DH is hypocrite
Two days ago on the way to SS counselors appt. DH asked 6 year old SS if he still crawls in bed with BM. SS couldn't answer, he clammed up and wouldn't answer. DH kept at him saying he would ask his mother and of course then SS admitted that yes he still does. Something along the lines as he does before he goes to bed or watches TV and then she puts him in his bed. Really didn't get a straight answer. At counselor DH was rather upset and told counselor this is still going on.
Since I am pregnant I havn't been sleeping well at all. I have been in spare bedroom since DH husband snores, must sleep with TV on, and I pee 20 times a night. I need quiet dark and all I do is toss and turn since I can't sleep on my back anymore. This morning before alarm goes off I hear DH going into SS room telling him there is no school cause of weather. I go out on couch to watch the who else is out. I teach school too so my school was closed. Try to go back to sleep but couldn't go into master bedroom to get something out of my bathroom and who is in bed with DH????? I just looked at DH and said, "what a joke. can't get mad at mom for doing that now can you." slammed door and walked out. I am so mad right now that if it wasn't for horrible weather I would pack my bags and stay at my parents until SS goes back on Sunday.
- Elle36's blog
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I can't talk about the whole sleeping with the kid thing. I never put my daughter in bed with me as a baby. But the day that girl got out of her crib she would climb into my bed in the middle of the night. I should be ashamed to say that it lasted until she was 12 years old. My nephew, also slept me anytime I slept at their house. The kid is 8 now. The only reason it stopped is because of my BF.
But in my case, I was a single mother all those years. You, you poor thing. I don't blame you for getting pissy at the situation. You share that bed with DH (if you are lucky), your pregnant and
uncomfortable. And you are correct, it is completely hypocritial of him to look down on it at the therapist and let him do it at the house.
He's sending that boy very mixed messages.
Hang in there. Jo
This is controversial
he is sending mixed signals....
I let my kids sleep with me, it started with me breastfeeding and having to work, and then again at ages 1 and 3, when I divorced and they would horse around that the only way I would get some sleep was if they were in with me. As time progressed this time was spent with me reading to them and when they learned how to read.. them reading to me. With the hectic life of a single mom, this was some of the best quality time we shared during the school week. As they got older we called it party talk-- we shared our dreams, make plans for vacations, etc... It is a shame that this was the only uninterrupted time we had together during the week. When I met DH he thought it wierd, but eventually said hmmm I understand. (DH and I never shared a bed when the girls were home with us, until we married.)The girls did have their own room and would sleep in it willingly --no issues of transition when we got married. And now, the DH is out of town and they (11 & 13) slept with me last night... Popcorn, a movie and party talk!!! Really the only bummer was when the youngest was potty training and she would come home from their dad's exhausted and well...
But different strokes for different folks.
I think this is not a big
I think this is not a big issue for me at all. They can sleep in our bedroom but not all the time. - Mallory Fleming