I hate my stepson
I am new here and at the end of my rope.
I have a 12 year old stepson with high functioning autism and I hate him with a burning passion. I know logically that kids with autism are selfish, have behavior issues, can't help it, etc. I know people say they need special consideration and you aren't supposed to view them as brats because they can't help it. I know this logically but it does not click emotionally because when I look at my stepson all I see is a spoiled, manipulative, asshole and I feel deep rage and hatred.
Let me start at the beginning. My husband and I have been together for about 3 years now. I had 3 bio kids of my own and had never had stepkids. Being a bio mom I believed that when you marry someone with kids you are agreeing to love your significant other's kids as your own and that it isn't fair or ok to the kids to have a stepparent who doesn't like them or treat them well. I grew up watching my friends have asshole stepdads and swore that I would never put my kids in that situation. I told my husband right from the start that my kids come first and if he didn't love them and treat them well his ass was out the door. I fully was looking at this from a very idealistic and ignorant perspective. I clearly had NO IDEA how hard and complicated things can be.
I fully intended on being a mom to my husband's kids in the beginning. When we were dating I made a huge effort to organize playmates with my kids and that is where the trouble started. My stepson is extremely hyperactive. He never stops talking or making annoying noises. He is also probably the biggest bully I have ever met. I swear to you that he get some kind of sick twisted pleasure out of antagonizing people. He hits, throws things, throws massive temper tantrums, whine and manipulates, steals, lies, constantly destroys stuff (when he is here is tears up the flooring, rips up all of the plants in the yard, tears apart my couch, rips up decorations, digs garbage out from under the couch, etc). My husband for some insane reason is viciously overprotective of his kids AMD acts like he and his kids are poor innocent victims and everyone else is out to get them. So on the times that we tried to have our kids together, his kids would be annoying, destructive, and weird and my kids clashed with them because of it. His kids would hit my kids unprovoked, throw dirt in their face, go in their room and trash it, steal their toys, etc. Any time anything like this would happen my kids got blamed for the blow up that ultimately followed. One day my son was playing in the yard with a ball. 12 year old stepson decided he wanted to take the ball away. My son wouldn't let him. 12 year old stepson hauled off and hit my son. So my son retaliated. 12 year old stepson melts down screaming and crying. His dad asks what happens and then blames my son and said "what did you do to provoke him?". This scenario played out over and over again. Still I thought that this was due to the kids trying to adjust to each other and that things would smooth themselves out after we all adjusted to each other. I was wrong. Every weekend we had the kids together was hell. My husband created a dynamic of him and his kids against my kids. His kids were victims, my kids were always getting after them. It got so bad that I had to keep my kids away from our house all weekend to avoid issues ans finally got so fed up one weekend that I told my husband that his kids were not allowed to be at my house on the weekends my kids are here any longer.
I still allowed his kids to be here the weekends my kids were having visitation with their dad out of town because I felt like I had to try to be around them. This went on for a year. I watched his son smear is crap all over my bathroom every weekend, try to drown his brother in the pool, yell over his brother every time he tries to talk, steal out of my kid's roll and lie to my face, try to constantly manipulate my husband, purposely break rules or antagonize people to get a reaction out of them and then scream "don't hit me don't him me" like he is being beaten (he definitely wasn't) anytime my husband would spank him. I have had to endure being woken up at 5 am by being slapped in the face, of them incessantly squealing/skrieking/mouth farting, them pounding on my bedroom door every 5 minutes when I try to escape from them, them NEVER washing their hands after using the bathroom and never brushing their teeth, them trying to suffocate the dog because they won't leave it alone. I've had to listen to constant whining and begging and then over dramatic fit throwing when they don't get what they want. I had to listen to "can I watch another movie" literally every 5 minutes until it drove me so insane that I ripped the TV cord out of the wall and threw the TV in the trash can because I couldn't listen to it for another minute. (My husband and his ex use TV as a babysitter and his kids are horribly addicted to technology. They used to watch TV 12 plus hours a day before I came along. His kids have absolutely no respect for my home or my things. They have no respect for my privacy and refuse to give me personal space. They get up at 6 am and are extremely loud and refuse to quiet down when asked.
I have tried about about a thousand times to talk to my husband about his kids ans their behavior and my husband, who is admittedly emotionally immature, always responds by trying to deflect the blame on other people (always my kids. Always your kids do that too. Look at all of the annoying things your kids do) and playing the victim. He always says something like "no one has ever been able to accept me and my kids". Every one of his relationships have ended because of his kids and his emotional immaturity. Sadly for me I didn't find this out until it was too late. He blames me, my kids, all of his ex-girlfriends and their kids as being the issue. He says that we all are too selfish to let our guards down and love his kids. I tried telling him that since his kids are the common denominator in the problem that its pretty obvious where the blame lies but he still refuses to acknowledge or accept blame and responsibility. Its like his brain is completely incapable of any kind of honest reflection. He always defaults to the victim mentality.
