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What is wrong with this woman???

dbsojo's picture

So I should have known something was wrong when ss actually called us. Turns out, it wasn't even ss, it was good old Ms. Perfect herself calling last night. She was calling to inform us that we would have to take ss to have his baseball pics taken, and take him to his first game on Saturday. Now she has had this information since he was chosen for the team, possibly earlier. She of course knows that her son's birthday is Friday, and that we would logically have the party on Saturday (not to mention he has an eye dr.'s appointment in the morning, spanning from the whole "If you think he needs to go to the eye doctor, then you take him" conversation). Mic of course said that we were having the party for ss on Saturday, and that it was unreasonable for her to call 2 days before hand and dump this on us. She yelled and screamed for a bit, and Mic hung up on her. A few minutes later, ss calls back, saying that baseball is more important than his birthday, and could we cancel the party so that he could go to his game. And she's in the background saying, "keep asking him". She had a crappy party with him last week, so now she wants to ruin ours. Unlike her, we actually put some time, thought, and effort into it (not to mention cash), so it's a pretty big deal if she ruins it. It's supposed to be a fun day with his buddies, and she's got him all upset. I'm sure if the game was last week, baseball wouldn't have been more important, but it's this week, so it is. I could stand to cancel the party, lose the money, etc., but it's not fair that she uses him to get what she wants (which is just to make everyone as miserable as she is), and puts him in the middle like that. This poor kid- she's trying to ruin his birthday, and after what she's put him through this past year, he deserves a day that's all about him, and not all about her. I think we are going to try to get the time moved (total pain in the ass to change plans this close, but hey), so that he can go to his game. His pictures are early enough that they don't interfere with any of the plans. We are trying to accomodate for ss's sake, but this woman has been a handful the past few weeks. It's so bad that her baby-daddy, whatever he is, sticks up for Mic. They actually got into a fight last night about this whole mess while ss was on the phone with Mic. I told Mic we needed to send the guy a six pack or something for his troubles on our behalf. He said we should send a case...I told him that we didn't need to reward him for choosing a psycho to have a kid with- but that a fruitbasket might be in order (hah! to go with his fruitcake!)

I feel so much better. Thanks for letting me vent!


hammesamie's picture

We had my stepsons party last week, and like you we put a lot into birthday parties and his mom does not. She got mad at us, becuase we didn't let him take all of his stuff home to "his" house (more like her house) and said we need to quit inviting all these people becuase then he expects it with her. It is not my fault we hae a lot of friends with kids and we all do things together. I think the mothers just want to look like the "winners" in a compitition, which is ridiculous, but sadly true!

Elle36's picture

Maybe I am out of line here but why do you not have a copy of the baseball schedule yourselves??? Too many times we have dealt with not receiving information until the last minute. Games, functions at school, pictures, etc....My DH and I learned right off that whatever SS is involved in we made sure we were on the contact list, got game schedules, school stuff directly from source. Do NOT and I stress DO NOT rely on BM to give you info. She will always wait until the last minute and look what happens??? You guys look like the bad guys for missing a game or messing up a pre-planned party. If you had the schedule yourselves you can now play accordingly. It's tough, believe me I know, but you go out of your way to have the exact info. By BM having the entire schedules she will always look like the more organized, more involved, more informed parent.

Good luck I mean everything in good faith


happy mom's picture

if we were in your shoes we wouldn't cancel the party cause ss has a game. that's just tough shit for bm. tell her that you already planned the party way ahead of time and will not cancel it. that she needs to be respectful of your decisions and not use the son to be in the middle. tell her straight out. i know how you feel I can't stand it either when BM use to switch weekends and days w/us all the husband finally had it and told her straight out no more switching period. and she has stopped doing that ever since. if you let this one go she thinks she can control your lives so put an end to that now.

-happy mom