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Look at me!!!

Rain's picture

That is usually the first thing SS says to anyone in the family the first time he sees you for the day. And if you are around him for over an hour it he will say it at least two more time about other various things. At first I thought it was kind of funny/cute in a strange way. Not so much anymore. It is actually sad and annoying at the same time.

It is a multiple every day occurrence. Sometimes I only see SS for a few minutes a day and the conversation ALWAYS goes like this. Same with everyone else too.
Me and or anyone at home: Hi SS.
SS: Hey Rain, look at my hair, shoes, watch, pants, ect, ect.

I am not exaggerating in the least. I guess what really got me was yesterday afternoon, SS got home first… I walk in and say..
ME: Hi SS.
SS: Look at the necklace I bought today!! Isn’t it cool?
ME: Yup, nice. Then I get a 10 minute convo on how much it cost and bla,bla,bla.

While that was going on, my DD walks in and SS says…
SS: Hey DD, how does this outfit look? I may go out later and I think it is stylish, what do you think? Do my shoes match my jeans?
DD: Yes, it looks nice. Then she gets a 10 minute convo on where he bought everything and what he was going to wear, but figured this was better.

Then my DS walks in and gets the same convo, but it was about a game SS got from a friend and then DH walked in and it was back to the necklace. This was all right in a row. The whole scene took about 35 minutes of having to tell SS that yes everything he has and how he looks is great.

First off, is this normal, or am I being to picky? I have never been around anyone like this and has to have the focus on them so much.

Second…How do I make it stop??!! Without hurting his or DH’s feelings. I can’t see how that can be good for him in the real world. He has no friends and maybe this is one of the issues of why. Any suggestions?


bioandstep2009's picture

First of all, how old is SS? When I first starting reading your post, it sounded alot like my SS who is TEN and VERY self-absorbed. I STILL don't know how to deal with or fix that but I find it very annoying. It's evident in the way he speaks, "Guess what Bioandstep, me and Joey did blah blah blah". "Me and ___". First of all, it's "Joey and I", which we constantly have to correct him on, but it just shows how self-centered he is.

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

As I was reading this a ginormous light bulb went off in my head.... Perfectson has a friend JUST LIKE THIS. When I was first around him I thought wow, that's kinda weird but whatever. Then the more I got to know this boy and watch him interract with other kids I figured out this boy's problem is that he is EXTREMELY insecure. He hides it fairly well unless you are really paying attention and watching his actions and facial expressions.

Every time I see him he asks me how he looks, does his haircut look ok, do I like his new shirt, he got a new whatever and it cost $xxxx.... All I have figured out to do is just to reassure him he looks great, he made a smart choice buying whatever and then I tell him I'm going to love him no matter what.

It's actually really kind of heartbreaking to me to see a kid reaching out like that.

Anyway, such a strong resemblance just blew me away for a few minutes!

*edit* The boy I'm talking about is 18 years old and a freshman in college!

Rain's picture

I know it is so sad. But still so dang gum annoying to have to go thru it everyday and sometimes several times a day.

It surprises me that it would be insecure problems. I think he is just so used to the focus ALWAYS being on him. He used to live with BM full time and she is constantly telling him how great he is over and over and over. DH did the same thing on his parenting time. I think maybe it is because now he lives with 4 other people and they have lives too and he is not used to it not being all about him. JMHO.

I just want it to stop. Or at least cut it down to a few times a week. It seams to be getting worse and it is really getting time consuming on everyone’s part to have to stop (everyday) and tell SS he looks good or you like what he bought, or some random thing about him.

Rain's picture

OMG, I forgot to add the best part of my night. I was literally trying to sneak to my bedroom, without SS seeing me but he caught me and wants me to watch a dance he just saw on TV that he thinks he can do better than the guy on TV

So for 6-7 minutes I got to watch SS dance around the living room. I was so annoyed and so tired, I just wanted to go to bed.