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OT, but not sure what tot think and need some feedback

TopHat's picture

So gf and I have been together going on 6 months. Moved in together a month ago, and she recently started talking to her best friend that is now engaged to her ex again. She has always talked about ex every once in a while when something we were doing would remind her of him ( this is normal right?). So now she is friends with her old best friend, she is talking about him alot more and in a good light like she really misses him. Before she wouldn't ever really say his name and now I hear his name at least a few times a day. Should I b worried about this, or am I just being stupid?

All_Will_Be_Well's picture

I would express my feelings of discomfort with her in a very kind way.

***this is just what I would do, not what I reccomend you do***

I wouldn't attack her when you talk about it; just bring up the subject in a friendly manner. I would say something like:

"Hey GF, lately, I've been noticing that you're talking about your ex a lot. It makes me kind of nervous that you're getting feelings for him again. Can you explain to me why his name keeps coming up?"

then let her explain.

After her explanation, make sure that you clearly state your wanted outcome.

You should say something like:

"I understand, your point of view. However, it's making me uncomfortable that you're talking about him so much. Do you think you could talk about him less? It would really make me feel better about the situation. I hope you understand my point of view, too. "

Remember, how you start a conversation will often dictated the outcome of the conversation. Make sure that you approach the subject in a non-attacking, non-sarcastic way.