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1st SD weekend in a while...

Simpleton21's picture

This past weekend was the first weekend we had SD in a while due to Easter and Spring Break.  She went on spring break with a friend for a week.  She bragged and bragged about her upcoming vacation and how much money BM was going to give her for weeks prior.  Oddly she didn't mention anything about the vacation when she returned.  I know they were supposed to stay an extra day and go to some theme park but that didn't end up happening either.  Again, I don't know why and I didn't pry.  I also overheard SO talking to her in the middle of the week (after she returned and was back to school) and asking if her "friends" were still being mean to her and I am guessing she said yes b/c he responded "oh well that is stupid".  I didn't pry on that either.   My guess is that she drove the family crazy that she was on vacation with and that is why the theme park day was cancelled.  I'm also guessing that she was actually being nasty to these "friends" and likely tattling on them once they retaliated and that is why she is having trouble with her friends at school.  Can't tell SO that.  SD is always the victim...nothing is ever a result of her actions!  Anyways, I just didn't say anything about either of these situations or even act as if I knew or cared.  

Anyways, in my last blog I talked about how SD made the statement "since we eat unhealthy in THIS house" so I've been dying to give her a dose of healthy in THIS house!  I'm a bit strapped on money until I get paid tomorrow but I knew we still needed groceries so I went and made sure to get plenty of "healthy" snacks and options.  We still had some remaining junk foods at home but I've slowly been implementing more veggies/fruits/etc.  Of course when I get home SD comes walking in with a container of chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies that BM sent with her...ugh!  Okay, whatever, I can't control that...funny though....look at that "healthy" food BM sent along, right?!?! I proceed to make some yummy tacos for dinner and have plenty of lettuce/veggies to top them with and beans and a side of rice.  SD eats 1 taco (weird b/c she always eats at least 2) but okay maybe she is trying to eat better. Nope, silly me, SO found a box of brownie mix in the cupboard and told her she could make them after dinner.  Of course she didn't want to fill up on dinner knowing she had brownies to look forward to.  She immediately makes them and barely waits before they cool and proceeds to eat a serving that was big enough for 3!  The brownies were gone by noon the next day!!!!! Sat morning she comes into our room (which drives me crazy) and she is already munching on something my 3yo yells "yummy" and so I just asked what she was eating.  We have plenty of cereal and fruit and oatmeal and breakfast options but she replies, "oh I brought a bag of candy from my mom's house and that is what I'm eating" - again, I don't say anything b/c she isn't my kid and I'm always just the bad guy but I thought maybe just maybe SO would tell her that candy isn't for breakfast (something I enforce with my kids) but nope!  SO is just as much at fault with this kids awful habits as her mother!  

Later in the day SO tells me that SD has "a little" money she wants to spend so she wants to go to the thrift store and asks if I want to go also.  I know the money is from the Easter basket I made sure to make her and of course I got no thank you for that!  Shocker, just the added insult of the "a little money" comment!  I decline going b/c I don't have any extra cash to spare at the moment and I would rather stay home and get a break from SD.  They were gone a few hours and when they return SD has a giant bag of jelly beans!!!! Really!?!? LOL!  I'm actually not surprised because SD always spends any money she has right away and usually on candy (also part of the reason I didn't put a ton of cash and candy in her Easter Basket).  This was Saturday.  The entire bag of jelly beans were gone by Sunday morning and I hear SD say, "daddeeeee if you go to the gas station let me know b/c I wanna go".  She needed to get more junk/candy of course!

I spent several hours on Sunday actually cutting up the veggies and making a ranch dip with greek yogurt and then washing all the fruit so that the "healthy" snacks were even more readily available.  Yet, SD and SO (I'm realizing he is just as bad) had nothing to do with that!  Oh well!  I tried to make THIS house even healthier for SD yet she still managed to bring the junk/crap with her!  If she mentions how "unhealthy" THIS house is again.  I will be sure to tell her that I am not the one buying the junk and have tried to make healthy options available but will not try to force people to make better decisions!!!!!  


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Well she sure sounds like a charmer there... I enforce the appropriate breakfast rule as well! With the skids... They ask for chips basically every morning, I laugh, then proceed to list what they may eat for breakfast instead. They don't want it? Fine, guess they aren't as hungry as they think and can wait for lunch time! LOL

She better not comment about that agian, it sounds like the issue isn't the house, it's SD....

Simpleton21's picture

Oh, I tried to enforce a healthier breakfast before, it was met with a big tissy from SO.  He is always super defensive when it comes to SD.  One day we had a nice breakfast, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and I decided to be nice and make the kids cinnamon rolls after they ate that as a treat.  Well after SD had cinnamon rolls she asked DADDDEEEE for a snack and he allowed her to have a container of mini oreos that I had left over from an outing.  I tried to tell her that wasn't an appropriate snack after all the food we had just consumed and SO being the guilty/disney DADDEEEE flipped and was like, "I don't understand the big deal, she ate all her food, why can't she eat those!" Ugh!  

I agree though.  If she acts as if I'm the one providing her with unhealthy foods I will be making it none that I am not!  Also, that BM sending candy and cookies over on her visits doesn't lead me to believe that BM eats super healthy at her house!  

Dovina's picture

and not care. Let your DH worry about that. Maybe when all those jelly beans, candies, and twinkies rot her teeth and make her backside swell she'll care. You provide them with healthy choices, its up to your DH to care about SD's eating habits.

Simpleton21's picture

Dovina, you are 100% correct.  I was just perturbed by her saying "we eat so unhealthy in THIS house" so I wanted to make sure she had nothing but healthy options the next time she visited.  I see now that even if I do my part to make it healthier SO and SD will continue to find ways around it.  The blame is not on me at all.  I'm pretty disgusted with SO for enabling/encourging the bad habits but that is on him as well.  Is it sad that I keep hoping she will get a cavity and hasn't yet, lol!  Her backside isn't swelling but her belly sure is.  

Simpleton21's picture

Honestly, I wish she would get a few cavities but somehow she hasn't.  I don't know how she hasn't.  I've seen her use her toothbrush at our house once and it looks brand new but is at least a year old.