bedroom, our oldest had to wait on her 5 brothers and sisters there at the BM's residence there was 2 other adults in the household besides the mother and none of them let the kids take a shower or brush their teeth or thought to feed them...
Yes SD 12 we got onto a little because we felt ok shes old enough to fix hersefl something to eat and let her mom know she had an accident... but we then find out that SD 12 was expected to clean and cookd for her 5 siblings in the short 3 days they was there... and this is a routine when the kids go.
DH gets a phonecall from BM last night and shes in kahootz saying tell my kids i love them but their mommy is going to jail because you are making me pay child support and i cant pay it! ( she has a court day for contempt this week) DH told her he was not telling his kids anything that was on her. She asked to speak to the kids so he let her and within 10 minutes both kids was crying and telling her they did not want to go back to visit, the BM called my SD's liars and said that she loved them anyway and hung up the phone.
I was also blamed for why she does not bath the kids while they are in her care and the reason her house is a mess.
I've not spoke to her in some time and don't intend on it but my name is still being brought up...
We filed CPS reports but they continue to tell us that none of what BM is doing warrants an investigation its like noone cares... our hands are tied with court system also judge said he would not take away rights or visitation completely unless she gave her rights up or exposed them to drugs again and that we had to have real ironclad proof like photographs etc he did not accept facebook messages or text messages and kids was not old enough yet to discuss it with him.
I don't know what to do DH and me both don't want to send them back for visitation but he is afraid to get a contempt of court.
ADVICE... help... ANYONE!???
- Tigerlily7's blog
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Yall need a good therapist
That was how we ended up with now SS14. I know you already have primary, but a good therapist can help the kids to deal with the trauma of being with BM and/or help get her visitation reduced or removed.
True. A therapist's opinion
True. A therapist's opinion may hold more weight with CPS.
Send the Skids back with
Send the Skids back with granola bars, etc.... Sadly, you have to tell them not to tell BM or anyone else in teh home and to eat in private.
Hopefully BM ends up in prison for a very long time.
Start calling CPS directly when teh Skids arrive stanky and unfed. Overload the local CPS with calls and complaints and kick the Judge in the ass using CPS.
Never stop. Nail BM with every posible complaint, child neglect, endangerment, etc, etc, etc...
That said, we understand how you feel. We would send SS-31 to SpermLand visitation a clean, happy, conversant, and mostly toilet trained toddler/little boy and we would get back a nasty dirty waif, not talking, and with a case of BM that would make a septic worker proud. He would have black sludge under his arms, in the crooks of his elbows and knees, around his waist, puss filled welts on his butt cheeks, diaper rash so bad and raw his anus would bleed when we cleaned him. We started taking him to the doc just before going on the airplane then on the way from the airport home to get an official record of his pre and post visitation condition.
SpermLand courts did not give a shit. The idiots in the Harry Potter robes slinging the Fisher-Price wooden toddler hammers ignored the facts and spouted "Any child would be blessed to have the love and care of his wonderful family" bullshit.
My DW even filed a CPS complaint against her own parents. Their home looked like an episode of Hoarders. They left SIL then 15 alone for months on end with no food, in a rodent infested hoarder haven. CPS told DW that SIL was old enough to work and buy food and to clean the house.
You can't fix shit people. Whether they are shit parents like your Skids BM, a shit family like my Skids SpermClan, or shit people that work for CPS and the courts that are supposed to protect kids.
The kids need to be in therapy so they can learn the skills
The kids need to be in therapy so they can learn the skills they need to deal with their mother. The 12 year old needs to learn how to stand up for herself as well as how to take care of her own physcial needs - a therapist can help with that. The other advantage is that if they tell a therapist about how they are being treated at BM's, the therapist may report her for child abuse.
Not feeding kids is not
Not feeding kids is not taking care of their basic needs and that is neglect
Probably depends on the area; some CPS systems are overzealous and ready to snatch kids from their parent for no valid reason while others look past abuse (or worse)
An attorney should be consulted with considering the step daughters admissions of their neglect while at their mothers house so you will know how to legally proceed
All of this AND I would keep
All of this AND I would keep repeating the word "neglect" until someone DOES something about it! Dammit, these kids deserve a normal childhood.
You are not going to change BM
Venting feels good, But in this case you need to do something. Buy SD a cell phone. Even if it's a Walmart pay as you go pre paid cell phone. That will give you texting. And calls. Some internet. Check in SD when she at BM. If BM is locked in her room not doing anything pick her up. I would call CPS. But they are so busy that this isn't high on there list, but good for court. You are trying.. plus this kid needs mental help, she needs to see someone
Teach SD to text you when she
Teach SD to text you when she's in need and consider a well check visit by the police. If the court won't give her consequences, then you need to figure some out that you can make happen. Think outside of the box and ask your lawyer for some.
I would keep the pressure on
I would keep the pressure on regarding dragging her to court for the arrears. Sometimes when you bare their asses firmly and frequently enough... these types just go away. Sad for the kids. But often best for the kids and the quality side of their blended family life.
It may even be best for the toxic opposition. Reduces their stress. Though I would never forgive their arrears. I would keep banging on them for payment for as long as it takes for them to pay using CSE and the courts.
The SpermClan paid though the Spermidiot never paid a cent. His mommy, SpermGrandHag, paid his CS on all 4 of his spawn by three different baby mamas. She raised the youngest three in her without a cent from her idiot statutory rapist son.
We never denied visitation, but we never agreed to additional time either. Not until his final COd visitation the summer before he turned 18yo. SS asked if he could stay an extra ten days and be there for his 18th birthday. He had never been in SpermLand for his birthday. They always took their visitation early in the summer to deny my DW the July 4th holiday. They would then try to get extra time for various reasons. Nope, play stupid games, get stupid results.
His mom and I discussed it and agreed he could stay. That injected risk that he might not come home after his 18th Bday. We put a mitigation plan in place. We flew my BIL2 out to visit and so DW and BIL2 could take a brother and sister road trip from TX to SpermLand so DW could be there to collect SS the day after his Bday. If he was going to choose to throw in with the SpermClan we wanted him to have to tell his mom f2f.
I flew out and we did a three of us road trip back home. SS -31 was very quet and brooding the first day or two. He started opening up when we got to the N Rim of the GC. All it tookw as a "WOW!" and the flood gates opened. First, he called us out that he knew why his mom had road triped to SpermLand to pick him up. He also informed us that he knew where his home was and who his real family is. We had a great late summer vacation. Several Nat parks, etc... (Crater Lake, N. Rim of the GC, Big Bend, Monument Valley, etc....).
We never tolerated any crap and we made sure that they followed the CO. We also made sure that SS knew the facts including the CO, etc... In an age appropriate manner.
Do what you know to be best for your family including your Skid. If the kid is not wanting to fully engage on travel ball, then BM can foot the bill and schlep the kid to practices and tournaments. After all, DH pays for his share of all fo that with his CS.
Thank you all, the BM has
Thank you all, the BM has Court over her arrears this morning I am hoping something is done. SD 12 has been in therapy but we didn't have our other one in it. I made appointment for next month soonest they could get her in and will probably start making this a regular for her as well. SD 12 is severely delayed because of the abuse/neglect she endured the 6 years she was in BM's care full time. She is supposed to be in 6th/middle school but averaging IQ of a 3rd grader. It breaks my heart, and when I dwell on it all I get angry but I am also relieved they aren't living that HE** full time anymore either... now they both have a real chance at life.
heres to sitting on my hands next couple hours waiting to see if they hold the Incubator Accountable today!!!