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Lynneamay44's picture

Last night I came home after a 12 hour shift to find my H, his ex wife, and my ex husband sitting around the dinner table. Which to be fair it's not an unusual occurance, since we all get along. 
My H had poured me a glass of wine and said he'd wanted us all to talk. I thought to myself oh what now,?! 

The three of them had come up with a plan for Xmas. 
They now all want to spend Xmas Eve and Xmas day in my house. All of the kids plus the ex's. 
Their thought processes was so all the kids could be with both sets of parents, and no one would be left out. 

The original plan was for all the kids to be with their other parent for Xmas Eve and we would have them Xmas day around 11am. 

I kindly reminded them all we are living in a pandemic !!! But apparently that's doesn't matter since they are in our bubble as it was pointed out to me. 
I told all 3 of them I am no ones maid and will be doing all the cooking and cleaning. Of course they all said no no we will help. 

Any thoughts on Xmas done with the ex's? 


Kes's picture

They will "help"?  No, I would not agree to this unless the 3 of them do ALL the work and you do none. Personally I would never agree to have Xmas with any ex - but I understand you all get on, so fine.  But under your terms. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

They now all want to spend Xmas Eve and Xmas day in my house.

Well, isn't that special. Your house. YOUR house? 

"NO" is a complete sentence. If you're feeling generous, add to it. "No, that doesn't work for me."

Lynneamay44's picture

Yes it's my house, it is my H too but I meant it more for the ex's. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Regardless, tell them No. 

If you can't do that? They planned this do they can do all of the work. ALL of it.

lieutenant_dad's picture

How nice of all of them to stage a coup while you were working and ambush you when you're tired right after work. Clearly your H knew it wasn't going to go over well since he already had alcohol ready.

I'd say absolutely not. But, if they are going to do it whether you like it or not, I'd just not prep in any way for it. They can cook, cater, clean, etc. I'd make sure I had enough comfort snacks to get me through, but leave the rest to them.

Lynneamay44's picture

This was planned for sure, and I know it was my ex who said make sure she has a glass of wine when we tell her. 
Fully knowing it's less then 2 weeks away, and guilt stories I got last night from the ex's I got no real choice. 
So I send a mass text out this morning to the ex's and told them both, you all want Xmas here fine but I ain't lifting a finger. So you guys can make all the appetizers for Xmas Eve, and make the 20 lbs Turkey the next day. Oh and let's not forget the dishes !!!
Now my H has to do just as much! Having that many people under one roof will be stressful, I don't need to cook on top of that. I plan on sitting down with my box of wine and relaxing !!! 
Next year it's a big fat Nooooo! They want this next year we can do it at BM house. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I just wanted to say that I love that you don't even pretend with a bottle of wine- STRAIGHT UP BOX! LOL I want all 4 bottles that baby holds! 

advice.only2's picture

I guess since they all decided this, you can decide that next year it will be at one of their houses and so on for the next year...I think it's good you all get along well, but this just sounds way to enmeshed for my taste.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Ehhhhh.....i wouldn't want either my ex or any of my SO's exes at my dinner table to start with. Good fences make good neighbors! 

Lynneamay44's picture

She's working and then going to her in laws. Her kids will be here as a request of hers. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Since you guys have a good coparenting relationship, I would take the day off.

No food shopping, no cooking, no cleaning, no muss-no fuss. Enjoy your Christmas completely hands off in your PJ's and keep the mimosa's flowing! They wanted this, they can do it. ALL OF IT.

Lynneamay44's picture

That's exactly what I've decided !! I am not a maid and I didn't come up with this plan. 
They want this so bad for the kids they can do it. 
I am such a push over for even entertaining this. 

twopines's picture

>>Any thoughts on Xmas done with the ex's?<<
If my husband wanted to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with his ex wife, he would have stayed married to her.

I would automatically say no to any plans made without my input. No one, not even my husband, makes decisions for me regarding my free time in my home. 

Lynneamay44's picture

I just found out it was my ex husbands idea ....go figure ! 
My H did say last night if you don't want this just say so and it's a no. To be honest so what I look like the evil one? So I'm the one who says no to the kids having to both sets of parents in one home? 
Ya right !! All 3 of them will have to do it all for those 2 days. 

ndc's picture

There are definitely family situations where spending the holidays together would work.  I have no idea whether yours is one of them or not.