Needless to say this has been building for 3 years. I went from trying to be a stepmom to these kids to hating them with a passion. I have developed severe anxiety over been around them and wound up in the Er with heart palpitations when I was 7 months pregnant with our baby one weekend his kids were here because of stress. That's the weekend I put my foot down and told him his kids aren't welcome in my home anymore. They are guests in this house and they make it so that we cannot even stand to be in our own home when they are here. I tried hiding in my room to escape them but could still hear them being loud between them pounding on the door every 5 minutes. And then my husband would guilt trip me about not trying to spend time with them and get to know them. He is convinced that if I "get to know them" I will magically fall in love with them. That isn't what has happened. Ive spent 3 years getting to know them and have such hatred for them that I seriously wish they'd die sometimes. Nothing would make me happier than to never see them again. I have panic attacks any time my husband mentions me being around them which is a huge problem because he was spending his weekends with them with his mom (who also is a denier that there is any problem) but she is losing her home so my husband will have nowhere to stay with them. We honestly cannot afford to pay for a hotel room so I have no idea what to do.
Now I am not just a heartless witch. I do feel guilty for feeling the way I do about them. I do think that it is incredibly hurtful ans unfair to both them and my husband that I feel the way that I do and if the tables were turned and he was the one who hated my kids, he would have been out the door already. I don't honestly know what to do. I love my husband and don't want to lose him but I have been seriously considering divorce because this situation is screwed up all around. I can't be around his kids and we can never have all of the kids together as a family we tried that on Christmas and it was a disaster of epic proportions. Thinking of my future, I don't want them in my life long term. I don't want to see them on weekends, I don't want to go to their weddings or spend holidays with them or pretend to be a grandparent to their kids one day. I seriously shudder even seeing pictures of them now and I want them gone out of my life forever. I have tried to suggest divorce or even separation due to all of this and he just shuts down and won't listen to me. He says that he'd give me living without me. This entire situation is just such an emotional burden that I feel like I am at the end of my rope. Help!
*He says that he would die
*He says that he would die living without me
Sorry for all of the typos. I am using my phone and it autocorrects to things that make no sense. I can't figure out how to go back and edit the post.
then tell him to make a
then tell him to make a choice between reigning in his holy terrors, or planning his funeral.
Excellent answer
Excellent answer
Step son
I feel everyones pain my ss is 11 and his mother lives in the same town and still won't see him. My ss has thrown knives at me , just last week hr pulled two knives on my kids daughter whis 12 son who is 11 and noone will help he sees his counselor and all I get is it will take time wellits been 1,096 days. My children biological father was killed and my ss likes to rub it in thier face. My husband just says he will never change and I need to get use to it. My ss won't follow any rules, he passes his bed because "he feels like it" or "he didn't want to walk yo the bathroom" and he has been checked out nothing wtong,last year he would shit his pants and sit in it because he liked how it felt. The pissing thing is new , I think he does it to get under my skin. My husband says just ignore him but I'm expected to be the fulltime care giver to him
My marriage feels like a prison and I am becoming someone I never used to be
Reading your post sounded so much like my situation, I have tried to love my ss (by the way I have two) but this step son I have tried everything and nothing works and now his father defense him
Oh my...I have never met this
Oh my...I have never met this SS of yours, and I cannot stand him either..LOL....what a piece of work your husband continues to mold. A disability is no excuse for violence and horrible behavior. Disabled people conform to social standards.... even if they learn differently.
First, sorry you are having such a hard time of this...you do need and deserve a break from the constant stress as well as a total lack of parenting by your husband....husbands who do not parent point the finger in your direction--- to avoid ever parenting. Yes, and as these entitled children grow into adults--- who do not improve at all and life is h...ll on earth..that is, until you get away from them. You have to set boundaries with hb and get away from this dynamic. You will have to remove yourself and your children somehow-- just to get a little peace. I would not ever have his kids together again with my own; (would not want my kids to see and model HIS kids' spoiled behavior), if nothing more. I would insist on this to give personal attention to all children or I would find a place to get away from it all...you and your children do not deserve this level of stress and you are seriously stressed....
If I had to buy another place or apartment, just to see my kids and go back and forth, given the situation you describe...I would definitely do it.. You can go back home after your kids leave, but you have to find a better place for them; trust me...many of us live with these enmeshed men who cannot and will not parent their children...or adult kids. If you have a man like that, it is not likely he will change, so you will have to change. They never accept any responsibility for the behavior and somebody or something else will be the blame and it never changes...
Find a way to get peace restored in your life, do whatever it takes to protect both you and your children. Wishing you well.... keep us posted.
Oh....he will not die, but he does need counseling....
The skids are bad enough but
The skids are bad enough but your dh is also full of baloney. I would ditch him and his pack of monsters. I would worry about your together baby but it doesn't sound like your dh has his act together enough to spend much time with her/him.
