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Called That One

over step's picture

DH talked to Puke last night and asked her when she would be coming next. She said she didn't know because she didn't think her mom would bring her. There may be some truth to this but if Puke really wanted to her mom would do it. Then it was mentioned that maybe she could make it up this summer with an extended visit. She can't stand being here for a week so I doubt she'll come for more than a couple days if that.

My prediction (and they seem to be right on point) is that she won't come unless she and/or her mom need a break from each other. Even then will be difficult with her new job. Can't just leave whenever she wants.

I feel bad for DH but I will try my best to fill that void and make him happy. I sure am! We are planning an anniversary trip in a couple months and projects for this Spring and Summer. He won't have time to sit around and wallow. Plus he'll have lots to tell Puke about and I'll be sure to post lots on FB so she can see what's going on here without her.


over step's picture

Well DH knows that if we have something planned it takes priority. Puke will be TSOL.

I figured I would do things that DH has been wanting to do so he can tell Puke how Over did this for me or with me.

I continue to say nothing when DH talks about Puke other than "hmmm" or "yeah". Then I change the subject by talking about things he wants to do or talk about.