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SD Stealing Credit Cards

Dogmom1321's picture

Nothing really surprsies me with SD11 anymore. But when DH told me this, I was! BM contacted DH about what happened...

So all of this was at BMs. SD11 told BM that she needed a book off Amazon for school. Sure. BM told her she could order it. Day goes by and nothing. Then BM said she got an alert that over $100 was spent online. All on posters, clothes, pillows, shoes, and decor. She confronted SD about it. SD said well she didn't reallyyyy do it. She bought the stuff not for her, but for a 'friend'. SD said she bought it because she was paying 'this friend' back for a mall trip they took. SD said her friend bought her some things at the mall a couple of weeks ago, so she was only "paying her back" by purchasing things with BMs credit card. Oof. BM was pissed. Locked her out of her phone, changed Amazon passwords, etc. SDs reaction??? "She's so mean." That was the most disturbing part for me I guess. No apology, no remorse, etc. SD is never wrong. I honestly think SD11 will be worse than BM when she grows up (if not already)... as far at the lying and manipulation goes. It's crazy how the apple doesn't fall far. 


I would never allow SD to have a phone in the first place, let alone access to any info... But that's just me. DH made sure to hide his credit cards too and neither of us let her go on our phones or online accounts. It's really sad we can't even trust an 11 y/o. 


Any other stealing CC stories on here with your SKs?




justmakingthebest's picture

That is so crazy to me! My kids, and SS21 have just about always had my Amazon log in. My one rule is that they have to ask first. Usually they just put it in my cart and then let me know they want something. 90% of the time, it's something small and I just tell them to buy it. My kids are 14/16/21 and they have had access since like 8 yrs old. Never had an issue. 

This is such a violation of trust. 

I guess the good thing for BM is Amazon does have an amazing refund policy, so she will be able to return it and get everything back. As for what to do with SD... sounds like a lot of manual labor to me. 

I remember my mom telling me a story where she got in trouble (sneaking out I think). So my grandma made her wash, dry, fold a iron ALL the clothes for the whole family. HOURS ironing with my Grandma sitting at the table, reading a book, sipping tea and looking up to judge her LOL 

justmakingthebest's picture

He is Autistic. He lives at home and won't ever live on his own. He is age adjusted to 12. 

Under normal circumstances- I would 100% agree with you!

MissK03's picture

SS17 and SD14 have been on my Amazon account for years now.. at least 4. SS17 rarely buys anything and SD is always shopping. 

I always get the "check the cart" text or she will tell me. 

They have never just ordered stuff to order it. They know better. 

SS17 has his debt card linked to my account too. He can pay for his own stuff when he orders. 

Hopefullu they made it a learning lesson for her. 

thiscantbenormal's picture

BM's oldest son was DH's SS and he did similar with online video games. It was a few hundred dollars in purchases.  This kid was ADHD, bipolar, and ODD. Repeatedly caught pulling up porn on any device with internet access. 

DH's son will rummage through people's drawers. I caught him doing that at my mom's house.  I'm only aware of him taking cash off a counter once but he gave it back and he said he did it to teach that person a lesson about leaving their money out. If he thinks you took a penny from him, he will spend the next few hours explaining how he's going to kill you. 

bananaseedo's picture

SD stole my MIL's card and racked up quite a bit- but then again, she saw my BIL do this w/out repercussions and took thousands and thousands....

To be fair, I had this issue with my oldest son who had a drug problem and really bad mental health problems as well, there was a period of several years that he would take the card off and on.  He doesn't do that anymore, it's been well over a year since the last time he pulled that.  He also doesn't do any drugs - he's not 'normal' and still has mental health issues from past use that will likely never recover from sadly.  

Ispofacto's picture

This is very serious.  She needs to report her to the police.  They could have a talk with her.