These kids will put you into the funny farm. This man surely isn't worth it.
BTW, my ss15 is autistic and he is a real peach. He is not selfish, he is very compassionate and generous and concerned about others. The older he gets the calmer he gets. He is extremely lovable and if he were the only skid I had I would never have found this board. Wouldn't have been looking.
But at his mother's he can be much whinier and more dependent because she treats him like that.
Did you read my post? Because
Did you read my post? Because if you did you would see that I clearly said that its unfair to him and his kids to hold them to a different standard.....
Earlier in the same sentence
Earlier in the same sentence in fact. "I do think that it is incredibly hurtful and unfair to both them and my husband that I feel the way that I do...."
Sadly you have spawned with
Sadly you have spawned with this guy and your own child is now part of that gene pool. You will struggle to counter this with your own youngest. How will you protect your baby from its own father and siblings? You protect your elder kids from your husband and his prior relationship progeny. I see no easy solution for you or your baby. Good luck.
His kids live with birth mom
His kids live with birth mom and he visits with them every other weekend. They are two boys age 12 and 10. They are both on the spectrum. The 12 year old is about 5 mentally and the 10 year old is developmentally about 3. He cannot talk clearly enough to be understood and his writing and drawing is about at 2 year old level. I have 4 bio kids age 16, 12, 10, and 7 mo. My kids all live with me and visit bio dads almost every weekend.
Stepkids haven't been allowed to be at my house when my kids are here for about a year and a half. Its been about a year since I told my husband that they aren't allowed here at all. He seems to think that this will eventually change. It won't unless his kid grows a new personality and my husband recovers from his delusions, which I don't see happening.
I don't have any family to go stay with or to send my kids to stay with. I don't have any friends at all so that's not an option either. Basically he has to stay at his mom's with the kids or I have to endure them being here. We don't have the financial resources to pay for hotels or a second residence. We barely get by supporting 6 kids. This is part of why I am freaking out right now. In two weeks his mom will be couch surfing and the little demon children will be here. I had a massive panic attack when he told me.
No, no, no. Do not allow it.
No, no, no. Do not allow it. Ask him to find other accommodation. This is your home and things are already not working. Please don't.
Funny how many 'mothers' of problem kids either move away, become 'homeless' or just pass them off on others.
Holy hell, I told my DH that
Holy hell, I told my DH that my OSS wasn't allowed in our home without DH being here for a lot less than you have endured. I don't think I could tolerate anyone being so horrible to my own children as your DH and SS's is to yours. Why would you put your children though that hell? They only have one childhood and you are making it hell by living with an abusive kid and a horrible SD who wants to place all the blame on your kids. Hell NO!!!
My OSS and MSS treated my BS terribly. They would gang up on him, steal from him and even tried to get their friends to bully him at school. Before the stealing incident and the bullying, my DH used to think that it was all my BS's fault. It didn't take long for him to see the real truth after they stole from BS and I made it clear they were never allowed in my home without DH being here. DH now sees how horrible his sons were and are to this day.
I wasn't allowing it to continue. This is my BS's home and should be a place he feels safe.
Same for your children...they should feel safe in their own home.
Get the hell out. I don't judge your for feeling that way about your SS. I probably would feel the same. But I think you have stayed too long.
Even if you don't divorce, live separate until his kids are launched. But stop allowing your children to be the victims.
You should collect ample
You should collect ample evidence of the danger this kid would pose to your baby so that you eventually have it for, gaining sole custody of the child. This should be your main endeavour while you are still in the house.
C'mon you know it is finished. What is more amazing is that you have put up,with this crap for so long. I wonder about the effect all this bullying is having on your own kids. Your lemming-like insistence of your lurv for,DH being above all else = extreme selfishness.
Once you stop saying you "feel guilty" for hating the SS, how about feeling guilty for harming your own children? Get them away to,safety.
I think SMforever is right –
I think SMforever is right – you’re situation is completely untenable and is about to get worse. Your DH is a lazy parent who clearly isn’t going to change so you really only have one choice – divorce!
I think some of you might
I think some of you might have misunderstood what I wrote. My bio kids and step kids do not spend any time together and haven't for about a year and a half aside from attempting to have them together at Christmas this year which was a living hell because 12 year old ss was bouncing off the walls and annoying the hell out of everyone.
His kids live with their mother and he sees them every other weekend. I have told him I don't want them in my house and generally refuse to spend time with them. They have seen my baby maybe 4 times in the 7 months he has been alive and I am there supervising it the whole time.
12 year old ss does lash out but isn't extremely violent every moment of the day. I didn't mean to make it sound like that was the case. I was simply giving examples of bad behavior.
I 100 percent agree that my husband, his mother, and his ex-wife are the problem here. I have blatantly told him that for years and he just good into victim mentality.
