Life with SS is breaking me
I'll start from the beginning. I fell in love with my husband after knowing both him and his wife for many years. We were all going through pretty uncomfortable divorces, and my now husband and I were close friends, leaning on each other for support when there was no one else. His ex-wife is now convinced, and has announced to the world, that we were cheating for 2 years...not true, but I've learned that people can say what they want.
I have three children of my own, 5 year old twins and 7 year old. He has one, 5. His son has always been "bad". When he was still married to the child's mother, he had a reputation for being the bullying kid even at 2-3 years old. He screamed in my yard during a time out once when they came over. He bit his church teacher. It's not a new thing. Problem is, my husband tries to blame the divorce for the behavior and act like it wasn't an issue before. My kids have always been well-behaved...normal kids that aren't perfect, but well-behaved. When SS5 is here, he is wild, and no matter how much I try, it eventually rubs off on the other kids and chaos ensues to the point I wish none of them were here. I have developed extreme anxiety. My SS is rude to me. When my husband is not here it is 1000 times worse. I try to tell him the worst of the worst, but I feel like if I tell him everything he does it will seem like I am picking on a 5 year old. We have been living together for 2 years and SS has been in counseling much of the time due to his behavior (which is not just horrendous here, but at daycare as well). He throws tantrums that have my blood pressure rising just thinking about it now. I feel like we have gotten no where in the last 2 years...but I will hear my husband telling his ex that SS was well-behaved this weekend...(I'm wondering when...when he was sleeping??) I know that if it was my child, I might be in denial as well, but I feel like I'm overdoing the discipline with my kids to make up for his behavior because I really have no control of him. He was recently tested for asbergers, but determined not to have question is how do you come up with a thought as severe as a child possibly having asbergers, then just drop it and not continue trying to find a resolution to behavior like this? Personally, he is classic, but I don't think either parent filled out the questionnaire honestly. My husband would ask me questions on it and it was hard to answer honestly for me since my feelings are that the child needs boot camp at age 5, but when I would suggest things, my husband would "meet in the middle". If I thought the behavior was a 3 on a scale from 0-3, he would put a 1. How do you help a child that you are denial has a problem?
My kids don't like when he's around. My husband wishes his ex would fall off the face of the earth. I don't want to be his biological mother. I would probably end up in a mental facility if I had to parent him every day. (We currently have him one night a week and every other weekend, but has recently turned into Thursday to Monday weekends since I think mother is exhausted by him.). I talk little to not at all about this with my husband because he thinks I'm not trying hard enough so I'm afraid we will just fight about it. We fight about NOTHING else, so I feel like it's my fault if I can't get beyond this.
I know I am the adult, but is it wrong for me to not want to try so hard when the child will sit in front me and say that he loves everyone in the house except me? There's only so much one person can take. I am considering going to counseling just so I can vent about it but I don't want my husband to know. I love him with all my heart and truly thought that because we love each other so much everything would just be easy. My kids definitely have moments with him, but they love him so much. They on the other hand don't have as actively involved of a father so my husband is a very active role in their life. My SS has a mother and I am not trying to take her place.
I am so terrified to talk about this, but even now after SS has gone home from a 5 day weekend with us, I am on the verge of breaking down, sitting her by myself.
- lookingforhope's blog
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I think you need to speak to
I think you need to speak to your husband...and get it all on the table and be honest. If he won't listen to you, you are going to have to make a decision. The situation is not going to change if hubby and the ex have their heads stuck in the sand and are choosing to ignore the issues.
I feel for you. As Step parents, we all have Skid behavior issues that our SO's don't want to admit to or do anything about. If you say anything, you are picking on their child and their frustration ends up on you. It can seem like a never ending battle.
Good luck, I hope it works for you.
~I'm an angel! Honest! The horns are just there to keep the halo up straight.~
My fiance's son was just
My fiance's son was just diagnosed with aspergers syndrome. If you really think it is that (and are truly able to recognize it...I teach kids with it, so i see it every day) then you need to have a sit-down with hubby and really talk about the issues. Get some literature on it from the internet. It is NOT a life sentence, as long as it is dealt with properly!!
I have had some awesome kids in my classes throughout the years who just needed the right supports!
Nothing is going to get better if the kid doesn't get help, whatever the issue is. If both parents won't do anything, because of guilt or whatever, it will only get worse.
My fiance did listen to me and he was finally diagnosed. It took some nudging to get the testing done and FDH had to find a way to trump his ex's objections. Although he has custody so it wasn't hard. Ultimately DH and BM are the ones who will make these decisions and you are left with the ramifications of whatever they decide.
If they won't get help for their child, you have a very hard decision to make. Can you deal with it or not...
Hope this helps some,
No, not a close friend first
No, not a close friend first off. I just knew them both as a couple years before. She was always crazy. After being divorced, my friendship with my now husband grew into something more. Anyway, thanks for the support on a "support site."
Anyway, I'm just disappointed that a counselor would suggest something as severe as asbergers...not just like, oh he's hyper or something, then decide there's nothing there...we have been round and round. His school suggested he be evaluated by the IU last year. They were of little help either. We have 3 other children in the house that are highly affected by his behavior and since I really don't have the authority to take him elsewhere to be evaluated, we are at the mercy of what they say is wrong...which just when we think someone realizes there's an issue, a damper is put on it and it fizzles... I don't really interact with BM, but she is a bit crazy and will go around saying SS is smartest in his class, blah, blah, blah. Which yes, everyone thinks their kid is great, but he is 5 and just starting to recognize his letters. School acknowledged some delays, pediatrician suggested being held back, but suddenly he's "brilliant" and there are no issues. I am having a hard time figuring out how you explain to the other kids that are the same age why they are disciplined differently, or more harsh, when they are just kids too.