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Venting after Skid weekend :/

Simpleton21's picture

SO and I went on a date night on the skid free weekend and did one of those couples paintings.  On my half it had the big part of a tree with a heart and our initials A+B 4 ever inside (those are not our actual initials).  On SO's part of the painting was the remainder of branches and 2 little birds.  It turned out really well and I love it.  Well SO and our son that we have together both have the same first initial for their name for the sake of anonymity A as their initial and B as mine.  Well go figure the first thing little miss mini wife SD11 notices when she walks in the front door is the painting...and the very first thing she says is, "A(son's name rather than SO's) + B Forever?!?!".....freaking really?!?! So doesn't even say anything or seem annoyed like I am (of course oblivious daddeeee) so I respond, "really?!?! You think I had a romantic date night painting with my 4 year old son and put our initials in a heart together like we are lovers?!?!" SD, "Well it was the first name that came to my mind!"  - okay...ugh!  I know I shouldn't have let it bother me but WTH!?!? 

I know I have also blogged and complained before about SD's eating habits but they seriously disgust me and I am annoyed by the fact that SO doesn't put any limits on her eating and actually seems to encourage her constant gorging on junk food.  I recently started the Beach Body nutrition/workout program so I have very little junk food left in the house anyways.  I mainly have fruits and veggies and ingredients to make things.  However, SD seems to be able to sniff out sugar and junk even that I don't know we have.  I'm starting to get even more annoyed b/c her bad eating is trickling down to my children!  Yes, I know this is also an SO problem and with it being food and a girl I feel like it is a touchy subject, especially since he sees nothing wrong with it.  For example I'll go over the binge fest that occured on Sunday.  I walk into the kitchen (breakfast time) and SD is pouring a bowl of chocolate chips for my youngest son (4) and I said, "um, I don't really want my child eating chocolate chips for breakfast" SD, "well daddee said I could" Mmmkay, that obviously made it worse so I go in and tell SO that I don't want MY children eating chocolate chips for breakfast.  It is super unhealthy and lazy daddee says, "well I didn't know we had anything else" ...Really!?!? I rattled off at least 10 other options, fruits, veggies, eggs, etc" that leads to SD's next gorge, "oh we have strawberries?"  I did get strawberries because she liked them and figured it would be better for her.  The strawberries were in plain sight and a lot easier to find than the bowl of chocolate chips but whatever! So SD starts cutting up some strawberries, great but of course still continued with the chocolate chips too.  Then my older son comes in and wanted some, awesome, right?!?! Nope, my son then says to SD, "where is the sugar that you added to mine last time" SD shows him exactly where my sugar is (again, sniffs it out like a sugar dog, my son that lives there FULL TIME didn't even know and didn't know to add sugar until she started doing this).  I just proceed to tell MY son how unhealthy it is to add sugar when they are already full of natural sugars.  Ugh!  Her gorge fest continued b/c she found out I got a new air fryer so she had 5 hashbrowns (like the ones you get at McDonalds) and 2 full plates of fries!  I then cut up a watermelon which she snacked on for the next several hours while waiting on me to make carrot cake energy balls (a recipe I got from Beach Body so semi healthy but still should be eaten in moderation).  Then as I was letting them cool it was like every 5 minutes she was asking if she could try them.  I did limit those because we were getting ready to go eat dinner at SO's mom's house and I knew if I didn't limit them she would have ate every last one of them b/c they were sweet.  I let her have 2 and went to get ready.  When I got some out this morning I realized that she went and snuck more while I was out of the room.  Oh and surprisingly when we got to SO's mom's house she wasn't hungry anymore (likely b/c it was ham and bean soup and not junky or sweet enough for her).  Thankfully after that she went back to BM.  

Okay, end of my vent, just had to let this out here!!!!