I have been thinking about how I messed up having a baby with him but you can't return kids after they are born. So now I have to figure out how to coparent and you all have very valid points about my husband and his mother turning my baby into another monster. My husband got divorced when his kids were 2 and 4 and has had them at his mom's house during his visitations. She contributes horribly to the problem and has the same delusional mentality that my husband has when it comes to them. They think ss 12 is just a perfect little angel. It kind if makes me want to throw up. I absolutely refuse to allow my baby to be twisted in that environment if he has to go for visitation with his dad.
So here is a perfect example of what I am talking about. After being gbylted by my husband to spend time with his kids, I tried to spend the day with them on Saturday. We went to a river and ss12 was getting sweaty so my husband's mom very gently poured some water over his shoulders to cool him down. That pissed off 12 year old ss so he waits about 5 minutes until his grandma is sitting down next to the water, splashes water in her face and yells "That's for pouring water on my shoulders". This was ice cold river water and I was standing behind the grandma holding my baby so he got soaked and started screaming. And big effing surprise, dad and grandma did nothing. I was livid and chewed out ss. I told him that he should be ashamed of himself for treating his grandma that way. If it had been one of my bio kids they would have gotten an ass beating right there in front of everyone. That is so disrespectful and mean. But that is pretty typical. A few months ago my ss ate 3/4 of a tortilla, licked it so it was completely covered in drool and put it back in the tortilla bag when confronted he proceeded to stand there and lie to my husband and I for over 30 minutes, blaming his brother and saying "I would never ever do anything like that". It was him. After that huge ordeal my husband told him to go play outside. No punishment at all. He and grandma punish him by tell him to knock it off, to go watch a movie or to go play outside. Grandma feeds him cookie and pop 24 hours a day. He has pretty severe adhd so all of the sugar and TV watching makes him been more hyper. He is on ritalin and it seriously seems like it does nothing. He is always bouncing off of the walls and CONSTANTLY argues with any and every time you say. One time I told him that it was unhealthy to eat Jello and he goes "My Grandma gives me Jello. So you're telling me that I can never go see my grandma again??". Um....that's not even close to what I said. It is always some bullshit like that.
Just because people say 'they
Just because people say 'they can't help it' doesn't make it any easier to live with. Been thinking a lot about this myself as we have SS almost 18. He is rude, ignorant, selfish, dependent etc. He is very high functioning as in will be able to live alone eventually, so we are just trying to work towards that.
It is hard living with autism, bloody hard. Even with high functioning AS. All our natural ways of behaving and things we all do to be able to 'get along' with others are foreign to those with Autism and they don't care about it either so that makes it even more difficult. DH and I regularly feel like the two of us are a sort of supply unit in his eyes. There is no real feedback or interaction, just his needs being met. He has no empathy, he lies and steals and has shown no intention of stopping so we have to lock things up all the time. Personally, I can't wait for when the day comes that he will move out. He doesn't want to. He doesn't want to do anything other than play computers and eat. He doesn't want or think that learing to drive matters at all for example. He exects his father to ferry him about forever.... The only good thing is that his 'interest' is metal work and thats the path he is following at school and doing well so we have every hope he will get employment. Keeping it and getting along with people is another matter of course.
Children with autism can learn to lessen their unsocial behaviours. Control their outbursts to a limit etc. SS here has improved a lot and has been able to go to a 'normal' high school where he has really excelled and gets bullied less than in the special school. But... it is really hard work, you have to teach them sooo much and have to keep on it every. single. day. If the BM is not on board it will be even harder.
Watch out that he doesn't get rewarded unintentionally for behaviours that are unwanted. He needs to have strong boundaries and this can make AS people feel calmer. Try to restrict the screen times. All the time he is behind those screens he is not having social contact. Can you get him involved in some sort of scouting or organised activities?
To be honest it sounds like your DH does not want to put in the effort that is needed to improve the situation. This is a common reaction, parents just dont have the stamina for it especially with other kids around.
Oh sweet Jesus I am not
Oh sweet Jesus I am not alone. Thank you for the internet!!![Wink](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your comments. I posted this 10 months ago and have since finally found my voice in my marriage and in regard to skids. I finally told my husband how much I absolutely hate/loathe/despise his kids and how he needs to grow the fuck up and take accountability and responsibility for his children and his own role in raising them to be little monsters. I told him that I am emotionally traumatized by him and his kids, that I am furious about it, and that I am seriously considering divorce because I can't fucking deal with it anymore. I told him that I am choosing to end my relationship with his kids, that I want no part in their lives and do not want to ever spend any time with them again. I told him they are not allowed to set foot in this house and he has to have his visitation with them outside of the house. It did some good because my husband finally sought counseling and has been working quite hard on his emotional immaturity and learning how to accept responsibility for his actions and be accountable without blaming others. I have seen a lot of growth, which is positive. He also has finally admitted that even he finds it really hard to be around skids and doesn't particularly enjoy the time he is with them because they behave so horribly. He has started being much firmer with them and appropriately disciplining them but from what I hear, their mother continues to enable the horrible behavior and refuses to enroll them in the intensive therapies they need. 11 year old ss cannot read or write and draws at the level of a 4 year old. He was unable to speak clearly enough to be understood until a year ago. And he isn't severely mentally disabled. She just refused to get him into speech therapy and will not get them occupational or behavioral therapy despite it being free through her insurance.
