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Skids Mostly Opted Out This Weekend

Lillywy00's picture

Thank heavens. 

Im really better able to cope with living with them if it's only 1 night a week. Or two nights every other weekend. 

Layaway plan breeder was really dumb to go from "I'm leaving town with the kids" (as a way to get revenge on oblivious Disneyland "dad") to "I'm going to move back in town, start a 24/7 B*tch Beck n Call service, and bog the Disneyland dad down with kids so he has no life and entitled skids are front and center" 

Anyways I got a full 24 hrs to use the house as I needed without skids and overbearing annoying Disneyland dad in my space. He's picking up his clingy kids now vs last night. 

Dude tried to call me this morning (I have learned to stop taking his calls Friday - Sunday if his kids aren't here yet because it's usually to get me to drop everything / disturb my peace to help him by agreeing to be responsible for his kids while I'm in the house or to let him use this house to raise his son while he's at work) ....

He's really dumb because I told him I didn't mind them coming over early when he's at work every once in a while as long as it's planned 24+ hrs in advance but I was NOT about to be his free sitter/doing his parenting times for him EVERY fn weekend so he could work and get himself ahead financially  while I'm tied down/my peace is disrupted 

I ignored his call because he will not stop asking for his kids to be at this house or for me to be responsible for his kids while he's at work. Neither of which I want to do. And I wish he would simply pay the breeder more in cs or send them to his relatives every other weekend when he works. Let them do some of this. 

Eventually this will not matter to me anymore but I am glad that the last 2 weekends I haven't been smothered by forced skid takeovers/obligations and it has been a lot easier for me to disengage the less frequent they're in this house overnight. 


Lillywy00's picture

As he's leaving he's like "I'm going to pick up my son"


How about you start taking actual care of your son (or hire help) and stop expecting everyone else to do the work for you.  

CajunMom's picture

how these parents cannot see their enabling, poor parenting, etc and how they canNOT get it throught there thick skulls when we STEPparents say, "enough" and back off. They will continue to ask for our help (with us having no say) and EXPECT us to watch THEIR kids (again, kids we have no say over). made them, you take care of them.

I simply cannot wait till you make your post of "I'M OUT!" Celebration day!

Lillywy00's picture

I simply cannot wait till you make your post of "I'M OUT!" Celebration day!

Im manifesting that post as I type this. I know it's coming....

how they canNOT get it throught there thick skulls when we STEPparents say, "enough" and back off. They will continue to ask for our help (with us having no say) and EXPECT us to watch THEIR kids (again, kids we have no say over).


Like what are these divorced dads (not the ones on this forum but the other ones) not understanding about the word NO as the final answer? 

And this comes after I had a conversation with him about how I wasn't trying to be their mom 2.0 (first of all she's beastly but that's besides the point) and aside from giving them basic respect, if I did things for those kids it's optional and voluntary. 

Im tired of being EXPECTED to be obligated to them the same way as their actual mother. 

This dude is a lackluster step father imo but expecting world class stepmother ing out of me  

Nah buddy, as the male leader if I don't see top notch step fathering out of you, you damn sure ain't gonna press me about the quality of my stepmothering  

I do way more for his kids than he does for mine  and yet it's still never enough and he demands more n more he won't stop until his kids are living here full time I raising his kids every day 

Last month is when I decided to take a hard stance on disengaging from them  

I've also kind of disengaged from him too  


Harry's picture

He wants to see his kids. With the BM want her time  he's going to have the kids most weekends.  This is not going to change.  He wants to have fun with his kids with the little time he has.  So she not going to start parenting them.  You have to face the fact of what you see is what you get.

Hes not going to change .  You should NOT be with someone with kids.  There are plenty of men out there looking for you.  Who want to spend romantic weekends with you. Take trips and experiences life with you and only you.  This will never happen with Disney Daddddy. Dude .  You share fighting too many people.  Kids. The EX, Dude.   This is no way or live. 

Lillywy00's picture

Agreed Harry 

Only thing I question is how can he "see" his kids while he's working? I was never consulted about the constant increase in parental obligation for kids that aren't mine and I have my own to deal with  

He gets a thrill out of putting me in a position where I'm  fighting for scraps after his kids and ex get what they want out of him. 

The only solution for me is to leave so he can run his Disneyland operation as he/his exwife/his kids desire  

It's not at all worth it. 

Lillywy00's picture

It's not okay for him to work during his parenting weekend then refuse to use a portion of those earnings to pay more CS (if his ex has to keep them an extra weekend day) or put more money towards this household (if I have to be responsible for them while he's at work) 

I don't mind helping every now and then but I'm not about to be taken advantage of. 

thinkthrice's picture

When the BM withholds the skids thinking it is a PUNISHMENT!  If Dad was honest he'd admit it's NOT a punishment. 

Lillywy00's picture

I heard him say "under his breath" that he didn't feel like picking up his son. 

He's tired of doing all the ripping and running yet he refuses to admit it for fear of being accused of being a "bad" father. 

ndc's picture

I'll bet  that once you're gone and he doesn't have you to pick up some of the skid duty and pay some of the expenses, he won't be taking his kids near as much. 

Elea's picture

Many a woman has sacraficed her earning potential, starting her own family, having a relationship with an equal partner, to be a Disney Dad's free babysitter.

10 years later she wakes up realizing she is broke, has no sense of self and no value in society. No body is going to reward you for taking care of someone else's kids for free, kids that probably resent you taking care of them, that would rather have their bio parents take care of them.

I am glad that women are wising up. We are not the free unpaid labor force for lame DDad's.