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violetforest's picture

There are so many events that have happened over the past several years that have lead up to this point. I will say that I am sorry if it seems like I am jumping all over and I will attempt to maintain a direct course. (Just think of it as one of those movies that jump backwards and then forward again)

My husband and myself have found ourselves in a custody battle that has been basically going on our entire married life. For future knowledge my husband has two biological boys current ages 16 and 13 years of age and I have four biological children; three girls 20,17, 12 and a son 10. (side note the girls names begin witht he letter k and the boys all begin with the letter c; all the kids stair step in age with my husband's tow boys fitting into the gap with my kids - nice joke that God planned - huh?)

We have wonderful children and have never described our children as "stepchildren". We have never wanted the kids to feel like they were 2nd class. They did not ask to be in a blended family and they did not ask for the situation that they have been placed in. Our home is their home and they are equal to each of their siblings. The children's rules were based on thier ages and what skills they have at each of their responsibility level.


anita...sigh's picture

Nice combo of kids there. We have 5 girls, SD20, SD18, DD17, SD16, and DD15. You want to talk about pulling a fast one, my DH grew up in a family of 3 boys. He is sooooooo out of his league. LOL. Hormones, hormones, hormons..hehe (ps. I'm perimenapausal.. this guy can't win)