Even with all of this, I still have this intense overwhelming rage and hatred inside of me when it comes to them. I have grown to be extremely resentful of the time and financial resources they leach from my husband and our household. Between my husband working full time and having to spend his weekends with them away from the house, I feel like I am raising our joint son as a single mother. My husband missed his first Christmas, his first Easter, his first steps, his first laugh, his first camping trip, his first time at the pumpkin patch, all because he was with the skids. I asked him if he could ask his ex-wife to take the skids this Easter so that my husband can be here for our son's Easter this year. He texted her and she called saying "Why can't skid 1 and 2 be part of son's special Easter celebration? Are they not liked?". That is another massive source of fury for me, my husband will not confront his ex-wife about the kid's behavior, need for therapy, or give her an explanation as to why they don't come here or see BS. She keeps asking and hinting that I am the problem and my husband just keeps telling her he doesn't have an answer for her. It really pisses me off that he is such a coward when it comes to this so I wrote BM a letter being brutally honest about why they aren't allowed here, gave examples of the insane shit they do when they are here, told her that I am not the problem, and told her she needs to get them the appropriate help. If no one is going to stand up for me and have a blunt conversation with her about her kids and their horrific behavior, I will. I don't care anymore. I know I will be blamed but I also know it's not my fault because I am not the one who raised these kids to be demons. She did. My husband did. They are responsible. Not my monkey's not my circus. Not my fucking problem anymore. I wash my hands of it.
My husband is clear on how I feel. He knows that I want out because of his kids and yet he still insists that what we have is worth holding on to because the skids will be out of the house one day and he still wants us to be together. I keep trying to hold on and most days are ok but whenever he brings up skids or he has to miss out on our BS's experiences, the rage boils up again and I want to just scream. I hate hate hate hate hate those little brats and wish they didn't exist. I don't really know how to continue in this marriage feeling this way.
Lets do a quick statement of the balance sheet.
First... You have already given DH the "common denominator" speech. One of my favorites by the way. Also one my dad used very effectively on his boys... me included.
That is a very strong action and a good one IMHO. Keep it up. Bare his ass on his own crap and the crap his kids perpetrate.
Second .... These kids are violent, destructive, profane, out of control, manipulative, abusive, etc, etc, etc... and you feel guilty and are calling yourself a witch. Really?
Far from indicating that you should feel guilty or are a witch.. the balance sheet points unequivocally to the absolute and incontestable fact that your DH is a complete and total waste of parental skin.
So, get out of your own head. Quit trying to think and resolve issues with emotion. Emotions don't work for analysis or problem resolution... and start focusing solely on the behaviors of your DH and the products of a very shallow and polluted combo gene pool of DH and his XW. Confront the behaviors with zero tolerance. Each and every time. No quarter, no compromise, no discussion. Total confrontation and destruction.
I would also suggest that you adopt a technology element to your behavioral confrontation strategy. Web cams. When DH starts whimpering and deflecting.... show him the footage, when his hell spawn do their thing.... go to the footage. Even though currently you are in a zero exposure mode with your Skids (a great idea IMHO) eventually they will be in your home and the footage will be golden in barring your idiot DH's ass on his deflection and gaslighting bullshit.
Your baby is lucky to have you and your influences to counter the high risk genetic and behavioral contribution that he has from his father. Protect your kids, take care of you.
Good luck.
I'm getting there...
Finding this post has helped me breathe a bit. I'm heading down the same frustrating path. My ss, age 11 was dx with high functioning autism, ADD over 8 months ago. To date zero plans or methods are in place for dealing with his behaviour. His biomom refuses to even tell the kid he's been dx. Plus they have another child (a sweetheart) that has very physical symptoms, but biomom refuses to get her tested. I could scream! Anyway, the son, he's two kids really, a master manipulator, zero feelings aside from anger. He can fake empathy, sympathy, but can't literally shed a tear. He can be great, but lately he's becoming intolerable. His biomom has custody, but she is not pushing for treatment, therapy or ADD meds, she just literally locks him up with video games. She got him a 42" gaming computer and I think he has at least 4 game systems. He has an IPAD as well, so her solution is put him away. He loves it.
At our house we don't allow any technology. No wifi password, ipods, laptops, internet. We play lots of board games, movie nights, outside games etc. We keep to a nice routine of proper meals and sleep.
