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Coming to my senses

Lillywy00's picture

I think the 2 weeks of his kids opting out and making themselves sparse vs demanding to cling/takeover my house was a relief that had me almost  change my mind about leaving. 

Anyways the territory invaders are back for another weekend ...until infinity...Andy memory is jogged as to why I will proceed with my plans. 

Dude stupidly continues to tell him his schedule (giving them full control to work him/assert their demands) so they knew he was off work Friday but this dude wisely took his son OUT ( I work from home and do not want his son gaming loudly and creating background noise which is against my wfh policies) then wisely picked both of them up later in the evening so I got a couple hours to chill/decompress after work. 

His daughter tried to stay up late last night but he wisely told her to go to her room at 10:30 after she started making a sh*t ton of noise

Today....this dude has already kind of worked my nerves. 

His daughter decided to invite her friend over. Dude wisely consulted with me first. I honestly didn't care because 1. I know I'm leaving that house and won't have to deal with skid stuff anymore 2. I'm leaving that house temporarily as needed so he will deal with those kids on his own anyways lol!!!

After we agreed his daughter thought she was slick and was like "oh I forgot to tell you that my friend is spending the night" 

Dude told her no that's not what I agreed to when I said yes.

 then she tried to work him "oh so you mean my friend can't spend the night?"

(in my mind I'm like look Little girl did you not hear your dad tell you NO)

Then as usual, his Divorced Dad guilt kicked in (in the back of my mind I'm like if you don't grow a pair b@lls and stand on your decision, I will have less respect than I already have) and he almost caved. 

He asked me what I thought and I gave my honest opinion (if she wants to invite her friend over cool but if they want an overnight I think it should be PLANNED in advance so the laundry/food/etc is ready) but told him I didn't care what he decided to do (since I'm leaving and I don't care about his shenanigans since they won't affect me anymore)

He stood on his initial gut feeling saying no to her last minute demands  

I wished he would have gotten a clue a lot sooner and make his kids act better on the weekends. Unfortunately this change is coming too late and I don't know if it's long lasting or not. 

All I know is I can't wait to have my own space sans skid takeovers. My own man who isn't heavily controlled by his kids/his exwife/his divorced guilt. 

I'm looking forward to weekends where I can control the schedule (no random but expected skid/skid friend drop offs), control the environment (clean/peaceful/quiet/conducive to success and abundance), cleaning up after myself only, and own expensive stuff without fear of skids destroying it. 

*As usual though dude is trying to get me locked into that house with him and those kids so he won't be drained and overwhelmed and so he doesn't have to spend money entertaining his spawns.  All I can think is 1. I work from home all week I don't want to lay around the house all weekend like bumps on logs with y'all 2. You want the custody you do the work!!! PEACE OUT!!! 


Lillywy00's picture

He tried to guilt me for leaving and going to the library.

Him: "I bet you're gonna be gone all day" 

Me: "This is my weekend OFF to get out of the house, run errands, enjoy life, etc .... so stfu and let me be!"

Dude is jealous of a damn library where he should be sending his kids to educate themselves vs laying around like bumps on logs. 

Anyways I'm taking my kiddo to the library so I can help her fill out college apps, etc  because I know it's gonna be a loud ass zoo with those kids AND their friends at that house 

Eff him!!!

StepUltimate's picture

I just commented on your previous blog, and my 1st thought reading the above is that it's a blessing skids are in play because it validates why you are leaving. 

I think This Dude vibes something's up and that's why he's suddenly starting to act better. I also think it's a temporary bare minimum that would quickly fade back to "normal" in a heartbeat, AND that he will play victim and use this against you once he learns you're moving out ("NOTHING I DO MAKES YOU HAPPY... I WAS TRYING... YOU HATE MY KIDS... etc.), so be ready for that. You do NOT have to defend yourself, so don't let him hammer you with that manipulative b.s. He already crushed your spirit and you already know that water returns to its own level, every time. 

Hope your library episode is peaceful and productive!

Lillywy00's picture

Thank you for letting me know about what might be in store and to brace myself for his possible reactions. 

Btw. These kids talking so loud (why tf do they talk so loud and the person is right beside them? Are they hard of hearing?) .... I'm running to the quiet library as soon as I can. 

Harry's picture

He knows he has to parent his kids,  But he has to be wanting to do Adult things with you.  Having adult time with you looks better then time spent with spoiled kids.  After the library he could take you out.  For dinner. Drinks and fun adult time.  Now it Mickey D  and internet with his kids. '" And,,Saying no all night long"   This will never change.  Give him a foot.. The SK will take a leg.  When you are done and his exter money drys up.  There will be less money for DK.  See how they react to that.  Maybe he can't afford internet service