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SS's 21st Birthday

justmakingthebest's picture

SS's birthday is today. DH is working one of his 24 hr shifts (he can't get out of it). We are doing a family dinner on Friday with my whole family for him. I just feel guilty not doing anything this evening for him! 21 is supposed to be a big deal.

He has no friends, my kids are with their dad for spring break, so it would just be the 2 of us. 

I told DH I didn't want to take him out and have him order his first drink without him, DH did remind me that he did that already when we were in Mexico. He even bought on for DH and brought it back- He was very proud of himself! LOL That one light beer is the only drink he has ever had, he is very by the book when it comes to things like that- Autism has it's perks sometimes! 

Should I take him out? Should I just cook something that he loves? I would normally take him to a movie or something but there isn't anything good out. I think he would like Voyagers but it isn't out until this weekend. 

What is a major chain that makes good mixed drinks? Maybe I will go get him a little tipsy! LOL


tog redux's picture

Don't feel bad, we didn't take SS21 out for his birthday until 6 weeks after - but that was mostly due to COVID. And when we did, he didn't order a drink, even.  Kids nowadays don't drink as much as my generation did - they are more into weed, if anything (not your SS probably - just pointing out that it's not only autism that makes them light drinkers). My 20-something nieces barely drink, but they love weed.

Anyway - have fun. Just plan for where there is good food, since he may not even want to drink.  Or cook him his favorite meal.