Anyway, I can see why his mother throws him in a room. He's such a know it all, says stupid things he's made up. It's become so annoying, and his lies are enough that I can't stand being in the same room. He says stupid things to kids that as they get older, will punch him in the face. He doesn't get it at all. I'm so stressed from yet another weekend of him thinking he runs our show. Doesn't help that his biomom says he doesn't have to listen to us, esp me. To be honest he's always respected me, but when he arrogantly says stupid things to my husband I could knock him off his chair.
I have told him, just this weekend, that if he keeps it up, I'm not going to be here when he comes, but I think telling my husband he can go to them instead sounds pretty darn good. One big thing I learned from this forum is that I need to remind my hubby the kids are HIS and if it's not fun for me, he can deal with them on his own. It's a sense of relief really to tell him the kids aren't my parenting issue. I have my own (adult) Bio son.
So, this was a vent I needed, I do feel really bad I think angry thoughts, but I think without professional intervention for ss's dx, its going to be a long road ahead...
I hate my SS too. Like
I hate my SS too. Like actually hate him. He’s 7 years old and has ADHD. He has the world’s worst mother. I have no advice, but you’re not alone.....
You too!
I believe a lot of hate we feel towards our step kids is because we are being forced to parent a child we didn't have. My son has a learning disability and I remember how frustrated my ex-husband's girl would be when trying to go over homework with my son. Mind you this was before he was diagnosed. Hell, we were all frustrated but I appreciated her for the time she took with my son though it was not a requirement. My ex and her ended up breaking up. He confided to me like I cared, that she felt overwhelmed being a stepmom especially when she didn't have kids of her own. I told my ex I understood her feelings and its not fair to force someone to parent your child. Make sense? I hate my stepdaughter for numerous reasons. Her awful attitude, smell, and overall appearance but I hate her mom and truthfully my husband more. I didn't sign up to take care of a kid that I can't parent the way I do my own. And if they don't want parent her don't force me.
No way in hell
I hate your stepson too. Listen to walk away from this mess. If your husband isn't doing enough that's not on you. I won't go anywhere by myself with my stepdaughter. She is truly a weirdo and borderline sociopath and I can't deal. Your stepson is your husband's child, not yours. I will take it a step forward I don't force my husband to take my kids anywhere without me. If he chooses to then ok but he isn't required. When his children are there with us we do things as a family 99% of the time. But when he just want to spend time with his kids I don't trip. Be a stepparent and nothing more.
I get it
I have 3 stepsons, two of them are on the spectrum. The oldest is high functioning and the youngest is lower functioning.
Let me just say, your stepchildren are in need of protective services. Your husband and bio-mom are guilty of medical neglect. You should have reported this situation to child services a loooong time ago. Do it now.
Glad I’m not the only one!
Thank goodness I’m not the only one struggling
i have two step kids two bio kids
only the one ss lives with us full time.
My two bio kids do weekends with us.
My ss sounds like yours to a tee, same examples lol. Recently I broke down to my hubby saying I can’t look after ss anymore, I needed a break from parenting, a break from the embarrassing moments being out and about with him.
Every day his teacher reports on his behaviour, he’s hurt this child or he was unable to go play at lunch do to bad behaviour. I recently spend an hour with his teacher apologising that I hadn’t been coming in to pick him up as I was too embarrassed to be around the other parents, who will assume that he is my bs. One little class mate is even having night terrors about ss!
We discussed how he was going at home and school and that I was really struggling at home now. He gives me no respect, is just mean to me. I’m a kind mum, I try really hard to be nice. I like having rules tho, and I believe because of this my bc are respectful and polite to anyone.
I was told in this meeting with the teacher, at the recent school camp ss went to, they almost rang us to pick him up, no one could control him. The principal was there, even he doesn’t understand what we can do with him. He has even suggested he may be a psychopath. That’s huge coming from a school principal.
Last night my dh had a huge melt down absolutely lost his rag at me in the car
because I told him to shut up
i usually don’t use that word as I don’t like it, but he was answering me back every time I told him to do something. Dh told me to never talk to him like that, we were in the car at the time and he did a massive skid in car
I freaked out, and wanted out of the car my bd was in the car pleading to get out too
he slowed down, but didn’t talk all the way home
i can see ss causing us soo much stress, I don’t know if I’m capable of this anymore.
He had been diagnosed with adhd and austism
but honestly I believe it to be bad behaviour
even his teacher agrees with me, and she’s been teaching for 40 years!
Getting Bitter and Resentful!
OMG I'm sooo glad I found this forum! I am losing my ever-loving mind and have nowhere to turn. I am stepmother (monster in his eyes) to a 19 yr old with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome!! This kid can be so sweet and very considerate when he wants to..but as soon as he's bored (he never seems to be into anything but looking at his pokemon cards or spending money, I have tried numerous things and nothing seems to keep his attention for long), tired, moody he becomes spiteful and manipulative. I am the one he starts making ignorant, hateful comments to. I asked him one day why he does it, why he likes to see me angry. He told me it was fun!!!