When DS26 was 10ish, I caught him shoplifing.  I took him back to the store and made him give the item back, and apologize to the manager.  Then I took him to the police station to have a firm talk with the cops.


bananaseedo's picture

I have to add, her doing this at 11 is extremelly concerning...and yeah, I strongly oppose those under HS age owning a phone for multiple reasons.  She is shown she isn't responsible and steals.  Time to pull the phone untul she can prove trustworthiness again.  

Dogmom1321's picture

I totally agree! IMO she should have lost ALL phone privledges. They should have traded her iPhone in for a flip phone - only used to make emergency calls. But SKs are often byproducts of failed parenting *SMH*

CLove's picture

Well, I looked back in time at my archives, and the stories are too plentiful.

But specifically about stealing...her name gives an indication of what she did.

We first found out, when Dh got a notification from his bank that his main account was going to be locked down because of fraudulent activity. He talks with the local branch manager (this is wells fargo) and finds out that the fraudulent activity was being done with the "child account" he had set up for Feral Forger when she was 16 and had just started her first real job (lasted 1 week) and needed a bank account to deposit her check into. Soon after this, I got a bank statement from another bank other than wells fargo, her name our address, and she hasnt lived with us in several years.

The story goes that FF had stolen checks from her mother Toxic Troll, and she had then forged a signature and written in amounts and deposited them at the child account at wells fargo. TT told Dh that she had been completely locked out of her own bank account. I think she got about $1,200 total. No real repercussions. And SD15 tells me that her sister steals cash and clothes, and pretty much anything is open season at her mothers apartment.

The one time I invited her to have dinner with us Christmas night, I had to watch her like a hawk, and pretty uch followed her around the house and if she sat somewhere separate in a separate room, she wasnt left alone.

Because stealing.

Turns out that banks wont file criminal charges for things like this, they will just lock you out of your account. Good to know.

thinkthrice's picture

Was going through my purse and her dad's wallet at age EIGHT when she "thought we were sleeping" 

She was using OSS as a lookout.  Would easily get frustrated when things weren't going her way and would often try to change the rules of a game to benefit herself or else stomp off and have a temper tantrum.  She would routinely go through my dresser drawers when she was on her entitlement training sessions... I mean "visitation." Of course her father thought this was perfectly normal behavior for an 8 year old.

Thumper's picture

Glad we dont have this problem. In my cart rightnow are Apple headphones for 449bucks BAHAAAAAAAA

I didnt put them in there, nor did my husband. I know who did. 

BUT to hit purchase would never happen. 

Get it refunded OR make kid work for it. 

*not talking about bm's kids---totally different, never trust em.*

Bex_S's picture

Ugh my SD is like that...nothing is ever her fault. And if it is, there's always some underlying excuse that she'll invent for damage limtation. She's such a manipulative, entitled little liar. She stole birthday money from my son when he was 1. No remorse whatsoever, and even tried to paint it like I'd imagined the whole thing.

advice.only2's picture

Back when DH and I first got married we has Spawn EOW.  One weekend we went to my mom's house to hang out and she had a couple rolls of quarters on the table because we were going out to eat and the place had video games.  When we got ready to leave, she couldn't find the quarters and figured she'd misplaced them.  Once we got to the place Spawn asked to go play games claiming she "had her own money".  I offered to take her and BS to play and as I'm watching her, she pulls out the rolls of quarters and starts unrolling them.  I asked her where she got them and she told me from Meth Mouth's house.  I called her out on the lie and she just stared at me dead face with no emotion.   I took the quarters and returned to the table and told my DH what had happened.  He of course didn't believe Spawn could have stolen the quarters and she must have misunderstood and it wasn't her fault.  My mother was pissed and asked that the quarters be returned.  I refused to let it go and told Spawn she needed to apologize for stealing from my mother.  Spawn sat there dead faced not saying anything.  Finally, DH told her to apologize and she could have ice cream.  Spawn broke into a huge grin said "sorry" and went to pick out her ice cream.  She was 7 at the time.  I know of other instances that she stole from us but since i couldn't prove it definitively my DH would just brush me off.