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Slightly OT, traveling solo....

SteppingOut_2020's picture

Morning stalkers!  This is slightly off topic, but still kind of related to what I'm going through post breakup but after sitting in my house for the last ~6 weeks and going stir crazy with emotions I want to just go somewhere (once travel re-opens) although I've never traveled alone before and am a bit worried about it.

I guess I'm slightly worried about finding things to do as a single woman, being "prey" to creepy men that think that a single woman is their target either just by being annoying or with ill intent in mind or even just being alone that wont help me constantly thinking about my ex either.   So, has anyone here ever gone on a trip alone?  Any tips on how to handle it, what to do, etc.?  

I love the beach, water, etc. but at the same time I live only 10 minutes from the beach where I live and even have a nice backyard with a pool that I can sit and relax and friends nearby.  I was originally thinking of traveling to the caribbean which I love but am I just wasting money going somewhere else that I can do the same things I do at home?  And just sitting and wishing that my ex was with me?

So as you can see, some part of me just wants to go away and get away from everything here and enjoy a vacation as its been nearly 2 years since my last vacation and another part of me worries about the aspect of going somewhere by myself and wasting money on being miserable.

Any tips for anyone that has done it?  Thanks all!


justmakingthebest's picture

This is a little different because I was traveling with my kids but they were young (5/6 yrs old). After getting out of my abusive marriage I wanted to do something memorable with just me and my kids. We booked a 7 day cruise and went. It was the best! 

I know cruise ships are frowned upon right now because of Covid, but we are looking for a trip in early fall. I love a cruise! Stay with ship sponsored excursions. They are very safe. You meet lots of people, I am still "friends" with 2 families that I linked up with on that trip. We are trying to get together for another trip with the 3 of us! 

I have been on 8 cruises total now, I think... to me you can't get a better vacation.

My brother did a solo 14 day cruise over Christmas last year, he is 30. He had a blast! He hung out with all kinds of people, he really loved the trip. It is nice because at dinner you get paired up with other groups, sitting having cocktails at bars always leads to conversations, excursions do the same. 

I would look into it if you are doing something solo. A resort might leave you feeling more alone.

bananaseedo's picture

I often travelled alone prior to my relationship with DH.  Also traveled with my kids solo....took them when they were young teens to Japan even, best trip of our lives. Nothing to fear IMO.  THat said, I would look into a different type of trip, mountains, hiking, there are often groups of people that sign up to do these things together.  If you are a cruise person, but WAY down the road, like a year minimum.  Of course I'm not a cruise person, I rather do ANYTHING else in this life then be stuck in a cruise ship rubbing elbows with thousands of people and noise ...yuck.  Not the time to be travelling now though, anywhere for that matter will be a big risk. 

BethAnne's picture

As a student I did travel on my own. I would stay in hostels so there were others around. Sometimes I would meet individuals or groups (at the hostels or at tourist sites) and then hang out with them for a day or two if we wanted to do similar things. That was good for me because I got to do some things on my own and then I also got to have interaction with others so I didn't get too lonely. I also did a langauge course in Paris for a couple of weeks which was good. I got to learn the language, meet people on the course and make friends with some of them and I also got a lot of free time to just do my own thing like read books in the parks on sunny days. 

If I was to travel on my own now I think I would either do some type of learning course, envirnmental project or hiking group so I could meet others or one of the organized trips for singles and small groups of people, as long as it also had some free time for me to do my own thing. 

I like to do some stuff on my own but found being on my own all the time too much for me. Company helps keep me sane and meeting different people is really interesting. I definatley found that travelling on my own did make me bolder in terms of talking to more people than I would if I were traveling with a companion. 

Being self aware and aware of the environment is important when you are anywhere alone. Making sure not to leave yourself vulnerable but also knowing that most people are trustworthy is important. An air of confidence definately helps. Luckily most people will help a woman who is on her own if you ask for some assitance.