I'm going to lose it, seriously so close to the end of my rope. Everything will be ok for a little while, the household will run smoothly then all of a sudden he's just the worlds biggest jackass! I've tried talking to his father about the behaviour and while he acknowledges there is an anger issue developing he seems to not be very interested in finding a way to deal with it. I don't know if its guilt, or if he doesn't want his son to be upset in any way..but basically this kid is always trying to run our household. His mother is not in the picture and has not seen him since he was a toddler, so there is no weekend breaks, nothing at all.
I feel like the biggest piece of crap because this kid is getting under my skin and I can't help these feelings of hate I am starting to feel toward him! I just keep counting down the days til he's done school (next year) and we can start finding housing for him!
So, take away the Pokemon
So, take away the Pokemon cards and all money, send him on a wilderness survival adventure trip where he gets to feed himself, hike for dozens of miles a day, eat bugs, be dirty, stinky and either choose to be miserable or get into it, thrive and grow in character.
Military School did the trick for my SS. But for a dependent 19yo... I think the wilderness survival experience would work well.
Totally relate!!
I understand exactly how you feel!! My stepson is 8 and I can not stand him. He has adhd/ autism and his bio parents refuse to medicate him. His mom does not discipline him at all, she just blames his bad behavior on his "disability". It drives me crazy because when it's just him and I he behaves but when his dad is around he is a whiny, destructive, nightmare!! He also talks or makes weird noises non-stop, it drives me nuts. I feel bad for feeling this way towards him and I have tried to just get over it but nothing seems to work. He gives me such bad anxiety I really don't want to be around him!
Me too
My ss12 had hf autism and I also hate that kid with a passion. He acts the same way as yours done and hes coddled the death. He also goes around the room telling everyone how special he is because he has autism and that HCBM hates us for trying force thru court that he to get to OT PT Speech and regular therapy. The kid is bloody Satan himself.
May i PM you?
I also can't separate the logic and emotions and it has destroyed my marriage.
My son has autism and I love
My son has autism and I love him because he's my son. I can't stand my step who has special needs. It's very hard when you don't have mother love.
This is likely to not be a
This is likely to not be a popular perspective, but.. .here it is.
Autism far more often than not is an excuse for shitty parents to be shitty parents. Yes, some kids are legitimately on the spectrum and require recognition of that and reasonable accomodation for their autism. However, in my experience most of those with autistic kids are just shitty parents.
The way to address any bully is to kick their ass. Autistic or not. So, your child wupping StepBro ass when StepBro attacked him is exactly the right response IMHO. I also think that your child should have given your DH clarity that if is illbehaved feral spawn ever hit one of your children again that it would result in the feral spawn having his head ripped off and your child shitting in his lungs (figuratively of course) so StepDaddy needs to man up and deal with the result of his shitty parenting or watch his child(en) keep getting their asses kicked when they pull their toxic bullshit and get violent with your children.
What about this POS makes you want to stay with him? He is a failed man, a failed father and a failed husband... more than once.
Quit letting him use the Dx of autism in his children as an excuse to be a shitty parent and to guilt you into tolerating he and his prior relationship spawn.
Quit allowing he and his toxic spawn to invade your home. Ever. Do what you can to protect your children and particularly your youngest from this shallow and polluted gene pool. I see no other option for you as a quality parent.
Good luck.
I actually cried reading these comments!
I just googled "I hate my step son" and this is what came up. It's so overwhelming to know I'm not the only one. I feel like such a bad person...and I've never felt this much hatred previously ( barring 2 abusers ) He lives with us full time and even his father can't stand him but he's a "fix his F ups kinda guy" and as a result he's trying to give this kid the best chances to succeed in life. But also as a result I am the one that deals with him and disciplines.
He has even called the cops and told them we abuse him/take drugs etc. And he wanted to go to his maternal grandmother because we were lying scum C's ... We said fine take him ( cop had to drive him an hour away because the grandmother refused to come get him) we didn't bother contacting him/them and a few months later she rang begging us to have him back. Literally nobody wants him. His Paternal grandmother will occasionally offer to have him a night to give us a break but if she ever has unexpected visitors or other grandkids she sends him back as she doesn't want him around them.