However, I would be SOOOO LIVID with my husband that I  would nix this idea on principle.  As my partner, he should discuss something like this with me privately ahead of time, rather than me be ambushed by having to walk into a pow wow of the three of them.  I wouldn't be able to get past that to make a rational decision about Christmas.  I don't have an ex or bios other than DD with my husband, but if he put me on the spot like that with his ex, I'd be spending Christmas with my parents and my bio.

tog redux's picture

Yep. He really should have said, "We have to talk to my wife before we make any decision. Let's ask her when she gets back."  Now she's the bad guy if she says no.

Wilhelm's picture

I would give it a try. I often have large groups of friends for a get together and they help. If you let them they should be able to help clean up. Will they all prepare food at their house to bring?


JRI's picture

This isn't exactly like your situation but similar.  BM was married to Clueless.  The SKs couldn't stand him, not really sure why, but they probably blamed him that they saw much less of BM once she hooked up with him.  Plus, in typical BM mode, they had continual fights.

BM, in her grandma days, did a lot, hosted her kids, decorated lavishly, cooked, etc.  When she died, Clueless stayed in the house.  That first Christmas, he offered to host Christmas as usual and invited DH and me.  I thought, uhhh, ok.  As Christmas approached, all the usual family drama erupted, SD's 2 daughters swore they wouldn't attend if the other was there, there was the usual angling for expensive gifts, just our normal Christmas.  That night we drove over there, but DH couldnt bring himself to go in so we sat in the car at a mall til he was up to it.  So, we went in.  Clueless had tried his best, had put up all the MANY decorations BM had amassed, purchased food, etc.  The kids barely acknowledged him.  SG1 and SG2 got into a spat over BM's wall hangings with each swearing, " Grandma promised me!" They were starting to take them off the wall when I told them, "not now".

The evening progressed as well as could be expected with me thinking, how soon can we leave.  SG1 left as soon as she collected her loot.  The SKs ignored Clueless as much as possible.

Finally, everyone had left except us but Clueless was on a jag about missing BM.  What a wonderful wife.  I think he had been drinking a lot.  Then morphed into a story about how he suspected her of going out on him.  He was a non-stop talker.  We finally escaped.

Our one and only holiday with BM, sorta.  

ESMOD's picture

This would have never worked with my situation... I would not have been up for it and I'm a grinch/scrooge.  But... I would absolutely put it out there now that since everyone wants to do this it will be a rotation at each home for the next X years... that this will not be a repeat at your home because it is convenient for them.  

I would also make a requirement that the hosting home not provide the food and drink.. that would be done by the non-hosting home... hosting home just would be clean and prepped for company.


Thumper's picture

Bahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :

My 30 something self would have said YESSS it's a great idea. I promise this will be a Magical Christmas just like the Hallmark movies. No one has to worry about a thingggg. Couple more things,,, anyone with food allergies, NUT allergies? any special dietary needs? Just write them on this pad and papers. k? Are flannel sheets ok? Ohhh, does anyone have feather allergies? ---Dont worry about soaps and shampoos, toothpaste We have it alllll. Just make YOURself at home.


My early 40something self would have said--Ok, ummmmm, can someone bring a tray of cookies? If you cant it's ok. I understand you are busy.

My 50something self would say- You's can google hotels near us if you really want to stay the night in our area. I am sure you will find something. Nooo, I really dont have their numbers. Nooo, I honestly dont know the names either. But you do remember our town, right. Google is amazing. Lets talk Christmas dinner.  The Hibachi Japensee Resturant is open Christmas Day, their seafood plate for 2 is amazing.Runs about 60.00 -- Whats the head count, I'll call it in and I will let them know it is seperate checks. See ya at the bar around 3pm..mmmm K?---OH and one more thing,,,when you call the hotel ask if they have one of those doubled sided fireplaces. We can hang out there after we eat. I will bring the EGG NOG..PROMISE. Wink



CLove's picture

We were like this, when SD14 was 8-9, she would have pool parties at Toxic Troll's apartment complex pool, and TT would host the kiddos for the weekend. We attended the party. Just DH, me, her boyfriend and her, and some friends.

Thn well, the divorce happened. We got married. Things got really ugly.

Now she blasts me on social media. So this would never happen.

ntm's picture

"No" is a complete sentence. Just say no. Don't let others decide your life for you. "Nope" works too.