He's lazy, filthy, ( literally I search his room for mouldy food regularly. He isn't starved. Never misses a meal no matter how shit he's been, and usually eats more and better than most adult males, he also gets rich food. Steak, sea food etc) he steals, lies, stinks. Always reeks. He makes the whole house smell. He walks around outside and stares in the windows at us, breaks things. We went on a family holiday to my bs wedding and leaving the resort I checked bedrooms for anything missing. He had used MY TINTED FACE CREAM to masturbate with, in both beds in the twin room, all over blankets and sheets and up the wall. Cut his finger cutting bread .. that's fine allowed to eat and accidents happen, made NO attempt to clean the blood, ate the slice of bread, put the rest of the bloody bread back for us to eat, put blood literally everywhere, stove, splash back, wall, roof, sink, blind, fridge, pantry door, floor, in the bathroom all over floor and wash basin then went outside doing stuff. Even our animals don't like him. He gives me depression and anxiety. I live for holidays where he goes to his m grandmother but with current lock down conditions he's here 24 seven. I was in another relationship where I had a sd, I loved and still love her. And am still in contact with her. I used to have her for visitation from her Mum after I left her father ( he was an abuser). I like and generally get on well with kids of all ages. But I hate my step son.
How old is your SS? He sounds
How old is your SS? He sounds like a freaking sociopath. Does he has any special condition diagnosed? It doesn't seems like he remorse what he does to anyone at all.
My SS12 had threatened to call the police on us once (because he thinks we are too strict and it's all "US against HIM" and that he's being abused), I told him straight to go ahead, just be aware that the one would be taken away is him, not us. And that if he's taken away he would either be in Forster care of his mom's. He dropped that thought right away and never to mention again. (I very much like the idea he being taken away and never comes back, as long as the situation is not that he's arrested for any crime..)
Unforturnately I don't have any useful advice to share..we live with SS12 24/7 as well and it has been hell. I can only say I feel your pain![Sad](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/sad.gif)
Your DH sounds aspergers as well
Man...this mom enabled his immaturity and BS...He enables it...and so the cycle continues.
Did you ever get out?
My situation is I'm expected to raise his kids 90% of the time, no BM in the picture bc she cant handle them either.
My biokids dont feel safe with demon SS around, my only peace is when I convince someone from DH family to take him for the day. As soon as he's back that's all shattered....don't get me wrong,he has his good or sweet moments, but his K teacher hit the nail on the head when she said he has 2 different personalities.
I thought I could "love it out of him" but as the months and then years go by i went from living, to disliking, to hating now and super bitter that he's made my life miserable, my BD miserable, made me unable to have alone time with either if my biokids, and made me lose my 1 chance to raise my daughter happily, just me her & her brother happy & learning & playing together BEFORE SKs!!
BUT I love my husband more than any man I've ever known....i don't want to lose him....but I don't want to stay MISERABLE.
If he knew he'd think I was a monster. If his family or general public knew they'd say "package deal, gotta accept & love them all" just like you said & thought. And I hate "you knew what you were getting into" no. No we did NOT. I should have gone with my gut instincts after that first abusive play date...but I felt BAD for the child....i thought if his BM was gonna mess him up and dump him, he NEEDED ME to help mold him.....but there's something fundamentally broken in this kid that we just can't fix.improved his violence? Yes, for now, God knows what he'll be like when hormones start flowing....and he's plenty verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusive to all of us, even if he stopped biting.
Did you get divorced? Did his whole damn family take over your house??
I think that no matter how a
I think that no matter how a child is, you still need to love him. This is one of the few people in the whole world who will be by your side anyway ... Try to distract yourself. Perhaps you devote too much time to the child, which is why you separated from the whole world around you. Try to find activities that really inspire you. Perhaps then you can distract yourself from all your problems. Also, try to find a person who motivates you to do good things. I understand that this is very difficult to do, but support is really very important these days. New acquaintances will help you with this. I hope you can handle this problem. Good luck!
Cant help it my ass. I know
Cant help it my ass. I know several autistic kids who went from being feral ill behaved animal children to tolerably behaved young people when their parents put an end to tolerating the excuse driven crap.
I know that not all Austistic kids are capable of reasonable behavior. But... parenting has a huge influence over child behavior. Even for austistic children.
He has disabilities and you are being an asshole
Seriously come on
It is your fault for marrying him anyway
And hating disabled kids is a horrible thing to do
I know this is a super old post
But you can volunteer to adopt the kid in question.
matter of fact, adopt them all, save them from the assholes like us.
I know, i hate when people
I know, i hate when people act like just because someone has disabilities, others are obligated to let themselves be abused. If the kid is so mentally disabled that they don't know right from wrong or can't control themselves, their parents have an obligation to make it so the kid's behavior doesn't harm others. I was jogging on a trail in the woods and a man with mild autism tried to drag me off and rape me. I fought him off and called the cops. If this guy can't be responsible for his actions, then whoever is should have kept him out of those woods. I didn't feel obligated to be raped because the "poor" guy is mentally disabled. Nobody's dog or small child is obligated to be strangled because little Johnny has behavior issues.
Unconditional love does not mean unconditional acceptance of
toxic behavior.
Special needs, mental illness, etc... does not excuse toxic behavioral choices.
Baring a truly debilitating condition that foregoes choice. As rare as that may be, my tendency is to hold those chosing toxicity to own that toxicity and the consequences that that toxicty should bear. Regardless of influencing factors.